Glass tl 5En"
Book JL__
Colonel 104th O. I'. /., 1862-64; Brigadier-General of Vclunletrs, 1864-65.
The 104th Regiment
Ohio Volunteer Infantry
1862 TO 1865
Ai riioK oi" ">ci:n(. Ks ok thf, Rkhelliox
I lia\ c Ioul;' Ix-cn impressed with the t";icl that tiiiK- is t'ast
olihtciatiuL;- the iiiemorics ot" the exeiits w hieh transpired amoiK*-
the rank and tile ot' those ^leat armies, which, in tlie war of "The
(ireat Shi\ ehohlers" Reliellion." linalK tiiumphed oxer treason
and (hsunion, and phieed our helo\ ed eountr\ in the front rank of
Christian nations, stiiick the shackles tVom tour jiiilhon skives, and
estahhshed the su])reme aulliority of the Federal republic in
these I'nited States. So in the spring- of iSS^, I hejj^an writino-
an account of the traxels. ser\ ices, antl doin!L(s <renerallv of the
i().|th ()hio N'olunteer Infantix, in thai war. from ,\unust. 1862,
to June 28, 1865. w hen the "hox s" w eie Ihialh discharL^ed from
the sei'xice. "l^eminiscences of the Rebellion,"" as that series of
l)aj)ers w as called, soon came to the notice of considerable mnnbers
of ex-members ot" the regiment, and on August 6, 188:;. at the
16th annual reunion of the rcL^iment, a resolution was carrieil by
wl-rich I was authorized to revise them for use as a history of the
reijiment. This re\ ision is, in substance, the same material as the
'•Reminiscences ot" the Rebellion," with all the incidents per-
sonal to myself, and not of an Instoiical character, carefulh
expunged from the work. Resides this I ha\ e tried to t^^et as t'ull
and complete a roster of officers of the rei^iment and of oiHcers
and soldiers of each ami every compan\ as is now possible.
Well knowing- that this t'ails to .>;"i\e all there was of" interest in
the ser\ ices of the loph. m\ onl\- apoloL;\ will be that 1 have
tried to t^ixe a full anil fair account of e\ er\ incident oi" the
rei;iment"s history, and that wherein I max haxe failed has been
iluv to a lack of knoxvle(lj.i-e.
Yours. N. .A. PI^^■E^'.
THE 104TH O. V. I.
cil\i''I'i:k I.
Probablv no c\ cut recorded in inodern liistorx hioiiirht alxjiit
so sudden and radical a chan<2^e in tlie thoii<^hts and jnirsuits of
anv ])eoi)le as llie tirin<;- on Fort Sunipter, liy liie rebels of the
South, in April, iS6i. Before this the union-lovin;^ Northern
people could not helie\ e that the Southrons would take the
chances of a desolatin<^- ci\ il \\ ai- to <lestro\- a j^on ernnient under
which they had grown rich and powerful, only because the\'
could no longer dictate the policy, and control the destiny of the
nation. Raised in peacefid times, the Northern people loved
peace, for the security and prosperity it brought them, and they
could scarce beliex e the South in earnest till the boom of Southern
cannon undeceived them. Then a sudden and mighty "change
came o'er the spirit of their dream." From that hour the business
of our people for four long, wear\ vears was making war. and
war on the most gigantic scale recorded in historv. At the sum-
mons of President Lincoln, all the farms and workshops in the
land were set to wo]'k, raising supplies, and making munitions of
war; while the \()ung and middle aged men flew to arms, and
formed into companies and regiments to do and, if need be, to
die for their countrx'. Xearlv the whole male population became
enrolled in companies called home guards, who met generally for
drill on Saturday afternoons at the township centers. Through-
out the Western Reser\ e of Ohio the war spirit was intense, and
early in the spring of iS6i regiment after regiment of her stal-
wart sons had been sent to the front. Of these the 7th. 13th.
19th, 20th, 23d, 41st, 42d, and 45th Infantry: the 2d and 6th
Cavalry, the ist Tvight Artillerv; and the 6th. 14th. and 19th
Independent liatteries ga\ e proof on a score of blood\ Helds
that in soldierly tpialities the citizens of Northeastern ()hio were
sc-coiul to iioiu'. More than a \(.'ar liad ])assc(l. The Western
troops had gained \ iclor\ after \ ictory in Kentucky, Tennessee,
Mississippi. Missouri, and ^\'est \'ir_oiiiia ; yet the war for the
L'nion seemed as far from an end as e\ er. The incompetency,
not to sa\ treaciier\ . of our commanders liad more than counter-
hahmced the successes we had gained, and midsummer of 1862
found the mai^nificcnt arnn of tlie Potomac frittered away in the
ad\ance from ^'orkt()wn to I^ichmoiid, and Lee liad used up one
after another of McL'leUan's (h\ isions in detail, while he could
ha\e lieen easih crushed at once had the l'nion forces been
handled 1>\ a xij^orous commander. And the same co\vardl\'
spirit seems to ha\ e seized some of the Western commanders,
who allowed Kirl)\ Smith and i^ray^-. with inferior forces, to
dri\ e them almost out of Kentucky. The situation was indeed a
<4i'a\ e one when, on July i, 1S62, the President issued a call for
three lumdred thousand additional troojjs. and on the 4th of
Auj^ust another call for three hundred thousand more.
Measures were immediately taken to or^ani/e fifty thousand
men from Ohio. Recruitino- camps were established at con-
\enient points, the work of recruitin*^, ()rii^anizin<y, and equip-
yi'wvs, \yent steadih on. and h\ the first of October more
than fift\ new regiments w ere in the field thirsting; for a chance
at the enenn . Much of this ardor had cooled of!" h\ the end of
three \ears of acti\ e campaigning-.
Among the new regiments called into the seryice by the
President's proclamation of July i. 1S62. \yas one of ten com-
panies aggregating one thousand and se\ enteen men, rank and
Hie. who \yere musteretl into the seryice at their rendezyous at
]VIassilk)n, August 30, 1862; with James W . Reilly, of Wellsyille,
as colonel; Asa S. A'lariner, of Akron, as lieutenant-colonel; and
Lauren I). Woodworth, of Ra\ enna. as major. Four of the ten
companies came from Columbiana count\', three from Stark, two
from Portage, and one from Sinnmit. The men \yere mostly
large and lust\ tello\ys. in the prime of life, and the regiment was
always acknoxyledged to be one of the finest appearing, best
drilled, and disciplined, and soberest and most trustworth\- bodies
of soldiers to be found in the army. One of those men was the
writer, who seryed with the regiment through to the end of the
war, and was generalh present for duty. August 30, 1862, we
vyere mustered into the seryice as the 104th Ohio \"olunteer
Infantry, to serye three years imless soont^r discharged.
liiJiTIl RlidlMENT. 7
As soon as \\f \\ c'lX' imistcrcil in. wc drew our arms and
Jiccoutrc'inciits. and in tlu' aftt-rnoon marched in rc\ iew before
G()\ernor 'I'od, \\ lio made a speech in \\ liich he predicted tliat
the war would soon close and we wouhl he at lionie in time for
the Christmas li<)hda\s. Sulisecpient e\ents pro\ ed how much
lie knew altout it. Septemher liist w f took the train for Cin-
cinnati, w hei(.' we arri\ ed the next morninj^-, and crossed over to
Cc)\in^ton. where we (hned <>n mustai'd. seasoned with a little
bread and meat, and then marched out to Canip King, where I
was immediateU put on picket dut\ . and then and there entered
on the active life of a soldier.
September third, two days aftei ciossing the ri\er. we were
moved to the south of Co\ in<j,ton. at a new earthwork called Fort
Mitchell, and innnediately started out on the Lexington pike,
where some of oui" new troops had l)een having a brush with the
enenn . Here we met the loist Ohio coming in on double quick.
The\ had met tlie w hole rebel army out beyond the woods, and
liad lieen all cut to pieces; which apjieared likel\, as many of
them had thrown awa\- hats, knapsacks, and guns, and thev
presented al)out as mucii the appearance of soldiers as a mob of
school bovs out for a holida\ . It was no use to try to stop them:
go into town thev would, and did. Ordered to the double cjuick.
we were making good time forward when a volley from the
woods ahead brought us to a sudden halt. Company A. in
the advance, lost one man killed and two wounded. Companies
A,-F, D, and I, in the advance, w ere immediately filed out to the
left and right to be deploved as skirmishers. A ball whizzed over
the heads of Companv D. and e\ ery man dodged as if he ex-
pected to l)e hit. but ne\ er a man liroke step out of the ninety
greenhorns in line. The lieutenant called a halt, and stepping out
in front of the column, swinging his sword aloft, shouted in
thunder tones: "Men. von are in the presence of the enemy: the
first man I see flinch, I'll cut ofl' his head with my sword." The
speech was characteristic of the man. Overpowered by his
responsibilitv. he was determined that no man in his command
should show the white feather. We were deployed, and ad-
vanced to the cover of a ra\ ine. from w hich a desultorv fire was
kept up through the rest of the day, when we were marched
back to Fort Mitchell, having covered ourselves all over with
gUn^v without the loss of a man except as before mentioned.
Among those most conspicuous on this occasion I must not forget
8 J /IS TO in' OF THE
to mention tlie '•sciuirrcl hunters," who came to their country's
rescue in the time of its dire necessity, and with a squirrel rifle in
one liand and a ])um])kin pie in the otlier. climl)ed the hei<^hts of
Cincinnati to tjet just one cliance at the rehel in\ aders assenihled
three miles on the other side of the Ohio. Next day an advance
w as made in force, Init the terrihle horde, which had come all the
w i\ from Tennessee to carry fire and sword throuj^^h the trem-
blin<Jj North, had \ anished, the siege of Cincinnati was at an end,
and the country 1)reathcd once more; and the invincible "scjuirrel
hunters" retired to their firesides, followed by the plaudits of an
admiriuL;- and jj^rateful people.
The next Wednesday we started out on the road south toward
Lexin;^ton, makint^ short stops at Florence, Walton, and Critten-
den. At the latter place, for the first time in Kentucky, we found
all the people loyal to the core. They had been harrassed and
roV)l)ed by the rebels, and their jo\ was unbounded at their de-
liverance. But it was not for long. A complete change took
place among the generals of the "Army of Central Kentucky," as
we were called. General Boyle was placed in command of the
department, and Generals Lew Wallace and Granger superceded
bv Generals Q. A. Gillmore and Judah. Gillmore, one of the
best artillerists and engineers in the army, proved to be a regular
nincompoop as a general in the field. Almost every day, and
sometimes twice a day, we were called into line to listen to
general orders, issued on almost every imaginable subject, from
the wisdom at headquarters. No greater martinet ever lived
than General Judah, the commander of the second brigade, to
which the 104th now became connected. From the regular army?
and a miserable, drunken debauchee, he cared no more for the
rights or comfort of volunteers than if they were so many hogs.
The dav following our arrival at Crittenden, he assumed com-
mand, and immediately broke camp and marched back to a place
between Florence and Walton, and established his headquarters
at Florence. He rode into camp, the next day, just in time to see
two men of Company A, who had been on picket, come in, each
carrying two chickens in his hands. Following them to their
compan\-, he immediately (ordered them to be bucked and gagged,
and to remain in that condition cner night. Captain Steryl had
no more than carried this order into efl'ect when Colonel Reilly
appeared on the scene. The Colonel was a big, burly son of the
Emerald Isle, with an immense head crow ned Iw a mammoth
KMT J/ 1{E(^IME.\T. 9
>h<)ck of ji^ri/.zly hair and bearded like the jiard. His temper, at
no time sweet, was now aroused to tlie fii^htinj^ pitch, and striding
u]) to Captain Ster\ I he thundered out: "Release those men:
and it" ever I see anotlier man of m\ command hacked and
«;a<j«^cd in tliis refjjiment, while I command it, I "II put handcutl's
on the otiicer who dares to do it."" Then turninj^ to (ienerai
Jiidah, the enraged Colonel t'airK shrieked; "It e\er nou come
into this command with an\ more such orders. Til let da\light
through vour d d hide." lie could swear a l)lue streak at the
slightest provocation, and now the air was tairK loaded w ith the
hrimstone smoke as he stormed and tumed till his tem])er cooled
down. The experiment was ne\ er repeated. The hoys had all
along regarded the Colonel as a \ er\ tyrant, hut as time wore on
we found him a friend indeed. We were now in a poorU
watered countr\ , with few springs, and these mostly drietl up,
and the wells in the same condition from a five months" drought
of unusual se\erit\, e\ en in that drought-cursed neighhorlnxxl.
Close by our camp was one of those sink-holes [)eculiar to
limestone regions; quite a large one, with plenty of water; stag-
nant, though, and covered three inches thick with the peculiar
thin scum called frog spittle. Here we camjied for three long,
hot, dust\, weeks — men and horses and mules alike drinking of
the, filthy stuff, till the water became so low as to show what lay
hid in the bottom. Imagine our surprise and disgust at discovei-
ing that all this time we had been drinking the decaying carcasses
of thirteen dead mules, thrown in there by the rebels on their
retreat. This was the famous camp at Snow"s Pond. We now
marched back south again to the other side of Walton, and
camped at a similar, though smaller pond. In the \icinity were
two or three nearly dried up springs, where, at all hours of the
day and night, men, loaded with canteens, might be seen waiting
for their turn to dip up the intolerable stuff. This time the
General made his headquarters in a large brick house, owned by a
rebel major ^vho had left his family at home. The house was
almost screened from view by a high and thick hedge of Osage
orange. One day an iSth Michigan man thoughtlessly took off
his clothes and proceeded to wash them at the pond. The lady of
the house rei)orted the fact to (ieneral Judah, though it was
utterly impossible to see through the hedge, except by parting the
branches to look through. The man was put under arrest, and
the next da\- he was ortlered to ha\e one side of his head shaveil.
lO HIS TO in- OF THE »
ami also oiu- side of his niagniticeiit beard, and be drummed out
of cam]), without even waiting for the tender mercies of a court
martial. This infernal order was that very day carried into eftect
before the whole brigade, drawn up in line to witness it. That
night more than fortx' men, some of them members of the 104th,
la\ in ambush at ditt'erent points on the pike leading to Cincin-
nati, whither the Genei'al had gone, and he certainly would have
been killed hatl he not been so drunk that he fell oft' his horse on
the roadside, where he was found next morning. He had shame
enough left to ask to be relieved from command, which was done.
General Bin-bridge taking his place in command of the second
brigade. Now we began a' forward movement, first to Eagle
Creek, thence to Georgetown. From Eagle Creek on we had
good water in plentv, and at Georgetown camped by an innnense
spring from which a fine mill stream issued forth, furnishing
power in half a mile for two large flouring mills, saw mills, and
otlier machiner\ , with plenty of water going to waste. We were
now in the edge of the famous Blue Grass region, as famous for
its fcrtilit\ as the countrv we had just left was for its poverty.
The niglit after our arrival, we were aroused at two o'clock A. m.
and marched to Lexington, the last five miles on the double quick,
arri\ing just in time to save the town from a general conflagration
at the hands of John Morgan's men, who, being mounted, escaped
across the Kentucky river, without loss, carrying oft' considerable
plunder. In the afternoon we pitched our tents in the Central
Kentuck\ fair grounds, where we remained for several weeks,
engaged in the disagreeable but important and necessary work of
drill and discipline.
Shortly after our arrival at Lexington a number of changes
were made among the general ofiicers of our command. Gen.
(jillmore was transferred to the southern coast, where he so sig-
nally proved his fitness and efficiency as an engineer and artillerist.
Gen. Burbridge was promoted to the command of the division,
and the young and talented Gen. Wager .Swayne to the
brigade. Gen. Swayne immediateh inaugurated a series ot
brigade drills, in which he excelled any other officer I have
ever seen. Seated on his horse, in the center of a great
field, over every part of which his clear, ringing voice could
be heard, he gave orders to each in turn of the half dozen infantry
regiments and two batteries of which the brigade consisted with-
out the assistance of an orderly or bugler, and every movement
10.', ril RE GIME X r. 1 1
in each column, or the* whole brijj^adc at once, was carried into
ertect without confusion or mistake. The efficiency and precision
which ever after characterized tlie moxements of the 104th and
other troo))s in this lirigade were lar<iel\ due to the excellent drill
and discipline of (ien. SAvayne. About X<)\end)er Hrst a detail
of two men from each company was >ent w ith Scri^eant Frank
Day, to truard the commissary department and to load and unload
About this time Capt. Horton, iia\ in^- been exchanj^ed, <;ot his
commission, and joinetl the comjjany, with which he remained e\ er
present until the fatal day in May. 1S64. when he fell before a rebel
sharpshooter. About December first quite a change was made in
the organization of the Army of Kentucky. The two Michigan
reo-iments and ziiS. Wisconsin were transferred to otlier commands,
while their places were filled by the newly formed 112th Illinois.
I2th Kentucky, and 44th and icx)th Ohio. Col. Sam (rilbert, of the
44th. taking the place of Gen. Swayne in command of the brigade.
In the early part of December the brigade remo\ ed to Richmond,
where thev set about fortifying the place, and by the end of 1862
had a strong line of earthworks thrown up around the town.
We made quite a jolly Christmas of it all together. Nearly
all of the boys had recei\ed various good things from home,
and the several messes were able to fill u]) with something
better than hardtack and bacon. Nearly all had received warm,
woolen imderclothing. mittens, socks, etc.. from lo\ed ones
at home, so that at the end of ovn- first three months in service we
were c[uite comfortable for soldiers, and. although there had been
considerable sickness in the regiment, there had been no deaths-
About December thirtieth \ve marched tt) Danville, and the first
of lanuarv started for P^-ankfort. where we arrived about the
fourth. Col. Gilbert was put in command of the post, and Col-
Reillv made provost marshal. On the twelfth. Companies D and
K. in charge of Capt. Jordon. went to Benson Station, west of
town, w liere. for the next three weeks, we were engaged in guard-
ing four bridges oAcr a branch of the Kentucky river. Here we had
considerable fim hunting the small game which abounded, and
pheasants, cpiail. rabbits, and fresh fish from the creek, helped to
relieve the monotonx of army fare. Qiiite an amusing incident
occurred at this place. One poor, miserable creature, whose habits
had neaiK depri\ ed him of life itself, lay in his tent, too lazy and
listless to wash lii-^ clothes or himself, until he w as literalK' ali\e
\\ ith \criiiiii. Tlic other members of the mess slept out of" doors *
rather tlian take their chances in the same tent. The weather was
very severe, and when at la^t their patience was worn out, the
mess dispatched Serj^eant Reynolds to lodj^e complaint with Lieut.
Booth, commanding. The lieutenant looked into the tent and be-
held the pretense of humanity within. One look was enoutjh.
His bile arose within him. vSeizing the hapless youth b\ the col-
lar, he drag<yed him. trembling, to the brink of the ice-cold stream
and proceeded to pitch him in; when "splash," and the six-foot
lieutenant went heels over head into the water. Thoroughly cooled
of}' he retired to his quarters, followed b\- the gibes of the men.
Four men were immediately detailed to heat some water. The\
stripped the boy of his clothes, scalded them thoroughlv, and then
proceeded to scrub his dirty body and police his quarters. He left
in a few days for the hospital, and we never saw him again. Dur-
ing this time a convention of rebel sympathizers assembled at the
State House to vote Kentucky out of the Union. .Secretly the\
made their way into the capitol and proceeded to organize, but the
wide-awake Gilbert was on the alert. Hastily gathering up a de-
tail from those of the 104th on duty in tow^n, he quicklv surrounded
the building; then, with about twenty more, filed into the room.
Completely taken by surprise, the rebels tried to escape bv the
windows, and were gobbled up by the guard outside. In the first
week of February Companies D and K returned to the regiment.
February twenty-first, about four o'clock, p. m., we broke camp
and marched six miles south, to the State Military Institute, where
we stopped for the night, drenched to the skin with rain and sleet-
Wet and cold we moved on in the morning, with mud and slush
slopping into the tops of our shoes. The wind was from the north-
west and blew bitter cold. That day we marched thirty-three
miles, and at nine o'clock, p. m., reached Harrodsburgh, where we
occupied a place which had been a summer resort for the South-
ern bloods. The roads were now almost as hard as a rock from
freezing, and as rough as can be imagined. Next day we marched
to Danville, where we went into camp again for a few days. On
the twenty-seventh Companies F, D, I and H marched to Hick-
man's bridge, over the Kentucky river, arriving just before daw
The road on the north side leads by an easy grade around and up
a limestone clitl' six hundred feet high. At davlight the rest of
the regiment arrived, and, breakfast over, we marched back
twenty-one miles to Lexington and went into camp. The hard-
104 TH R E G [MEN T. I ^
ships and cxposuit- to which w c had hccn suhjcctcd had hc<'^un t(;
tell on the men's health; one after another had heen sent to the
hospital, till prohahh not more tiian six lunidred reniained in the
rej^inient. and nianv of these were unfit for dutv.
May twenty-second we ajj;ain started southward. Takinj^ the
train at two o'clock, A. .vi., we arrived at Xicholas\ illc two hours
later, and, after hreaUfast, marched twenty-four miles to Danville.
Just before noon on the twenty-fourth we \\ ent out on the Stan-
ford pike in battle array. The ca\alry \\ ere beinji; driven back b\
the rebel. (Jen. Peyram, who was on his t'amous raid throu<rh Ken-
tucky. .\t three o'clock, v. m.. the 104th received orders to contluct
the trains back to Hickman's bridfi^e, and we were soon in full re-
treat, with about four men to each waj^on as o^uards. Col. (Gilbert,
with the 4|th. ux)th and 103d Ohio, and Gen. Carter with his
brii^ade of cavalry and mounted infantr\ and a l)atterv of moun-
tain howitzers, covered the retreat, and had several spirited skirm-
ishes \\ith the enemy on the line of march. We had started oft'
so hastily that our pickets were left behind and most of them
captured. Our hospital was also captured and the occupants made
prisoners. Serii^eant L. T. Reynolds, of Companx D. was taken.
The hardships which he endured while in their hands, resulted in
his death soon after. The w eather was hot, the road six inches
deep in blindinj^ dust, and we were forlorn lookin*^ objects as we
marched on beside the heavily freighted wai^ons, pushinjj on at
breakneck speed for the shelter of the inaccessible clift's of Ken-
tucky ri\ er. We could plainly hear the exultant veils of Pegram's
men as they dashed into and through town, while the pop, pop,
pop of the little howitzers, and the incessant fire of the infantr\
and cavalry behind us, gave evidence that thev were having sharp
work. Thus we made our toilsome wav back over the fifteen
miles to the bridge, where, weary and footsore, and half-dead from
the all-pervading limestone dust, which filled eves, ears, nostrils and
mouths, and feverish from intense thirst, we crossed and wound
around the beetling clift's of '-Old Kentuck\'s .Sliore." B\ mid-
night all the trains were safe across the river, and b\ (Jen. Carter's
orders a section of a battery was placed to command the bridge
and prepared for ftring if need be. One poor, sleep\ , wear\
teamster, w bile climbing the long slope up the clift'. was crowded
oft' by a skittish mule, and fell headlong into the dark abvss. He
was found in the morning, with his back broken, in the forks of a
hundred-foot pine more than two hundred feet below the road tVom
which he fell. At'ttM- midnight we strctclied (jur weary linilis on
the naked rocks to rest, and were soon in dreamlanck only to be
aw'akened to the cold comforts of a drenching rain. Even this,
with its accompaniment of lightning and thunder, was insufficient
to arouse some of the l)o\ s. who slept on and on until the heat of
a blazing southern sun dro\ e them from the fast heating rocks at
ten o'clock in the morning, l^efore noon we were most agreeably
surprised by the appearance of Tommy Chapman and Baxter
Fenn. who had been out on picket, and were the only ones on the
line who escaped. As the rebel cavalry rode up they had dis-
charged their guns and run for dear life, while a perfect storm of
shot from the rebel carbines falling around them made them think
of "Home, Sweet Home.'' They soon fountl shelter in a deep
ravine filled with tangled undergrowth and \ ines, then followed it
down to Dick's river, and down that to the Kentucky, where they
halted till morning; they then followed the river down to a shoal
where they waded over to the north bank, and finallx' came to a
ravine whei'e, bv hard climbing over wet and slimy rocks, they at
last emerged to the light of day within a mile of camp, with
bruised bodies and torn and tattered clothing, they arrived just
after dinner to the great joy of their C(imradcs. That day troops
arrived from Lexington, Versailles and other points, and early the
next morning we moved onward again to find the rebels, but they
retreated too fast for the infantry to get within sight or hearing of
them. Gen. Carter, with the mounted men, caught up with them
in the evening, at Crab Orchard, where he had quite a brush with
them. He afterwards defeated them in a sharp fight at Somerset,
after which thev drew off their forces to Cumberland Gap, and
thus ended "Pegram's Raid." The 104th stopped a short time at
Lancaster. While here, soon after the first of April, Wm. B.
Phillips, who was on duty, had all the fingers shot off his right
liand, while the pickets were being advanced to a more conven-
ient and better sheltered line.
During the spring and early summer the 104th was almost con-
stantlv on the move from towai to town, till some time in May, at
Mount Vernon, the 2d brigade went into camp, and here, for several
weeks, the regiment was subjected to a most thorough system of
drill and discipline, by Capt. Cummings, of the 44th Ohio, who
was detailed for that purpose. Ofificers and men alike entered into
the work with zeal, and soon were so far along in " Scott's Tactics''
that the commandin<r General issued a congratulatorv order to the
men, which was read at the cveniii*^ chess parade. Toward the
end of June the rebel, Scott, led his cavalrv on a raid throu<rh
eastern Kentucky, jjlunderin^ the farms which came in liis wav of
such horses as could he led otl', and threatenin*^ oui" communica-
tions with Cincinnati and Louisville. Col. (jilhert started with the
hri<^ade and marched to Paris, where, learnin<^ that the lehels had
retreated, we marched hack throu<^h Lexington to Camp Nelson.
This jjlace had been selected by Gen. Burnside, who had assumed
command in Kentucky, as the supply depot of the armv which he
was organi/.inj;^ tor an early in\ asion of East Tennessee. To this
end the ,\rmy of Central Kentucky was reoro^anized. and hcnce-
f(jrth was known as the 33d Army Corps, which was placed in
command of Gen. Hartsuff. The new corps comprised four divi-
sions, of which the ist, consistinj4- of cavalr\- and mounted in-
fantry, and the 2d and 3d of infantry, were to march over the
mountains; while Gen. Burl)rid<i^e. with the 4th, was to remain in
Kentucky and keep our communications open. The 104th was
associated witii the 44th and looth and 103d Ohio, i6th Kentuckv,
Ii2th Illinois and the new 8th Tennessee, as the ist Bri^-ade. 3d
Division, 23d Armv Corps.
Great changes had taken place in the regiment, among their
officers, and also in the modes of life and habits of the men. Of
the, field officers, only the hot-tempered, grizzly old colonel re-
mained. The scholarly and silver-tongued Major had resigned.
His tastes and talents better fitted him for the deliver\- of learned
discourses, than to endure the hardships and privations of a sol-
dier's life. It would be hard to find a finer looking officer, or one
who delighted in the pomp and display, the tinsel and magnifi-
cence of grand parade, more than our Lieutenant Colonel Mariner,
the very iic pins ultra of the Fourth of July soldier. He did not
like to get dust on his clothes or in his mouth. He had no relish
for bean soup and hardtack, and he preferred something pleasanter
than mud, in the water he drank. So he had sought and found a
soft snap in the quartermaster's department, and we ne\ er saw
him more. It is but simple justice to both these ofticers, however,
to state that they were kind-hearted gentlemen, against whom no
one harbored any but kindlv feelings.
When the regiment marched, it was no longer encumbered
with a wagon train a mile long, to carry the tents and knapsacks
of the men, and when they arrived in camp they were no longer
obliged to wait half or perhaps all night, before thcv could get
tlieir tents or their l)hmkets. The <^reat Bell and A tents, hir<ie
enoiiji^h to shelter a dozen or more, had been exchanged for Httle
pieces of canvas, about six feet square. Of these each man had
a piece. They were so fitted with buttons and loops, that two
buttoned together and tlirown over a short pole set on posts
served as a shelter for two, or one or two more might close up
the spaces at the ends, and three or four could crawl in like so
man\- dogs in a kennel, and be as happy as "pigs in cloxer." If
we wanted our blanket or overcoat, there was no waiting for the
train. The\ were safeh strapped to our knapsacks, and those
were on our backs.
The rules and regulations of the camp were less rigorous, and
the duties less onerous than four months before. Instead of one-
fourtb of the men being kept on guard, to keep the men from
stealing the camp and running oft' with it, there w'as one man sta-
tioned at the Colonel's tent, and another to guard the commissary
Again, if a man did not like the meat and coftee as prepared by
the companv cook, he could cook them himself. This was done
l)v most of the men, and added much to the general health. When
we first went out, it was a crime punishable with the guard-house,
for a private to fry his salt pork, or crackers, or cook his own
beans, and it is safe to sav, that one-half of the sickness which
overtook the men had been caused by the greasy boiled pork and
bean slop, which our medical authorities directed should be fixed
up to tempt our appetites. The bo} s soon learned to fix up their
plain, but substantial, fare in various ways to suit their own tastes,
and we were from this time reasonably free from that worst of
armv scoun>es, the chronic diarrhea.
10', TH REfilMEX T. 17
'riic i()_}^lh had a j^ood cornet IkukI cil^IiI months hetorc
the 44th hrouLcht one hito the l)vi<;a(le. Then came the 112th
Illinois with another <>()0(1 one. Xow we had been orloryin^;
in the best martial music in the dixision, and tor another, and
still another, to come in and snatch a\\a\' an\ of our honors, was
(we thouiijht) "too thin;"" so the officers put their Iieads toj^ether,
and the outcome was, that the\ raised thirteen hundred dollars,
which thev sent to Cincinnati, and procured a full set of l)and in-
struments. Then there appeared in camp a little, yellow-haired
man. in citizens' clothes. It was Professor Dustin Marble, who
had come all the wa\ from Akron to teach the boys h(n\- to make
those siKer horns talk. He had soon selected a sufficient nimiber.
and trained them so that in a short time they could render
several pieces well. Before six months had passed ours was ac-
knowlcdi^ed to be b\ far the best band in the corps.
Rev. Buel Whitney, a private in Company I, was surprised
bevond measure when one day he was presented, by the Colonel,
with a commission, from (jovernor Tod, making- him chaplain of
the reo^iment. He was a plain, gc^od man, and endeared himself
to all the bovs b\' his careful nursing, when the\' were sick, by his
gt)od and timch' counsel, and bv his excellent Christian example.
.Vugust thirteenth Gen. Burnside arrived in camp from \'icks-
burg. where he had been with the 9th Corps, helping Gen. Grant
in the great siege. We were favorabh impressed with the appear-
ance and conduct of the general, w ho combined in his person the
ver^- highest t\ pe of manh" beautw and the bland and gracious
manners of the perfect gentleman.
The next dav we marched to I)an\ ille. and on the sixteenth to
Stanford. Here had come all the troops belonging tt) our corps,
except IJurbridge. with the 4th Division, and here we were fur-
nished with a t\dl outfit of clothing, except o\crcoats. Each man
\\ as also t'uinished with an extra pair of shoes. We were issued
eight d.-i\s" ration^ and one liundred lounds of ammunition ])er
man. tlic usual fortv rounds in oui" cartrid<i^e boxes, the remainder
in our knapsacks. Qiiite a number of the lioys wci<i^hed their
load, including their arms. Mine, I remember, weighed se\entv-
four poinids, which was about the average, the weights ranging
from se\entv to eighty pounds. These we were to carry on a
forced march of over two hundred miles.
August nineteenth we started forward, passing through Crab
Orchard, o\ er the wild, desolate region of the Wild Cat Moun-
tains, to vSomerset and to the Cumberland river, where w'e arrived
at noon of the twentv-foin-tli. The water in the ri\er was in no
place more than waist deep, and was very warm. The boys had
a jolly time of it bathing, the water being clear as crystal. About
four o clock we forded the river and came out dry on the other
side. We marched on sixteen miles the next day, and twenty-
tw'o on the twenty-sixth, and camped three miles south of the
Tennessee line, at the little hamlet of Chitwood, consisting of a
log store, a blacksmith shop, and three dwellings, also built of
logs. Here we halted two days to give Shackleford time to dis-
tract the attention of the rebels from our advance, bv threatening
the passes of the Cumberland mountains bv Cumberland, Pound.
and Big Creek gaps.
We were now in a mountain wilderness, sparsely inhabited bv
wild and verv ignorant hunters, of whom all the able-bodied
men were gone; most of them l)eing meml)ers of the nine east
Tennessee regiments of our command. One of the prominent
figures on this march was the long, gaunt, slab-sided Colonel Jim
Brownlow. the boy colonel of the first Tennessee cavalry, who,
w'ith his regiment, and accompanied by his peaked-faced old
father, marched with the third division, and scoured the country
in front and on the flanks to keep clear of rebels the country
ahead. They were impatient to go, for in the great vallev just
ahead, and along the slopes of the Clinch aiid Smoky mountains,
lay the homes from which thev had fled months before, to escape
the service imposed upon all east Tennesseeans b}' conscription
into the rebel armies. After months of toil and privation, these
hardv, loyal fellows were going home to their wives and
children, their mothers and sweethearts, and all the^ held most
dear on earth.
August twenty-ninth we started on again, marching in two
days the fortv miles of mountain forest, between Chit\vood and
Montgomer^•, in which we saw no more than half a dozen clear-
ings oil the route. We took dinner one of these days at a Httle
clearinjj^ of ])erhaps twenty acres, enclosed Ijy a brush fence, and
containinjj,- a Hnc spriiiij^ of the purest, sweetest water I e\ er
(h-ank, and a little, old lojj^-cabiii, inhabited by an old man and a
iiumerous family of children of three LCenerations. lie had heard
tile noise of our cnniint;', and had come out to meet us, to find out
what was the mattti". ThouL^h o\ er eii^hty years old, he told r.s
he had iic\ er before seen a Ha<^, nor heard a drum, nor had he
e\ er been so tar from home as Jacksboro, nine miles to the east.
( )ur little army was a world of xyonders to him and his famih,
none of whom supposed there were so many people in the world^
On either side of the sprin<j stood two weepiiiLj willows, of ycner-
able age and gigantic pro])ortions, but without a sign of deca\ .
One of these giants was measured, and t'ound to exceed tweh e
feet in circumference, one foot aboye the ground. The other was
nearly as large. On this march we felt the inspiration of song, to
stir the flagging energies, as we neyer did before oi' after. When
fairly on the road, some one would strike up the -'Red, White and
Blue," '•Ellsworth," "Hail Columbia," or .iny of the popular
ballads of the da\ . \\\ an instant it would be caught up b\
t)thers, and long before the Hrst stan/.a \yas ended, the gloomy,
old forest would ring again with music, from the united voices of
ten thousand throats. V>\ far the most popular and inspiring of
all. was the simple ballad, sung in slow and mournful cadence,
beginning with: "John Brown's body lies a moldering in the
grave." The last day of August, we marched from AIontgomer\
down the valle\' of EiiKn-y's river to the fertile l)ottom of Clinch
river, W'here we sa^^■ fine farms and orchaids loaded with
luscious fruits, and immense fields of excellent corn, on which
the boys had a glorious feast. About the middle of the after-
noon we came to the Island ford, four miles above Kingston^
The water was about three feet deep, and only less cold than ice-
water from the innumerable springs that feed the river throughout
its length. .Vll hands put their traps upon their shoulders,
plunged in, and waded across. From here we wound along by a
mere bridle path up to the summit of Clinch mountain, which we
reached just at dark. The load down the mountain was rock\-
and dangerous, aiul led through a deep, narrow gorge where the
darkness couUl be felt, it was so intense. Four miles tVom the
summit we emerged into the open plain and camped, having suc-
cessfulh passed all the great mountain barriers to the countr\ by
hridlc paths; and while the rel)els were still looking- for us at the.
various i^^aps of the Cuniherland, we reaehed and entered the
;j^reat linieslone \ alle\' deserihed hv rehel authorities as the
•'Rotten lieart of the Confederae\ "• — loyal East Tennessee. The
rebels made no attempt to further defend the countrw but fled
precipitateh before us, and at the v\\(\ of two more toilsome days'
marchingr in ox erpowerino- heat and blindiuL;- dust, we entered the
cit\ of Know ille at four o'clock, p. M., September second, amid
the wildest demonstrations of joy from an oppressed and loni^;-
suflerinu; people, to whom these able-bodied men, the husbands of
these surt'erino- wives, the fathers of these children, had now
returned to deliver their native land from the hand of the de-
spoiler. An address of welcome was delivered to General Burn-
side, who in turn promised protection to the people, and advised
all good citizens to go home to their regular business.
It was now one vear to a da\- since the 104th had crossed the
Ohio at Cincinnati. We had marched many hundred miles.
]Manv had gone to "that bourne from whence no traveler e'er
returns," still more were languishing in hospitals, or had been
discharged and sent home, physical wrecks. We had endured
and suftered much in common with other soldiers, but as yet we
were entireh imacquainted with the horrors of the battle-field.
Burnside's loss was comparati\ eh nothing so far, and all fulh'
believed that we ^vere to escape most of the horrors of war in
the future, as in the past. Though numbering only about six
hundred men, those who yet remained were toughened and
hardened by exposure and hardship, until the regiment was
probably as strong for duty as it had ever been. About sundoyvn,
Colonel Gilbert led the first brigade to the fair ground, east of
town, \vhere we went into camp.
Though the rebels had abandoned the heart of East Tennes-
see, without a struggle, they yet held in our rear the almost im-
pregnable natural fortress of Cumberland Gap. Through this
led the only passable road bet\yeen our army and its base of
operations in Kentucky. The rebels had left very little forage or
breadstufls in the country, so it was evident that we must ha\e
that r.>ad open or leave the country. General Shackleford was
sent to cut of!" the rebel communication with western Virginia, and
on September seventh, Burnside himself, with the 44th, 103d, and
104th Ohio. 8th Tennessee, and 112th Illinois, with Konkle's Bat-
tery I), and vShields" 19th Ohio liatterx , under Colonel Gilbert,
started tor the '^ccnc of action. Alter a march oi" -^ixty miles,
throui^h Mavnar(l\ ille. and the lemains of \\ hat had been Taze-
well, we arri\ed w itliin lour miles ot" the ^ap. on llie ni^lit of the
ei<^htii. Meantime Shackleford's men liad closely invested the
])lace. and earl\ the next morninj^ captured and burned a larj^e
flour mill, containing- most ot' the I'eiiel supj^lies, which they
burned to the <4round. bein<>' unable to hold it so close to the rebel
fortifications. Immediatelv our bri_<i^ade was marched up at
(loul)le (piick. formed in line ot" battle, skirmishers deployed, and
had just iX'ceixed the order to charLCe, when oLit on the breeze in
the rebel t'oil. we plainh saw the rebel t^ai;- lowered, and in its
place was hoisted tlie white l1a;4' in token of surrendei". This was
unlooked tor, as the rebel commander, (icneral I'razier, !iad re-
fused to surrender w hen asked to do so not an hour before.
Hut General DeCouixw was in his tVont with a bri<rade fresh
from the north, l>urnside had cut otf all chance tor retreat into
Virginia, and his supplies were destroyed. IJesides, a mutiny
broke out in the rebel camp; the halfdiearted North Carolinians,
most of whom were in the rebel ser\ice a^^ainst their will, refused
to fij^ht: so this important strong-hold tell into our bands without a
battle. We captured one major j^eneral, four regiments of in-
fantry, twelve heav\- siege guns, four field pieces, seven battle-flags,
and a large wagon train; in all twenty -three hundred men. It
opened up our communications, and left us masters of the situ-
ation. The 104th was ordered up to take ]:)ossession (jf the works,
and were just entering the fortifications when we met DeCourcy"s
men" coming in from the other side. 15y (ieneral l>urnside's orders.
the Kj^th took charge of the ])ris()ners. and marched back \vitli
them to an immense spring, about a mile east of the Ciap, where
we guarded them till the morning of the ele\ enth. when w*.-
turned them over to \\'olford"s ca\ alr\-. who guarded them
through to Camp Xelson. This important victor\ was won w ith
the loss of one killed, and three woundeil in our whole command.
Our brigade came ofl" without a scratch. We marched back to
Tazewell, where we camped for the night. This bail been a strong
Union town, and for this cause Kirbv Sniith's men burned it ti>
the ground on their retreat from Kentuck\ .
We marched back as we came, arriving at Knoxville on the
thirteenth. We lived mostlv on green corn on this expedition,
as also on the one we soon afterwai'ds made into the country ot
upper East Tennessee. We had let"t one of the best of our regi-
meats hchiiul. the l)ra\e Imt untortiinatc looth ()hii>. When we
^ot baek they had ^one up to Greemille. from w hich place they
marched to Hhie Spring-s, where, on the twenty-Hrst, they had a
fight with a greatly superior force under the rebel general, Sam
Jones. After a sharp and bloody fight, the most of the I'egiment,
inchuling Colonel (jrot)me, were taken ]:>risoners. ()ur sta\ at
Kno.wille this time was short.
Next morning we took a train for the nortlieastern part of the
State, where the reliels, imder General Sam Jcnies, were ha\ing it
pretty much their own \\ay, capturing detachments of our men at
different points, and escaping \\\i\\ his jDrisoners to ^'irginia.
About midnight the next night we arrived at Henderson, where
we unloaded and lay over until morning. Next dav we maiehed
twenty-one miles to Johnson's Station. In passing through [one---
boro, just after leaving town, a shot from a thicket of voimg j)ines
laid one poor fellow cold in death. A large detail was immedi-
ately sent to scour the hills, and soon the bushwhacker \\ as in our
hands. Instead of hanging him to the first tree, he was put under
guard and taken along with us till our return to Knoxxille.
Two miles east of Johnson's Station was a large railroad
bridge over the Wautaga ri^•er. Here Shackleford's men had
been skirmishing with Sam Jones" rebels for three days without
much execution on either side. Early in the morning we started
to the front. The skirmishing had become cpiite lively, and we
went on to within one- fourth mile of the ri\er. where we formed
into line of battle, and had just started forward when the flames
and smoke of the bin-ning bridge told us plainly enough that the
'Johnnies" had taken the alarm and were making a hast\ retreat.
Most of their skirmishers, three hundred and twent} -four in
iTumber, were taken prisoners.
That afternoon we went l)ack to Jonesboro. and next day to
Henderson, ^yherc, with our prisoners, we took the train and went
back to Knoxville, having been on this trip less than a week. A
pleasant incident of this trip was a charge b\- the 104th on the
door-yard and grounds of the rebel general, Hushrod Jt)hnson,
where we captured thirty hives of bees, whose \yealth we confis.
cated to Uncle Sam's use. and disposed of very soon.
Upon our arri\al in Knoxville, we went into camp on the high
blufl'on the rixerside west of town. L'ol. (iilbert was immediately
, ]3ut in commaiul of the post, and the 44th did dut\- for a short time
as provost guards. At the same time Col. Reilly was set to work
lflJ!^TH liEGIMEXT. 33
organizing a brigade of Tcnncssceans and Xorth Carolinians, four
regiments of each, from the refugees with wiiich tlie city was at
this time crowded. At this time the I04tli, in command of Major
vSter\ 1. had hut Uttle to do except that her othcers were kept hus\-
driUing the mountain-l)oomers into the sem])hnice of soldiers.
Several of our men recei\ ed commissions in the new legiments.
Of these Capt. iialmey became colonel ot' the 4th North Caro-
lina. These halcvon days did not last long. howe\ er. One da)
the news came that Rosecrans had been beaten in a terrible l)attle
on the Chickamauga, and drixeii into Chattanooga. Immediatel\
all was bustle and confusion. The new troops were set to work
fortifying the hills around tow n. and oui" officers and men on de-
tached ser\ice came back to cami>. w here for two days e\ ery
energy was turned to acti\ e preparations tor the marcli to Chatta-
nooga. Just as eyer\thing was readw and orders had been given
for marching the next da\ . word came from Chattanooga that we
were not needed. The Know ille people now ])etitioned that the
104th be placed on proxost duty in town. So Col. Reilly bt'came
provost marshal, and for a month we enjoyed the pleasantest sea-
son we ever had in the arm\ . \\'e noxv set about building per-
manent quarters for the regiment. There was in the hands of our
officers cpiite an amount of money known as the company funds,
which came as a connnutation for rations which we had failed to
draw. This fund now came in play at the officers" discretion, and
with it they bought a fine lf)t of standing young pines, w hich we
cut and hauled to camp and from them built our shanties. They
were built double, three to each company, and formed three sides
of a square, the west side being taken up by the officers" tents.
The interior was kept as clean as a floor, and here, almost every
afternoon, the regiment went through the splendid e\ olutions of the
dress-parade, before a large company of generals, staft'-officers,
and himdreds of ladies and gentlemen, the elite of the city. W'e
liked this kind of soldiering, and fondh' hoped we might be
allowed to remain on duty here as piovost guards to the end of
the war. Our cornet-band had become a never failing source of
delight to the citizens, and the good conduct and soldierly liearing
of officers and men had gained their fullest confidence and esteem.
Toward the end of Septemlier, portions of the 9th Corps began
to arrive from Vicksburg. By the mitldle of October the two di-
\ isions, commanded bv Gens. Foster and Ferrero. had arrived in
Knoxville. Wilcox, with his di\ ision. was sent up towards \'ir-
ginia to i"clie\c (jcn. Shacklctoid, \\ ho marched (low n in the region
known as South America, between the Little Tennessee and Hia-
wassee rivers. With tlie 9th Corps came a (h"o\ e of nearh two
thousand ho<i^s, and one of aliout six liimth'ed tat cattle, to be used
bv Burnside's army. .V large force of butchers were immediately
set at work slau^hterin<^ and packini";- the hoo^s. The cattle were
sent out to furnish beef to the varicnis detachmonts \\hich were at
this time scattered all over East Tennessee. Of the two corps,
only oiu' l>ri<^atle and the new Tennessee and North Carolina
retfinients were held al Ivnowille.
During this season of cpiiet, a good many officers and men
were allowed to go home on a sixty days" furlough. Among these
from the 104th, were Capt. Wm. J. Jordan, one or two lieutenants,
and perhaps a score of the men. Col. Gilbert, our brigade com-
mander, accompanied them home, his place being filled in his
absence, by Col. Reilh', of the 104th.
Just before the end of October word came to Knox\'ille that
a heavy force of rebels had attacked Wolford's brigade, at Phil-
adelphia, and were pushing on up the valley, driving our men
iiefore them. It was soon ascertained that Gen. Longstreet, with
his corps of thirt3'-five thousand of the best soldiers in the rebel
army, were marching for Knoxville, intending to overwhelm
Burnside's scattered divisions before they could be brought to-
gether. In this he partially succeeded. A part of the 9th Corps
was sent out to Campbell's Station, twelve miles west of Knox-
ville, ^vhere thev were attacked by Longstreet's advance, on the
sixth of November, and though the rebels were severely punished
in the battle which ensued, our men retreated, facing about to fight
again at each successive ridge passed for six miles or more. Mean-
time our scattered forces were hastening, by forced marches, to
concentrate in Knoxville, l^efore Longstreet's army should be able
to cut ofl' their approach, and by the seventeenth there were in
the city between eleven and twelve thousand men. Of these over
three thousand were in the hospital. Early on the morninj^ of the
seventeenth the rebels massed a heavy force and char<^ed on the
ri"ht of our line, held 1>\ the 121I1 Kentucky, iiith Illinois and
4^th Ohio, and droxe them l)ack to the new line of works at the
railroad depot, where, with the aid of a I'. S. reji^ular l)attery, they
stopped the rebel ad\ance. The losses were cpiite hea\ y on both
sides. Of ours, the most important loss was (ien. W. P. Sanders,
wiio was killed w bile leadiuL;' the brigade in a char^'e on a rebel
batterv, which the\ took, but were unable to hold. Reilly, with
our brii^ade, was set to work buildin*;- t'ortifications on Colletje
Hill, and a breastwork tVom there to the ri\er. Our camp was
abandoned, and we la\- on our arms, along the line of works, ready
for an\ emerg-encw Within a day or two Lt)n<istreet"s army ex-
tended.around the west, north and east sides ol the cit\ , trom the
river below to the river above, and battery after battery opened
with shot and shell upon our liohtly manned works, and on the
town, just north of the depot stood a lar^-e brick flourintr mill,
which had been ca])tured by the rebels at the assault when Vi^w.
Sanders was killed. About the twentieth, a sortie was matle
by a small force of our men. who succeeded in burning the mill
and depot, with considerable stores of corn and meal, and retired
to the works w ith scarceh' an\ loss.
^\'hen the siege began, the army was put on half rations of
e\ er\ thing except meat. Of fresh pork, we had an abundance.
In less than a week the rations were cut down to one-fourth, and
then the flour was mixed half and half with shorts and bran. In
a few davs more the flour ran out and the bread was made of
shorts and bran, and tinally of bran alone. Then the coflee ran
out, and the whiskey, which took its place, lasted only a day or
two. Tobacco became the next make-shift to stay the gnawings
of hunger. There w ere large cpiantities of the weed in store at
the factories in town. These the commissary department seized,
and through the remaining da\s of the siege we received o\\\ reg-
ular rations of tobacco, fresh pork and a little piece of bran bread,
which was sour before it got cold. Of course our stomachs be-
came sour, and soon the hospitals were filled to o\erflowing with
men sick with chronic diarrhea in its most virulent form. This
was increased b\ the cold rains and sleet which now began to pre-
vail. Our clothing and blankets were kept soaking wet. \\ e
lived in the trenches in the d i\ time, and they were often half knee
deep with water and mud. At night we slept just behind the
works, witli our cartritl^c boxes strapped to our side, knapsacks
under our heads, and knapsacks and lilankets in nuul that stuck
closer than an}- brother. On the night of the twenty-first our
briiifade was reHeved by a portion of the 9th Corps, and we
marched to the foot of Ga\- street, the principal street in town, and
the 104th began to unload the boats, timbers and planks, with
which we proceeded to build a pontoon bridge across the river.
The work continued till after two o'clock, when ^ve lav down,
while the rest of the brigade crossed over and formed a line west-
ward along a range of hills about half a mile from the river, and
higli enough to overloqk the cit\ and all the works on the other
side. The second brigade formed on still higher hills on our left,
while part of the cavalry and mounted infantry movetl out on the
^Slarvville road, to watch for the eneni} .
The 103d Ohio was detached and sent out to the ca\alry, where
the next da\' they had cjuite a severe brush with the rebel ad\ance.
in which there was a coiisiderable loss on both sides, but leaving
the field in possession of our men. The morning was foggv, so
we were unable to get the direction of the rebel batteries across
the river, and our new line of rifie pitsi were laid out by guess. They
were finished long before noon, and we had got fairly down into
them, when boom, whizz, crash, chug, came a rebel shell close to
the left of the regiment, followed by others in quick succession.
The third shot fairlv telescoped the ditch, leaving two of our m.en
killed and several wounded. The men were immediately ordered
forward dov\n to near the bottom of the ridge in the woods,
where we were soon hard at work, and before night we
were safe in the shelter of a new line, out of range of
such dangerous visitors. The next attempt of the rebel ar-
tillerv was to reach our pontoon bridge with their shells,
but they could not get the range. Night and day skirmishing was
kept up between the pickets of the contending armies, and while,
through the labors of the men, assisted by the able bodied citizens
of Knoxville, our lines of defense were continually growing
stronger, still this was more than balanced by our losses through
the casualties of war, and an ever increasing sick-list. With
nothing more to eat, it seemed likely that our time must come to
be marched oft' to rebel prison pens. Fortunately for us, two
large barges made their wav down the French Broad, heavily
freighted with corn, and during the gloom of a dark, rainy night,
ran the blockade of rebel batteries above town, and were landed
safe and souiul at the wharf just above the bridge. All the inilU
in the citv weie set at work, and, early in the morninjj^. soldiers and
citizens alike, recei\ed each a pint of meal to keej) its from the
starvinj^ point. Two companies at a time were kept on the picket
line. On the twent\ -ninth, at daylij^ht, the rebels assaulted our
line in force, but were repulsed, with considerable loss. The loss
in the 104th amounted to four killed and about a dozen wounded.
,\bout two o'clock, on the mornin<r of December fifth, an
unusual commotion was noticed among the pickets across the
river. Next rose on the air. loud, shrill, and long, the well-known
rebel yell, which they always raised when making a charge. An
instant more, and hea\ en and earth fairly trembled with the thun-
ders of artiller\ and the roar of musketry, while the northern
hea\ ens were in a perfect glare of lurid tlame. The rebels had
made their attack on a large but unfinished earthwork, at the
north-west angle of our line of defense, called Fort Saunders.
The fight lasted nearh half an hour, when the rebels witlulrew.
lea\ ing the field from the toj) c)f the parapet back to their own
lines, strewn with the dead and dying. Our brigade was almost
immedi;!tel\ ordered across the ri\ er. and just at the gray dawn
we marched up and lay down in the rear of the fort. We, were
soon drawn up in the line of battle, marched out to the left, be-
tween the fort and the battery on College Hill, where, for the next
hour, we stood, waiting for the order to advance to the charge.
But the order did not come and we were spared. In our front the
battle Held of the night before presented a ghastly sight, covered
with the mangled bodies of the dead and dying southern braves.
Our loss in this engagement amounted to probabl} one hundred,
all of them from l-\'rrero"s division of the 9th Corps. The troops
who distinguished themselves w'ere the U. S. battery, the 79th
New \'()rk Highlanders, the qoth Pennsylvania, and 29th Massa-
chusetts. This ended the hard fighting, but still, for two days the
pickets kept up a continuous firing, and now and then a stray
shell told us that the rebels were still present and alive. Our meal
had become exhausted, and our only resource was our fat pork
and bread made of clear bran, and that was almost gone. Our
spirits were naturalh sinking, when there arri\ed two of our
scouts, who told us the glad news that Hragg's army had been
utterlv routed before Chattanooga, and that Sherman was then
within two da\ s' march of the city, acKancing with all haste.
The next da\ the rebel ann\ beuan to withdra\\ , and b\ the mt)rn-
iw^ of Dcccinlici" eighth tliey were all ^one. Alx^iit ele\en
o'clock that luoniinj^ ^rim \ isao,c<l old (jcn. Sherman entered our
lines at the head of the 4th Corps from Chattanooga, and Burn-
side's army and East Tennessee were sa\ ed to the Ihiion.
We could hardly, in words, express our joy at our most timeh
deliverance, and strong- men, to whom tears were stranji^ers, wept
like babies when the mud-spattered \ eterans of Sheridan, Wood,
and Sturgis marched in through the Hne of works, and up through
the streets of the torn and battered town, bringing life and libertx'
to the soldier and citizen alike, (^ur pro\isions were all gone, and
the men were so weakened and disheartened bv want and disease
that they could not possil)ly have endured for three days more.
Now we were dependent on the charit\' of our deliverers f(M- sub-
sistence. vSherman's trains, unable to keep pace with the soldiers
in their rapid march, were scattered all along the road from Sweet-
water to Campbell's Station. The brigade and regimental stores
which Sherman's men brought with them, were immediately
issued to the famished garrison and the starving people, two days'
rations to each man, which we were ordered to make last fi\ e
days. Within a couple of days we began to receive three-fourths
rations oi crackers, coffee and beans, and full rations of beef; and
now we started (jut in cjuest oi Longstreet's retreating arm\".
About the ninth, Reillv moved our brigade up the y'wcy tweh e
miles, to Armstrong's Ford, \vhere we formed a skirmish line, and
advanced to the liank, where some spirited skirmishing was done.
in which Battery D did excellent service in shelling the rebels, who
soon withdrew up the countr\-.
The river at this place, about four hundred yards wide, and
three feet deep, was frozen out a foot or more from the bank, ^yith
thin bodies of mush ice floating on the tide. Putting our trap>
upon our shoulders, we plunged into the icy flood. In midstream
John R. Roberts, of Company D, was taken with severe cramp,
and must have perished had not the boys taken him up and carried
him across, ^^"e slept as best we could that night, and next morn-
ing went on four miles, to Strawberry Plains, where we halted
two or three days, to rebuild the railroad bridge, which had been
partially burned. Then we crossed back oxer the bridge and
marched out six miles to Blane's Cross-roads, at the foot of Clinch
mountain, thence the next day through Rutledge to Bean's Station,
arriving long after dark. Before daylight next morning we were
called up and formed in line of battle, all the regiment (except
companies C and D) standing- in line of l)attle all (hiN . These two
companies advanced to the rioht and forward, deployed as skirm-
ishers, and enoaoed the eiienix "s pickets, wiioni we drove tVoni
tlieii- Hue, alon^- a siielterin<j hank across the creek, hack throuoh
a corn field to the shelter of heavy timher half a mile awa\.
Here we remained, and duiint;- the day, hy accurate Hrin<^. we ti\e
time^ heat hack their line, which, after each repulse, would he
hea\ ily reinforced, and a<j,-ain advance, onlv to he shot down as
they came dow n the slope through the thin and tram])led corn.
All this time oui" comjianions were heinj^ treated to an assorted
\ ariety of missiles from a hattery in the woods hevond. .Shackel-
lord was sustainiuij an unecpial li.L;ht with a superior and ever
increasino- force of rehels on our left. The losses in the fiisthrio--
ade could ha\e heen counted on the fin<4-ers of the two hands,
while half a hundred dead and dyin<4- rehels strewed the o-round
that niorht. as under cover of darkness we drew off and retreated
to Blanc's Cross-roads, and he,o-an to entrench. Shackelford came
on next day, hut the rehels, instead of following-, turned ahout and
made all haste up the coimtr\ .
In a day or two Col. Gilhert arrixed from the north and re-
sumed command of the hrigade. Capt. Jordan also came hack.
and with him some thirty odd recruits for the recjiment. The
Captain had, however, i^rown to he a Major, and Major Sterl had
hecome Lieutenant Colonel, so that on Col. Reilly's return to the
command of the reo;iment we had a full corps of field officers for
the first time in o\ er a \ear.
Our hriji^ade had received no clothing since leaving Kentucky.
On account of lun ing heen on post duty, we had heen ohliged to
wait so that the troops on the front might he served first. Then
Longstreet's army had shut ofi' all supply of clothing as well as
of food, and as yet no clothing had heen hrought through. Ours
had served very well in the heat of summer, hut were now, in the
heginning of winter, worn almost to shreds, and afiorded hut
slight protection against the piercing. frost\ wind: so just ahout
the winter solstice we were marched hack to Strawherr\- Plains
and placed on reserve, and then entered on the most terrihle
experiences of oin- army life. For want of forage se\ eral of
Shackelford's regiment were dismounted, their horses sent under
escort to Kentucky, and they came into camp with us. As pro-
\ isions were getting scarce, the troops in reser\ e w ere now put
on half rations of evervthing hut heef and that was heef onlv in
name. Our herd of licexes had been dii\en two liundred niiles
or more, then shut up witli the army in Knoxville for weeks
during the siege, with only faith and water to h\e on, and since
then getting such scanty subsistence as tliey could from the
worthless stock fields which had long been stripped of corn and
fodder. These were to become the stay and start' of our existence.
As the weather began to grow more severe, the weakest
began to die ofi', and soon it came to pass, that each morning the
dead carcasses would be hauled and dumped in the rixer. while
the weakest of those that remained were killed, and the almost
meatless bones were issued for the men to cook and eat. The
l)oys christened this ration, "jerk," and a six gallon camp kettle of
jerk, boiled for half a day, would not furnish enough fat to make a
grease spot. It so happened that the rebels had captured a large
train on its way from Chattanooga with supplies for our army,
and had also torn up a long stretch of the East Tennessee railroad
below London, cutting off our communications and supplies. The
country had been stripped of everything eatable by the rebels
before they left. Finally, on the twenty-sixth of December, the
last cracker and the last pound of coffee and salt ^vere issued.
half rations for two days. On the twenty-eighth and twenty-
ninth each man received a pint of meal each day. On the
thirtieth half a pint, then on the last day of 1S63 we came down
to hard pan. About three o'clock in the afternoon we drew each
man his one and one-fourth pounds of jerk. This we cooked as
soon as possible, without salt, swallowed it, and crawled into
blankets. A warm, summer-like rain was falling, accompanieil
with thunder and lightning. About ten o'clock, p. m., a strong-
wind began to blow, and by two the next morning the rain had
changed to snow. At reveille we only took time to answer at roll
call when all plunged into our tents and under our blankets,
nearly frozen by the piercing wind. At three, we again cooked
and gulped down our portion of jerk and went back to bed.
Thus we celebrated what was known all over the continent as
the cold New Year, and thus we lived for eight days, from
December thirt}-first, 1863, to January seventh, 1864. About
noon the eighth, a train of cars, laden with supplies, stopped for
half an hour opposite our camp, and soon the boys were marching
to camp, laden with boxes of crackers, or rolling before them
barrels of cofiee, beans, salt, rice, or sugar.
Seated on the platform (^f the caboose was a short, plain look-
104 Til RE (J /MEN T. -. j
inj^, slialibily (Irossed man, with liat slouclicd oxcv his e\ cs, and in
his mouth a short stuii of ci^ar wliich he was lazih smokin<^.
He said nothini^. and if he thought aiuthiiit^ lie kept it to liimself.
Vet this mans j^enius and ol)stinac} had aheadv made him the
most famous general of the a<^e, and he was to j^row to be one of
the most renowned captains in the world's historw (Jen. (irant
was on his wa\ to \ isit \\ hat Tiad now become the left win<^' of
his orreat consolidatetl arm\ of the Mississippi. ( )ur bo\ s ne\ er
^a\\ him ai^ain till Ma\, i.S6:^.
The troops \\ hich had shared \\ itli us the trials and pri\alions
of the past month were the lytli ()hio Independent Battery, and
and Batter\ I), ist O. L. .\. of our third division, the infantr\- of
our britrade, the i6th Kentuck\, 8th lY-nncssee, ii2th Illinois,
44th. 103d, 104th Ohio and looth Ohio l)attalion, made of the
remnant of the lOOth which had escaped capture. Besides these
there were of Shackleford's division, the 2(1 Ohio cavalrv, 4^th
( )hio dismounted infantr\ i2tli Kentuck\- and 2d East Tennessee
infantry, also dismounted. These regiments all endured what I
have herein described, except that none of the rest were near so
IkuUv of}' for clothing" as the 104th. Now all the energies of the
go\ ernment began to l)e put forth to prepare for the tremendous
conflicts of the "year of battles" — 1864. The troops of 1861 were
being re-enlisted for three years more, unless sooner discharged.
Of the troops in our camp battery D, 2d Ohio cavah'v, 44th and
4:^th Ohio infantrw and 2d Tennessee, re-enlisted with the ex-
ception of a \ er\' lew who were mosth' new . recruits. These
chose from among the remaining regiments, and joined wherever
the\' chose to ser\e out the rest of their time. Several of the 44th
joined the 104th. Col. Gilbert, with the regiment, went home,
where they were reorganized as the 8th Ohio cavalrv. and sent to
the army* of the Potomac. The 2d Ohio cavalrv also let't us for
good, while the battery and the ■\^t\\ rejoined us in the spring.
The brigade, having been broken up by the re-enlistment of
the veterans, the 104th marched back to Knox\ ille. antl were
again put on duty in town as provost guards. We occupied our
old camp, and after getting rigged out in new clothes, were quite
comfortable. But the exposures and hardships of the j^ast t\\ o
months liad begun to tell on the health of the men. Most of
them had become more or less afflicted w ith scur\ \ . w bile pneu-
monia and chronic diarrhea ])re\ailed to an alarming extent.
Through Januar\ and I'\'bruai"\ hardh a (la\ ]:)asst'd In without
one or more clcatlis in the rei^iment. Now we lieg"an to draw a
new ration made from a variety of ve(i;ctaliles, cablxii^e, tomatoes,
string beans, peas, peppers, ete., hashed up and pressed in cakes
about a foot square, an inch and a half thick and dried. This
swelled in cold water, and cooked with meat, made a \ erv palat-
able soup, which the boys soon learned to like. The boys used to
call it "kinnikannick," thoug-h in commissary reports it was known
as desiccated \egetables. This vegetable diet did wonders in the
wa\- of bringing the boys back to a state of com]oarati\e health.
In a few weeks we were mosth free from the scur\ \ and diar-
Februarv second, t'our men from each compan\ , in command
of Captain Horton, marched to the old jail, where we took
charge of about six hundred rebel prisoners, marched with them
to the depot, loaded them on the cars and started for Loudon,
where the\' were next morning transferred to a boat and started
for Chattanooga. I happened to be one of this guard. We tied
up each night, and some of the men would be sent out a short
distance on shore as pickets, and half a dozen more were
stationed on the boat as guards. The night of the third was
dismal enough. A driving sleet fell all night, wetting prisoners
and guards alike, and freezing as it fell. The decks were soon
covered with a sheet of ice. At two o'ciock, a. m., of the fourth,
it came mv turn to go on guard, and as every foot of available
space was occupied bv the sleeping rebels, I had to reach mv post
bv walking the guard of the boat, which, besides being covered
W'ith ice, slanted downward into the boat. The night was pitch
dark, and when I came to walk the guard, my feet shot out from
under me intc^ the boat, and o\er I went, head first into the river.
The water was just about up to ni\- ears, so that I was obliged to
stand on tiptoe while handing up haversack and cartridge box.
after which I went fishing for mv gun, which I brought out in
safety in a few minutes. A rebel. Captain Bennet, of the nth
Alabama, assisted me out with mv traps, when I took refuge
under the boiler. In the morning, as the shore pickets were
boarding the boat. Meek, of Company C, slipped on the gang-
plank, and in he went. .So I soon had company in my nook
under the boiler, and had we not been obliged to depend on the
charitv of our comrades, we would ha\e enio\ed ourselves hugely.
The prisoners seemed to be well satisfied at being sent North,
many of them expressing the hope that they would ne\er lie ex-
10/, TH RE(;lMEXT. ^^
chant^cd, as they were tired and sick ot' the rebel serxice. We
sta\ed in Chattanuoi^a tour (hi\ s, and spent the time Nisitinjr the
\aiii)Us hattlc-fields in the \icinity. and anionfr the Northern Ohio
regiments quartered neai the city, returnin*^ to the rej^inient
ahout the fourteenth. ()n the ei<^htli of Marcli we were reheveil
of provost (hity by the 1st ()liio IIea\y i\rtiller\, and the next chiy
marched through Straw berry J'hiins and Xew Market. thirt\-one
miles to Mossy Creek, where we went into camp. We sta\ed
there till the thirteenth, when we went to Morristow ii.
April tirst we again started forward. It had been raining
heavih for some days, and for most of the twent\-eight miles
which we traverseil during that da\ and the next, the semi-fluid
mud splashed in antl out of our shoes at nearly e\er\' step. We
arri\ ed at Bulls Gap after dark of the second. Next morning we
occupied the (lap through which ran the E. T. R. R.. and the
main wagon road from Knf)xville to \'irginia. It was almost the
onl\ j)racticable route through l)a\ s Mountain, one of the many
long, steep sj^urs of the vSmoky range, reaching across the valley
to Ilolston ri\er. Here the rel>els had spent most of the winter,
antl had greath' strengthened their line In strong earthworks along
the crest of the ridge for miles on either side of the gap, and by a
strong fort right in the entrance. This strong line the rebels had
abandoned, and liad retreated up the country. Here we remained
till about the twenty-lifth of April, and here the armv was re-
organized. Our brigade was placed in command of Colonel
Reilh. and eml)raced the Sth Tennessee, I2th and i6th Kentucky,
Ii2th Illinois, -looth and 104th Ohio and Battery D, ist O. L. A.
The 2(1 Brigade, (ieneral Hascall commanding, contained the 6:;th
Illinois, 63d and 6:;th Indiana. 103d Ohio, iith Kentuckx'. 4th
Tennessee, and 19th Ohi(j Battery; the 3d Brigade consisted of a
couple of Michigan, and the ist, 2d, nth, and 13th Tennessee and
1st .Mabama. in command of Colonel Robert Bvrd, of the ist
East Tennessee. These formed the 3d Division. From our
triendship with the 7th Ohio we had become somewhat preju-
diced against the handsome, scholarh' man who now assumed
comman.d of the di\ ision: but during the year of danger upon which
we were about to enter, we learned hrst to respect, then to love
(ieneral J. DoUon Cox. During all that time he was never known
to be under any circumstances, however trving. other thaii a j^ertect
gentleman and careful and able commander. About the twentv-
sixth. the di\ ision marched up the countr\ to Lick Creek, from
wlicnce it scattered rej^iments aloiiiif for the next thirty-five miles
one in a place, and proceeded to tear up and destroy the railroads
throughout that distance. Details were set to work with spike
l)ars to loosen the rails. After them j^ans^s of men to pile up the
ties, on t(.)p of which the rails were laid crosswise and fire ap-
plied. Followinii^ these came men with bars which were pro-
vided with clamps to fit the rails. With these they twisted the
rails half wav round so that thev could not be used until re-rolled.
This work last two days, when we marched back to Knoxville,
and staying only a couple of davs to draw rations and ammuni-
tion, we set our faces southward. The good people of Knoxville
again petitioned that the 104th might be left with them, but with-
out avail, l^idding our friends good-bye, \\c marched out, and
the 23d Corps moved toward Chattanooga, traversing the same
route by which Longstreet had led his unwelcome followers up
to scrape acquaintance with us the fall before. The corps was
placed in the command of General John M. Schofield, who be-
came also commander of the Army and Department of the Ohio,
consisting of the 33d Corps and a cavalry di\ision under Gen-
eral George Stoneman. Our corps consisted of the ist division
of entirely new and raw Indiana regiments, under General Alvan
P. Hovey, and were long known to the army as ''Hovey's babies,"
from the fact that most of them were mere boys not yet out of
their teens. They afterward proved to be of clear grit, and no
babies, on many a hotly contested field. This division was already
at Chattanooga. The 2d division was placed in command of
the drunken General Judah, whom I have mentioned in connec-
tion with our entrance into army life. This with the 3d division.
General Cox commanding, now marched to join the first at Blue
Springs, between Chattanooga and Cleveland, leaving Bur-
bridge, with the 4th, to take care of Kentucky, and General
Tillson, with the ist division of Tennesseeans and Carolinians to
look after East Tennessee. We arrived at Blue Springs about
the first of May, whence in two or three days we marched down
into Georgia to form the tireless flanking column of Sherman's
invading army.
Oiptain Com/>uny F, iSb2 04. Major 10 it It, 1 864-6 j.
Captain Coin/^any P. Killed ncir Dallas, Ca., May 28, 1SO4.
Tlic rclicl army, in CDminaiul ot" Joseph E. Johnston (onr of
the ablest i^cncrals of the war), occupied a Hne of great strength
along a series of hills and ridges, with Tunnel Hill in the center.
"JThis line was carried by Thomas on the seventh of Mav, with
slight resistance. Then a general mo\ e \\as ordered, and on tiie
morning of the ninth, the 23d Corps was swung around south to
the extreme right, and the 3d division had c[uite a skirmish with
the enemy. dri\ ing him back to a strcMig line along Maple Ridge,
the south-west end of which \vas crowned with a rebel batterv of
four guns. On this IJatterv I) opened Avith shell, and for some
hours quite an artiller\- duel was carried on, probablv with little
loss on either side. Aljout four o'clock, i'. m., Reillv"s brigade
charged this work, and earned it with but slight loss. Of the
104th, Alexander Davidson, John B. Brooks, and Daniel Henrv.
all from Compan\" F, were wounded. To our right the 2nd
division took the outer line of breastworks, but were unable to
carrv the second line, which extended along up, and over the
almost inaccessible cliffs of Rockv Face Ridge. Here the Cvorps
halted, and we proceeded to fortifv our position, under orders to
remain on the defensive till further orders. Cjeneral Judah con-
ceived the idea of adding another star to his shoulder straps, so he
(jrdered his di\ ision to charge just at dusk, and his men were
repulsed with great slaughter. General vSchoHeld had him
arrested next morning for disobedience of orders, and he was
afterwards dismissed from the service in disgrace. Plis 2d division
was placed in command of General Hascall. and the vacancy in
our 2d brigade was filled b\" Colonel John .*~^. Casement, of the
103d Ohio. Now General AlcPherson, with the i^^th and 17th
corps, came up, and swinging further on to the right, and around
southward, came in on the rear of Rock\- Face Ridge, which
<:)bliged the rebels to relinquish their almost impregnable position,
and fall back to another well fortified line around Resaca. At one
o'clock, A. M., of the thirteenth, we were roused from our slumbers,
and iiKirchcd clcNcn miles to Snake deck (iap, aniviiif^ just
before dav. After Ineakfast we marelied throui^li the ^ap. which
is sinipK a nariow. tortuous <;or<^e, witli pcrjjciKhcuhir walls,
thr()U<i^h which ran the road from LaFayettc and X'illanow to
Resaca. Heforc ni^hl all of Thomas' army had followed us
throu;^''h, and now for the tirst time Sherman's arm\' was all
t(j<^cther. .Vhout noon as we were <^cttin<i,- formed in line on the
extreme rio;ht. an aml)ulance came back from the front, bearinj^
(ieneral Kilpatrick seriousK woiuided in the thiLch- His ca\ alr\
command had advanced against the left llank of the enemw and
had been somew hat worsted in the encounter.
Early on the morninii; of the 14th we were a^ain on the move.
After marching- about three miles, we formed in line of Inittle, our
1st di\ ision. "Hovev's babies," on our ri*^ht, and the |th Corps on
the left. The 104th. and 8th Tennessee were placed in reserve as
a supportinjj^ column tor the bri<i^ade. which char<^ed the enemy's
line just after noon, drivini;- him out of his ad\anced line into the
woods, just then General Cox and stafl' rode up to the 104th.
which was recei\in<4 the attentions of a rebel battery, when a
shell burst not more than two \ards to the left of the (ieneral, kill-
\n(^ one of his aids and severely vvoundin<j^ se\eral more. W'e were
ordered up through the woods to the ri<j;ht, where in crossing a
heavy brush fence Colonel Reilh "s horse became unmanageable.
He dismounted, sent his intractable charger to the rear, and ad-
vanced to the charge on foot, with the remainder of the brigade.
panting like a steamboat with such unusual exertions. We stood for
a couple of hours in line of battle, with stray bullets and shells occa-
sionally dropping in among us. When the 4th Corps and Geary's
division of the 20th got into very hea\v work on our left, the
whole army advanced to the charge right up a long slope covered
with oak timber. The scattered dry foliage was on hre, and the
dense smoke almost blinded and smothered the men. The second
line was carried handsomely, when the rebels withdrew into their
third line of defense. Our losses had been considerable in the
23d Corps, and also in the 4th and 20th. In the 1st brigaile the
1 1 2th Illinois lost over eighty killed and wounded. Among the lat-
ter was Colonel Henderson. The losses in the other regiments
were light. In the 104th were eleven wounded. Of these from
Company D were 1. (r. Wilson, who was wounded l>v a piece of
shell in the heel, and j. R. Roberts, whose arm was nearly broken
by the t'alling of a piece of shell from a tree abo\ e. Charles
38 HIS TO in' OF THE
Shrivcv :iiul Georg-c Monroe of Company I w crc wounded bv
niinie balls. In the 2d brigaiie the 103d Ohio lost over one
hundred in killed and woundcil. including Captains Hutchinson
and Philpott. killed. The 24th Kentucky charged a batterv of
three guns and captured it, losing one hundred and forty-two men.
and the 63d Indiana eighty-tive. Towards midnight, a short
distance to our left, across a rock\ ravine. hea\\' cannonading and
musketr\- Hring for a few minutes informed us that somebodv was
ha\ing sharp work. It was the old 7th Ohio making a night
attack on a section c)f two guns of a rebel batterw which thev
took and hauled back to their own line.
They had hardly settled down, when the thunders of another
more general conflict gave notice that the battle was still raging-.
The rebels undertook to retake their lost guns, but (iearx "s men
were too much for them and the\ fell back in total rout. On the
fifteenth. Hooker and the 20th Corps had a hea\ v battle with the
rebel right wing, which were massed with the intention of crushing
him, but his men held their ground till the 4th Corps, coming to
his assistance, took the.eneni}- in flank, compelling him to fall
back within his line. The next night Joe Johnston ^vithdrew his
arm\- across the Oostenaula, and earh on the sixteenth our arm\"
advanced through Resaca to the river's brink, where our batteries
began to skirmish with the rebels on the other side. Thus ended
the battle of Resaca.
At eleven o'clock, a. m., we marched oft\'astward eight miles to
the Connassauga, which we crossed on a pontoon bridge at dark.
At nine o'clock we started t)n again. Marching east about eight
miles we crossed a low range of mountains, came out on the
bank of the Coosawattee, twent\' miles from our starting place.
We had come most of the wa\' b\- a mere bridle path, through a
wild, hill\- region, covered with cedars and scrub oaks, and almost
uninhabited. The river bottoms to both streams were splendid
land. We slept from 3 .\. m. till da\light, when the pontoons be-
ing readv we went over the ri\ er, deploved skirmishers, and ad-
\anced slowh on to the southward. We had completely out-
flanked the rebels, and the two armies now marched slowly south-
ward on parallel lines. E\ ery two or three miles we passed lines
of rebel works \\ hich had been built with great labor the winter
before. We marched in line of battle, sometimes across cornfierds,
sometimes a handsome meadow, but mt)re often through an almost
impenetra!>le iungle of scrub ]->ines. oaks ami cedars. On the twen-
10.',TH REdlMENT.
tieth we passed the splendid iiiunsion and plantation of (jeneral
A. P. Ilill, whose faniil\- had Hed with the retreatinj^ aiinv, takinj^
along their darkies and household goods. Near here Stonenian's
cavalr\- charged on a rebel battery and captured two of its guns; and
also a large quantity of commissary stoics. Just after daylight on the
twentieth, \ve passed the fortifications of Cassville, which the rebeU
abandoned without a Hght, although they were of extraordinar\-
strength, ^\"e passed on as before, our skirmishers fighting for
every foot of ground, but without any general engagement. This
day Companv I was on the skirmish line, and as thev were pass-
ing Muddv Creek, Lewis W'cldoii aiul Wilbur Chanipne\ were
wounded, but not dangerously. Towards evening we arrived in
front of Cartersxille. Here the rebels were drawn up in line, ap-
parenth' to hold and protect the large foundr\ just south of t(jwn.
from which the lebel armies had bet-u supplied witii a great amount
of ordnance stores. ()ur ^kinnish line was hea\ il\ reinforced
and \ve pushed on. but the "■ |(>biinies"' Jiad something besides
fighting on their minils. .Vbandoning their lines, after setting fire
to an immense supph of cotton in town, they escaped across the
EtyA\ah. lea\ ing the f()undr\ and a large number of their skiim-
ishers in our hands. Our i ^tb Indiana battery and IJatterx D
galloped dow n to the ri\ei" bank, and soon made it too hot for the
foixe which had been left to burn their pontoon bridge, so that
also fell in our hands. >Soon a bright flame arose from the foun-
dry which had been fired, aiul for an hour a magnificent confia-
gration was presented to our view. After a little the light and
noise from the bursting shells and kegs of powder, added grandeur
to the scene, and turned the serenit^■ of a still and beautiful night
into a perfect Pandemonium.
The rebel cavalrv, under Wheeler, had been sent on a raiil
around north, to cut our communication and to- capture and des-
troy such of our supph' trains as they might fall in with. Though
they accomplished little, thev captured the 3d di\ ision train with
ten davs' rations, so that on this march we were obliged to shift
for ourseh es to a large extent, though each of the other divisit)n>-
gave us a small portion of their plenty. The bo\s were deter-
mined not to star\ e. so one night, while the 4th Corps train was
lying near bw some of the enterprising ones sli|)ped up. while the
teamsters were asleejx and almost under the noses of the guards,
stole cpnte a number of cracker boxes, which the\' brought into
camp and issued the contents to their companions. Still tor se\ -
crul (lays our main reliance was corn, which the ho\ s would steal
from the cavalry horses and train mules. A great deal was got
hy scraping up from the ground where the horses had scattered
it, and much of it had sprouted. This washed and parched made
quite a grateful meal to many a half-starved soldier.
Across the river in our front, the rebels had Iniilt strong lines of
earthworks aroimd Allatoona, \\here the\- e\ identl\- intended to
fight us in earnest, but General Sherman did not gratify them.
Early on the twenty-fourth we left our position and marched down
the fertile bottoms of the Etowah westward about nine miles,
where we crossed the river on a pontoon bridge, ad\anced a couple
of miles further, and halted in line of battle. Next day the 104th
took charge of the corps wagon train \\ hich started on at dav-
break, going south-west towards Pmnpkin \"ine Creek. A steadv
rain was falling, and ^vith the \\ heels deep in the black, half-
liquid mire we mo\ ed at a snaibs pace all day and the next night.
After a late breakfast on the twenty-sixth we ad\anced to the front,
between Dallas and. Acworth, where, after se\ere skirmishing, we
drove the enemy out of a strong line of rifle pits. Then we lax-
down to rest our weary bones. The rain continued all night, and
nearly e\-ery night and more than half the chns tor the next two
weeks. All the forenoon of the twenty-seventh hea\y cannonading
to our right, gave evidence of the severe work Thomas was ha\ing
on the Pumpkin \"ine. We advanced through the thick under-
brush one-third of a mile towards Dallas. The rebels tried to shell us
out of our new line, but without success. In this da\"s skirmish,
John W. Roberts, (jf Compan\- D, was wcnmtled in the side. All
that night we worked in a pelting rain, building breastworks.
By daybreak we were well protected, as we thought, from the
reliel skirmish line, barely sixty vards in the front, iiarlv in the
day, as Captain Ai. C. Horton was passing along in therea- of the
line, a shot from a rebel sharpshooter hit him in the forehead, and
he dropped dead without a struggle or a groan. Captain Horton
was (^ne of nature's nolilemen, kind and generous to a fault.
He was loved b\ all who knew him, while his uncomplaining
endurance of fatigue, hardships and want, and his coolness in
scenes of danger and strife marked him as one of the bravest of
the brave. A half dozen of Companv D carried him to his resting
place, where in less than fortv-eight hours he was joined by the
brave, sociable and generous Corporal James Fitzpatrick. He
was shot through the head on the day of the captain's death, and
'104TH REdlMENT. ^I
after lingcriiii^ for thirty-six hours died, and was 1)uricd bv his
captains side. Caleb Riissel, of Company I. had his shoubler
broken b\ a ])iece of a rebel shell.
Day and ni<^ht, for the next two days, constant Hrinjj^ was kept
lip on our skirmish line at short ranj^^e, but owin*^ to the thick imder-
brush. little execution was done b\' either arni\ . At da\ break of
the twent\ -ninth the rebel ann\- ad\ anced to the charge and dro\ e
in our skii inishers, but when the\' were within twenty paces we
delivered one \\ ithering \()lle\ , \\ hich sent them pell mell back to
their own lines. lea\ iug o\ er tift\ dead and wounded in tVont of
our brigade. ()ur loss was three wounded in the 104111. .Xbout
half wa\' between the two armies, in an open space, stood a large
two-stor\ log tobacco barn, in which (piite a number of the rebels
now took shelter and began tiring at an\' of our bo\s who came
within range of their rifles. Com])an\- F, of the 104th. was
detailed to dri\e them out, which the\' did in a gallant charge, in
which tbe\ were led b\' their natt\ little ca])tain. Joseph V. Riddle.
They captured about a score of the rel)els, and set Hre to the
building, then retired to their breastwork. They lost two of
their best men. Joseph v'-^mith ami Samuel F. Totten, while John
Love was wounded. About sundown our division was relieved
bv pai"t of the 141)1 Corps, and for the Hi'st time in o\ er a week
we lay down and slept all night. Bright and early on June second
we ^vere drawn uj) in line of battle, faced stpiare about and
slowly ad\ ancetl to the eastward through a rough hilh' country,
densely timbered with scrubby pines and black jack. Towards
noon we halted in front of a strong line of earthworks, where the
'"rebs"" were as thick and as saucy as bumble bees in August. Here
we began to fortif\', but after an unsuccessful attempt to break our
line, the rebels abandoned their works and withdrew into the
strongly fortified line around Kenesa\\', Little Kenesaw, Pine and
Lost mountains, and left us in possession of the almost equalh'
strong position at .Vllatoona pass and Acworth. Here we re-
mained, occup\ing the rebel line till the tenth of June, with no
incidents worthy of note. But we \yere wet from the rain which
fell almost constantly night and day, and much of the time we were
on short rations.
On the morning of the tenth we again faced tt) the south,
marched tliiee miles and found the rebels strongh entrenchetl in
a line extending between and enveloping Kenesaw and Lost
mountains. The 104th was sent on the skirmish line. They
pushctl turvvard. captured some reiiel skirmishers, without loss on
our side, and drove them into their entrenchments. Next morning-
(jcneral Sherman came along the line, and hy his orders, Battery D
went to work shelling the woods around a covered bridge over a
creek in our front, so as to develop the rebel position there. While
watching the effect on the rebel pickets who were hunting their
holes in cpiick time, (i. P. Reed, (jrderl\- sergeant of Companv I,
was struck in the knee by a minie ball. He was borne to the hos-
pital, wliere his leg was amputated immediately. On the thirteenth
a corj:)oral in Compan\ A had his left arm taken oft", the bone
being broken b\- rebel shell. After dark we moved to the left and
formed upon the flank of Butterfield's division of the 20th Corps,
w bich had taken a strong position close to the foot of Pine moun-
tain. A rebel battery on the mountain, which raked our line,
tried to shell us out in the morning but without avail, for all night
long we bad dug and delved till we had a new shot-proof line
right on their flank. }Icrc we spent the time dodging the rebel
shell which e\ er and anon they sent over our heads to let us know
the\ \vere still alive, till the morning of the seventeenth when we
discovered that the\ had left the strong line in our front, and had
fallen back to another line equallv strong, across a creek, along a
low ridge at either extremitv of which rose high mountain-like
knobs. These were crowned with heavv earthworks defended bv
strong batteries. Our brigade, with a brigade from the 20th
Corps, formed in line and advanced up through the woods,
skirmishing for e\erv inch of ground till we came to the edge of
a large open fleld which the rebs were crossing to reach the cover
of their line, and of the timber on top of the southern of those
fortified mounds. Batterv D came to the front and shelled the
rebs out of their skirmish pits, while the 6^th Illinois and 103d
and i04tb Ohio charged across the half mile of open space to the
mound and into their works, from which the rebels fled to the
co\er of a much stronger line around the other mound, one-fourth
of a mile to the north-east. Being reinforced by the retreating
column. the\ now massed fourteen pieces of artiller\-, protected
b\ strong works and hid out of sight by the surrounding forest.
At full gallop Batterv D followed us in and took their position in
the pine thicket on top of the mound. The rest of our division
came on double quick and formed on our right, while the 20th
Corps formed on the left. The 104th was retired to the rear of
tlie l)atter\ where we lav down, and for nearly an hour sa\y the
most terriHc aitillciy duel \vc c\er witnessed. I•^)lIl■tL•c^ rebel
cannons poured a perfect hailstorui of sliot and shells into the
thicket, where tine as steel IJattery I) ()))ened witli terril)le pie-
cision, with tlieir four true and trusty Rodman .•^UU'-. lUit tiie
odds were too ^reat and soon one ot their <j,"uns wa> dismounted,
while almost e\ er\' minute one after another ot the lna\ e fellows
was struck down. (lallant xouul;- Stanford, of Ka\enna, was
literalh toi"n to pieces 1)\- a hurstint;- shell. andthe;4un he was ser\ -
'\n\f silenced hv the terrible rebel Hre. (ieneral Hooker, takint^- in
the situation sentthe 13th Xew ^'ork battery of six Xa]:)oIeon tjuns,
ji^allopini;' down to the ed<;"e ot the woods to a deep ra\ ine. across
which a dozen rods away the rebel battery was tlealiny out death
and destruction. The Yorkers wheeled in line in splendid st\le
and opened out on the astonislied enem\ \\ ith ^lape and canister,
workinjj^ tlieir guns with such terrible etfect that with tlie help of
our batter\-, in less than a quarter of an hour e\ cry rebel gun was
silenced. Oui" infantr\- lines now ad\anced to the ra\ine. where
for the next two da\s we ke])t them so closely in\ ested that they
scarcely dared to show their heads abo\ e their works. Meantime
the rains descended and the Hoods came, and beat upon the "Jtdm-
nies" and oursehes alike; and turned the roads, naturally po<»r
enough, into a ]:)erfect ([uagmire. l^larh on the nineteenth our
diyision mo\ ed on through the slush and mud. our skirmishers
driving the rebel pickets back tiirough an almost impenetrable
I'ungle. till we came to their line of works around the mound.
Here vye formed and acK anced in line of battle, but the rebels left
their works and retreated tt) their line around Kenesaw mountain.
Our tire had e\ er since the hght of the se\enteenth. kept them
entireh' shut up in their entrenchments, so that their scores of
dead from that encounter lay unburied where they fell, creating a
most nitolerable stench as the\ lay in the midsummer rain. Of
the 104th, Nelson ChaHee was se^■erely wounded through the
lungs, and Zeph Crubaugh in one leg, both from Company D,
and Wilson S. Burnett, of Company F, was shot through the
thigh. While Schotields and Hooker's men were thus taking
line after line, ending with the fortress of Little Kenesaw . other
portions of Sherman's arm\ were at work in the same manner,
skirmishing and lighting night and (la\ . digging ami building
works of mud at night, and slopping shoe deep in mud during
the day till now , on the twentieth of June, the rebel army was
withdrawn into the impregnable fortress of clifl'diountl Kenesaw,
and extended southward on either side of Marietta. Our i^d
Corps was swunji^ wav around south to the extreme right: Hook-
er, Howard, and Pahner to the left around the mountain, while
McPherson, with his two corps, extended southward on the left,
formiuif a irreat horseshoe, with the rebel arm\ inside.
(ieneral Cox \vas much given to building breastworks.
Through,out this whole campaign there w ere \ erv few exceptions
to his regular practice of setting" all hands to work fortifying each
new position. Sometimes we were allowed to occupy them for a day
or two after the\ were built, but often we mo\"ed on again before
they were half finished. Ilascalbs 2d division, where this ])rac-
tice did not prevail to any great extent, often laughed at us,
calling us ''the breastworks division," and (jur commander. •'Gen-
eral Breastworks." However, it so happened that Hascall was
all the time losing more in killed, wounded, and prisoners than
Cox, so the laughing was not at all one-sided. But our lioys could
see no good reason whv we should be kept constanth' at Avork on
works we never intended to hold, and grmnbling was protuse
among us till June twenty-second, when an event transpired which
served as an eve-opener, and gave our general a mighty lift in the
minds of the men. That morning we started forward, skirmish-
ing, as usual, all the wa}' for about two miles. We took a new
position, further south-east, and threatening the rebel communi-
cations. The 2d division was on our right, anil Williams" di-
vision of the 20th Corps on our left. As soon as we were fairly in
position we were set to work, and in perhaps three hours had a
good line of works built in our front. All this time the two di-
visions of Hascall and Williams had been taking a rest, which
thev, as well as ourselves, much needed. The line was on open
ground, in full view of the rebels, as well as of each other. Gen-
eral Johnston took in the situation at once, and massing a vastly
superior force, hurled it on HascalFs exposed line, with intent to
crush him hcfoic help Ci)ul(l arrive. It was oulv by the most des-
perate tij^litiuif that Ills men heUl their <)[r()uiKl. and l^eat the rebels
hack till assistance arrived in the reserves of the 1st and ^d di-
visions, when the rehels fell hack to try it ai^ain elsewhere. The
loss of life, hoth to tiie rebels and our men. was \ er\- heav\. [nst
as the e\ enini;- shades were bej^inninji,- to j^ather. w ith theii" lontr.
peculiar yell, the rebel host a^'ain swept on. this time to the un-
protected dnisioii ot' (ieiieral Williams. A^ain the\ were re-
pulsed w ith oreat slautihter. lea\ ino- ;i l;ir<;e number of their
braxest and best dead on the field. Our men had done heroic
work, liut paid dearly foi- their \ ictory in the li\es of man\- a
soldier. The rebels ne\ er tried our w ell piotected front. Thouj^h
witnesses to both these bloody flights, our tlivision escaped un-
scathed. I'^roni this time on we grumbled less and worked more
cheertuMy to ,^"i\e oursehes protection w hich ensmed such pro-
found respect.
Our army was now ii^ettino- to work in dead earnest in the at-
tempt to reduce the stronohold of Kenesaw mountain. .Mono-
our central line, battery aftei" battery was placed in position, and
commenced the work of bombardment. Xow the roar of artiller\
could be heard like a continual lon<;- roll, off to our left, da\- and
niy-ht. for nearly a week. At nio-htthe mountain presented a mu"--
nihcent spectacle. As the iiiins on the mountain poured forth their
sheets of white flame, and the shells, like so man\ skv rockets.
^ would rise Irom the semi-circle of "uns on our line toward the
rebel stron<^hold, and over all was the weird, nnearthlv reflections
on the clouds, we beheld an ever chanoino- pvrotechnical displa\-
surpassing; anythiiy<( we had ever before seen. On the twent\ -
seventh we a^ain moved forward abcmt three miles, driving the
rebels back to within easy cannon shot of the road from Marietta
to Atlanta. Here the ist brigade was set at work building a
heavy earthwork with embrasures for ten guns, where the i^th
Indiana Battery and Battery D were in a day or two placed in
position to sweep the road for a long distance. On the iyth also
occurred the tremendous assault by the troops uikler Thomas and
Mcpherson, on the rebel entrenchments on the mountain, in
\\hich the\ were re))ulsed with great loss, ^\'e could hear the
noise ot the conflict, but could see nothing but the dense column
of smoke ^\•hich arose from the field of carnage. On the night
ot the fii-st of July it became evident that something unusal was
going on in the rebel lines. The rebel camp-tires burned as
brightly as c\ cr aiouiul the mountain, hut wc noticed the utter
silence of the lehel artillery. The north wind wafted to our ears
the rumble of heavy wheels coming down the rocky sides of the
mountain, and all along in our front toward the south. Our bat-
teries opened out to sweep the road, l)ut it was soon found that
there were no rebels there. Thev had with great labor con-
structed a road through the wooded hills further east, and on this
the\' made their escape with their trains that night, at the same
time e\ acuating the mountain and following on to the Chattahoo-
chee, where, under co\ er of heav\ works which had been erected
the winter l)efore, the\ turned again to show us tight. July second
our armies began the pursuit, and for the next two da\s regiments,
brigades, di\ isions and corps were marching along the road
toward Atlanta, leaving our corps as the last to move. On the
fifth we started out eastward toward the Chattahoochee, where
we arrived the morning of the eighth, ha\ ing taken three da\ s to
march eighteen miles. Our route lav down the \allev of Soap
Creek, at the mouth Of which we proceeded to \i\\ a pontoon
l^ridge across the ri\ er. which, at that place was about three hun-
dred yards wide and waist deep. The rebels had a brigade in
line on the high blufl' opposite supporting two twelve-poimders,
which opened out on our pioneers at work on the liridge. The
104th was deployed as skirmishers, and moved down to the river
bank where we began such a galling fire that they tried to remove
their cannon further back out of i^ifle range, but were obliged to
abandon them, as we had killed and disabled most of their horses,
while Battery D, from the blufl' in our rear had made the locality
extremely unhealth\' for either the gunners or their supports.
Meantime the 103d had forded the river a short distance above,
and all unseen came on down the ri^•er, formed in line of l^attle,
and charged up the bluft'. When thev \\ ere fairh' under N\av,
our boys opened on the rebel line with such a hre that the
'"Johnnies" took to their heels, and were just tlisappearing in the
woods beyond, as the 103d arrived at the top of the blufl' and,
turning the abandoned guns, sent a few shots after the flying foe.
We soon had the liridge ready and crossed over, followed h\ the
remainder of the division, one day ahead of McPherson's crossing
at Roswell, six miles above, and the ad\"ance of Thomas' army at
\"ining"s bridge, two miles below. Here we had a hard-earned
week's rest, which the boys appreciated as only tired soldiers can.
The rebel authorities were sorely disappointed with the out-
10 J, TH RE GIMEN T. ^y
come of the summer's work. We had in less than two nutnths
driven them away out of nineteen stronjr, well fortified lines of
defense, ox er four mountain rani;es and tour considerahle rivers, a
distance of one hundred miles, and to within five miles of the
defenses of Atlanta. .So JefV Davis i^^ave his best j^eneral his
walking; )3a})ers, and put his arm\ in command of the lion-hearted
John H. Hood, whose only ciuiUihcation as a j^eneral was that he
was always spoilinjj for a Hj^ht. Around our camp alouLj the
river, l)lackl)crries \\cre \ery plenty at this time, wliich the
boys enjoyed to tlie fullest extent. Thex l)ecame somewhat care-
less, so on the tenth some of them were surprised outside of the
lines, and driven in 1)\- Imshwhackers. 1)\ whom three of our
brig^ade were killed, and several captured. Just at dark on the
fourteenth, a fearful thunder storm came up, which soon became
a perfect hurricane, sweeping away fences and tents like so much
chaff, while the ground in our camp was soon strewn with the
limbs and bodies of the falling timber, liy which several men of the
regiment were wounded. The major, sergeant major, and sev-
eral men in the i6th Kentuckv were killed, and manv were
injured. On the seventeenth we mo\ed out south-east to the
vicinity of Cross Keys, wdiere we had a slight skirmish with rebel
cavalry, who r^jtired back to Peachtree Creek. Our loss was
small. Of our regiment, George Rice, of Company F. was
severely wounded, while Orderlv vSergeant Jackson, of Compan\-
-H, was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, while cross-
ing a ravine, on a log, where he stumbled and fell. Long before
day on the twentieth, we were in motion again. Company D on
the skirmish line. After the most obstinate skirmishing, we
drove the rebel cavalr\ back from their line along Peachtree
Creek seven miles to. and across the Georgia Central railroad,
between Atlanta and Decatur. Although this was the most tire-
some and exhausting day's work we were ever engaged in. with
constant and obstinate skirmishing from before davlight till long
after night, our loss was slight, but Compan\- D was. t"or the
second time, deprived of a commander, in the loss of Origen
Adams, orderly sergeant of the companw and since our passage
of the Chattahoochee, our commander, instead of Captain Ever-
hard, who had iieen transferred to Company E. Off to the right,
miles away, fearful scenes of carnage were transpiring in front of
the 4th, 14th, and 20th corps, \\ hich were receiving the tremen-
dous assaults of Hood's arm\' at Peachtree Creek. In the morn-
in<4 the spires of vVtlanta were plainly \isil)le two miles to the
north-west, \vhile less than half a mile in front, the parapets of a
tremendous, well-manned line of earthworks could be seen
throu<;h the openinijs. Here we went to work in earnest, and
soon had the protection of a strong- line of works in our front.
As soon as it was fairly day, Haltery D opened on the town, and
soon compelled the Johnnies to haul down the flao^ which marked
the rebel headciuarters. About sunrise on the t\vent\-second, our
skirmish line was doubled, and achanced on the rebel works in
front, our main line of battle following; swifth' on, and in ten min-
utes we were in possession of their outer line, where we waited
for McPherson. with his three corps, to o-ft into line on our left.
Towards noon. hea\v skirmishing;", far ot^" to the left and rear,
showed that our bovs out there were trettintj^ into luisiness. For
an hour we could hear their stead\' advance, when in an instant,
ort' to the south a couple of miles, the shrill, \\ ild, rebel yell rose on
the summer air, as Hardee and iStewart rushed their solid columns
in a \\edge-shaped line between the i6th and 17th corps, v.nd
be<^an to push them back, and double upon each other. The
fearful crash of arms, and incessant roar of artillery gave proof
that though surprised, our men were by no means routed. Soon
aids de camp came with the news that Blair's and Dodge's men
were being cut to pieces, followed by orders for us to hasten to
the rescue, which we did as fast as the nature of the ground
would permit. Back up the Decatur road we fairly flew for a
couple of miles to get in McPherson's rear, thence south through
tangled brushwood struggling on as best we could toward the
break in the Union line which we reached between two and three
p. M. But the battle was over, and the rebels repidsed w'ith ter-
rible loss. We halted till night but a few roils from McPherson's
general hospital, where all the evening the torn and mangled bodies
of hundreds of his brave and gallant men \vere being brought in.
Long tables were covered w ith men with shattered liml)s, while
scores of surgeons were at their blo(jd\- work of cutting and saw-
ing, probing and bandaging, and piles of still warm and qui\ering
arms and leg.s la\ under the tables: and umler the shady forest
trees, were ranged hundreds of men. filling the air ^vith their
piteous cries for water, and heart-rending, dying groans. .Such is
war. ■ Under the protecting shade of a great oak, near h\\ h\\ the
lifeless form of the pride of the army of the Temnessee, brave,
handsome, gallant McPherson. The entire western army mourned
his loss, for he was luhniicd aiul 1(>\ ed h\ all. At the little hamlet
of Clyde, in Sandusky count} , Ohio, among liis friends, and near
the home of his aged mother, he lies at peace; where the lovino-
hands of his true and trusty I)oys ha\ e erected a colossal statue of
bronze to mark the s})ot.
Howard took McPherson's place, and in a few da\s more
moved his three corps around the rear of vSchofield to the extreme
right, where, on the twenty-eighth, he again defeated a large part
of Hood's army, so tiiat at the end of Jul\ Sherman's forces had
invested Atlanta on the east, north and west, with the zi^d Corps
on the extreme left of his line, east of the citv.
After dark, on the e\ening of August first, we witlidrew from
in front of the rebel lines, to the rear of the 4th Corps, where we
lav till morning, when we resumed our march, and during the
da\ passed along the rear of all the other six corps of our army,
from the extreme left to the extreme right. We encountered but
slight resistence from the rebels, and took a position along a ridge
reaching to the Chattahoochee, on which we that night built a
strong line of breastworks. Here we lay till the afternoon of the
fourth, w'hen we again advanced to the front. Our brigade was
pushed through the thick underbrush about half a mile to a deep
ravine, where we were massed in column of divisions for a charge,
and were kept waiting all the evening for the 14th Corps to form
on our right. Here we lay on our arms all night. Our skirmish-
^ ers were kept busy, and a few^ of those in the 3d division were
killed an(] wounded, but they had the satisfaction of capturing
some two hundred or more of the "Johnnies." At daylight, on
the fifth, we again moved forward, but had not gone far when we
were halted to await the co-operation ofthe 14th Corps, which had
been sent to help us turn the enemy's left flank, but failed to come
to time through the pig-headedness of their corps commander.
General Palmer, who refused to take orders from General Scho-
field on the plea that it was beneath his dignitv to receive orders
from an officer of inferior rank. General Sherman put him
proijiptly under arrest, and (General Jeft' C. Davis took his place
in command of the 14th Corps. Thus the day was consumed and
the precious time was occupied by the rebel commander massing
troops in our front, and building and manning line after line of
works, and getting batterv after battery in position. The lines
were near each other so that e\erv now and then strav balls
dropped in among us or whi/zed harmlesslv o\er our heads, (^u
the fit'tli, one of these visited Company I, by which Sergeant A.
H. Furry and Al. Campbell were slightly wounded and Walter
Chittenden had his arm broken. In the afternoon we moved for-
ward again and took the rebel front line \\ ith scarcely any loss in
our division. Here we remained till morning and \vere pretty
thorou«:hlv drenched bv a drizzling rain which lasted all night.
Though the fog \i\\ thick aroimd us and completelv shut out our
\ ision, we were advanced early on the sixth through the woods
to the right, and soon came to the Sandtown road where we halted
to reform our line for business. Rebel batteries off to the left had
full sweep along the road, and every little while a shell would
come screaming along. One of these burst close to ordnance
Sergeant Andrew Jackson's ammunition wagon, killing a soldier
of the 1st Tennessee. At 9 o'clock the ist brigade was ordered
to the charge, the 104th Ohio and the ii3th Illinois on the reserve
line. The brigade advanced obliquely across the road and charged
up and over a low ridge swarming with rebels, who retired into a
deep ravine, and up another heavily wooded ridge to the cover of
heavy fortifications. Our boys pushed on close at their heels to
the foot of the second ridge, when, like the bursting forth of an
immense volcano, the rebel artillery opened from the crest of the
ridge, and at the same instant heavy masked batteries on the right
and left began pouring in a raking cross fire on the boys, as they
struggled on up the ridge to meet only ghastly death at its crest.
Under this terrible artillery fire, accompanied by the well aimed
missiles from ten thousand rifles, it was impossible to take the
rebel line, so the torn and battered fragments of the charging col-
umn fell back to the shelter of a rocky ledge at the foot of the
ridge, leaving nearly four hundred dead and dying comrades to
fall into the enemy's hands. A detailof eight men from each com-
pany of the 104th and 112th were now sent forward as skirmishers
and advanced up through the woods till they came in sight of the
rebel line, where, taking shelter behind trees, for nearly two hours
they maintained the unequal contest with the rebel riflemen who
swarmed in cover of the rebel breastworks. One after another of
the boys fell before the rebel fire, and soon the skirmish line began
to grow thin, and a second detail of four men from each compan}^
was sent forward to help them. Then one after another the regi-
ments began to defile through a narrow gorge to the ridge in our
rear, where they formed a new line, after vyhich the skirmishers
began to retire, followed closely by a strong force, by whom a few
104 TH R E G I MEN T. '^\
of the boys were taken prisoners, \\ liilc eleven of their comrades
of the 104th were left on the field dead and fell into the hands of
the rehels, who promptly stri])[)ed thcni of their clothinf;^ and left
their unburied remains to the mercy of the midsummer sun.
Sixteen of the boys were carried to the rear wounded, of whom
Albion Parham, of Company D, and David Force, of Company I,
died before another mornino^. The losses of the 104th were compar-
atively light compared with some other re<^iments in the brij^ade;
vet we lost in all of killed, wounded and captured, somethinj^
over thirty men. The losses in the ist bri<jjade aniounted to
four hundred and fifty men, of whom one hundred and forty were
lost from the looth Ohio from a total of less than three hundred.
This was the only occasion in which the 104th or the ist brigade
ever made an attack and failed to "get there.''
The terrible experiences of the morning of the sixth of August,
showed plainly that the strong and well-manned works westward
of Atlanta were impregnable to any direct assault. In the afternoon
our other two divisions were brought around and formed on the
rrght of our line, which was further extended by part of the 14th
Corps. Under a Bag of truce a detail of our l)oys were, on the
seventh, permitted to go over the battle ground and bury their
dead comrades. They found that the rebels had stripped them
of shoes, hats, pants and coats, and even shirts had been taken.
Each was given as decent burial as the circumstances would per-
mit. The men then strengthened their line of works. Here they
remained until the eighth, when all being in readiness they again
moved forward, and just far enough to the right to avoid being en-
trapped in a cid de sac, such as had proved so fatal two days
before. Our brigade operated as a pivot on which the remainder
of the corps and the fourteenth swung in a great left wheel,
first south-east and then east back from their first and second
lines of works, away from Utoy creek to the strong defense of
their inner lines. The loss in the ist brigade in this move was
light. The 104th had about a dozen wounded, of whom Stephen
Loomis of Company I, and one from Company G died within a
few days. By far the heaviest loss fell on the 3d, or Tennessee bri-
gade, the 1st Tennessee being especially unfortunate. These pa-
triotic men had served out their term of service and were at the
time making out the rolls preparatory to their muster out. Gen-
eral Cox told Colonel Bvrd, who also commanded the brigade,
that thouuh he had no risfht to order his regiment into action he
sorely nceclecl their help, and that he would call for volunteers
from the regiment for this fight. Colonel Byrd stated the case to
the men and offered to lead such as would go in. The brave fel-
lows stepped forward to a man, and in the charge which ensued,
that brigade captured a battery and three battle flags; but the
regiment lost over one hundred men out of less than four
The men were promptly set to work fortifying the new posi-
tion, and they soon had a strong line of works, hugging close to
the rebel fortifications, well to the south-w^est of the city. On the
twelfth the brigade again marched to the right and gained a new
position, which was soon made strong enough to resist any attack
which the rebels were likely to make in that quarter.
August fourteenth Colonel J. W. Reilly was commissioned a
Brigadier General of volunteers. Lieutenant Colonel Oscar W.
Sterl was at the same time promoted to be Colonel of the 104th,
while Major Wm.J.Jordon was promoted to be Lieutenant Colo-
nel and Captain Joseph F. Riddle to be Major. All of these
ofticers so remained to the end of the war.
August sixteenth Captain A.J. Southworth was killed by the
falling of a tree, which some of his boys were chopping, and
wdiich fell across the stump the wrong way.
The rebel commander had meantime dispatched most of his
cavalry under Wheeler, oft' north, on that long and destructive
raid through north-east Georgia, east Tennessee, and North Caro-
lina, which, though intended to force Sherman to abandon Georgia
and fall liack to Chattanooga, only served to give the great flanker
the opportunity to move unobserved to the destruction of the
railroad communications of Atlanta. So now, on August eigh-
teenth, he began one of the most remarkable moves of the war.
Slocum, with the 3oth Corps, strengthened our position at the
north of Atlanta. Schofield, with his corps, stretched along close
to the strong works west and south-\\ est, while the remainino-
corps and divisions withdrew from their positions, moved on, and
formed further and further to the right. In the advance of
August eighteenth, near East Point, several of the 104th were
wounded while on the skirmish line. Of these, John W. Roberts,
of Company D, was the second time wounded in a little over two
months, this time through the lungs, antl so severely that but for
his iron constitution, it must have proved fatal. Here the division
remained with almost continual skirmishing and daily reconnoi-
101, TH RE GIMEN T. 53
sances till Au<i^iist twenty-ninth. By this time the arnn had
gained all the ground south of the city to near the West Point
railroad, and now, leaN ini^ the 20th Corps to look out for them-
selves, the 23d ahandoned its line and marched to the remainder
of the army, on the left of whicli it formed in line to the south of
East Point, and across the West Point road, which the\' destroyed
for a long distance. On the thirty-first the army again advanced
to the eastw ard, and "after some severe skirmishing, drove the
enem\' to and across the Macon raihoad. w liicli our hovs pro-
ceeded to destroy up to within three miles of East Point. Here
they took a strong position which they fortified, while Howard
and Thomas also captured Joneshoro and Loxejoy. when they
tore up and destroNed the Alacon railroad for nearly thirty miles.
Hood had heen completely outgeneraled by vSherman, and now
finding Atlanta untenable, on the night of the tirst of September
he withdrew all his war material b\- the (Georgia Central toward
Augusta, then following with liis army, was well on his way to
Decatur l)efore da\-. General vSlocum, at the head ol" the 20th
Corps, rode into the city early in the morning: and the goal of
our summer's work, that for which so much blood and treasure
had been expended, was ours.
As soon as (jeneral Sherman disco\cred that the enemy was
gone, he disposed his forces so as to protect the city in all direc-
tions and still give his army a season of rest. So the 23d Corps
marched to Decatur, fifteen miles east of Atlanta, where, on Sep-
tember eighth, the bovs Avent into camp, and here for a month
were engaged in the inoflensive pastime of dress parades and
guard mountings.
The rebel authorities now determined to make a bold stroke to
retake Atlanta, and with this end in view. General Hood started
about October first on his desperate endeavoi" to destroy Sher-
man's communications \\\\\\ Chattanooga, and if possible to re-
gain that stronghold. vSo, following General Sherman's tactics,
he struck ofi' from his lines of communication, and on by-roads,
through a wilderness country, struck the north Geoi'gia railroad
near Marietta and began the work of destruction.
But Sherman was b\' no means asleep, and soon all the army
(except the 20th Corps in Atlanta) was marching northward in
quest of Hood's army. The 23d Corps marched to \'ining's
Bridge on the fourth, thence on the road north l)y Marietta and
Acworth to the relief of (jeneral Corse, who was "holding the
fort" at Altoona against ten times his own force, in obedience to
the famous order from Sherman, which has been immortalized in
the song: "Hold the fort; for I am coming." Our boys got
there just in time to be too late to take an active part in the fight,
but next day marched on through Cartersvillc and Kingston to
Rome, where thev arrived on the twelfth. On the thirteenth our
division made a reconnoisance and had quite a brush with the
"Johnnies," capturing two pieces of artillery, over one hundred
wagons, and several hundred prisoners. The loss of the 104th
was four wounded, and not over twenty in the division. They
marched through Calhoun to Resaca on the fifteenth, thence
through Snake Creek Gap, where they lay till the eighteenth,
when, learning that Hood had left for Alabama, our forces were
again put in motion in pursuit. On the nineteenth our boys came
up with them and had some light skirmishing with their rear
guard, passed through Summersville, entered Alabama on the
twentieth, and marched on westward down the beautiful Coosa
bottoms, twelve miles to Gaylesville, and went into camp at Blue
Pond, two miles from town. Here for five days the boys enjoyed
to the fullest extent their hard-earned rest in "a land of corn and
swine," a land beautiful to behold; with the finest fruit, the best
timber, best soil and best weather they had seen since leaving
On the twentv-tifth the 3d division moved to Cedar Blufl', from
which the 104th next da}' made a reconnoisance to Center, the
county seat of Cherokee county. They found the country clear of
rebels, and on the 38th the 33d Corps started on its return to
Geoi-gia by way of Cave Spring, and arrived at Rome a-bout noon
of the thirtieth of October, twenty-six days after leaving Decatur,
during which time they had marched nearly four hundred and
fiftv miles.
Ever since our entrance into the service a mutual dislike had
existed between Colonel Reilly and Colonel Jack Casement of
the 103d, prompted bv jealousy of the latter on account of Colonel
Reilly's preferment. Casement laid Reilly's popularity among
the higher officers to the 104th band, forgetting that his own dis-
sipated habits counteracted the soldierly regard to which his abil-
ities and bravery fairly entitled him. To make up for his supposed
deficiency, he enlisted all the principal officers of his second bri-
gade in a scheme to outdo the 104th in the music line. The out-
come of this was that the famous Jack Leland's German band, of
Cleveland, came al)out November first to the 2d hrij^ade in our
camp at Rome, and that very night proceeded to scjuclch the bands
in the ist brigade. While the Ii2th Illinois hand was playing as
usual, the newcomers, with all the pomp of men about to show
their superiority, glittering with tinsel and feathers, marched out
to the front, in plain view and hearing of both brigades, prepared
to teach the boys what music reall\- was. As soon as the other
band was through, the hogshead like form of Lcland arose, and
when he swung aloft his befeathered and bespangled baton, the
band struck up one of its most formidable pieces. Meantime our
band, in common soldier's blue, got in position for a counterblast.
As soon as the cheers of the i(\ brigade, in honor of their victory
had subsided, our boys began one of their best pieces. Both bri-
o-ades were out on the ground in full force, and also many of the
officers from Generals Schofleld and Sherman's headquarters, all of
whom were encamped near by. The boys' eftorts were followed
by prolonged and hearty cheers from our brigade and from many
of the spectators from other commands. Leland's band again
took the work in hand, followed by our boys through no less than
half a dozen pieces, in which each did its best, but by far the
heaviest applause came in response to the eftorts of our band.
After an hour's heroic eftort, the Clevelanders gave up and re-
tired filled with disgust, which increased when our band received
an invitation at Calhoun to go over and play for General Sherman
, on the last evening he would spend with us before going to At-
lanta, from which place he was soon to start out on his memorable
march to the sea. From this time our band was acknowledged
the best in the 23d Corps.
Captain Company A, 1862-64, Colonel 104th O V. T., 1864-6^.
[Taken after the close of the war in 1865 ]
Captain Coiii/>a>ij> B, Killed near Atlanta, Ga., Auj^ust 16, 1S64.
ciiapti:k \'i
Now every effort of (General Scliofield and liis jjenerals of ])ii-
gade and division, was put forth to uet tlieir men into middle
Tennessee, before Hood and his army sliould march on and take
Nashville. On the evenin<i^ of November third, we reached Dal-
ton, and found the town deserted by nearly the entire population.
Tlie next morning found not a single unoccupied house, barn,
shed or well-curb standing-. All had been torn down and con-
signed to the flames. On the morning of November fifth, we
took transportation in fi eight cars for Nashville, where we arrived
November seventh, after dark. Here we lay by to take part in
the Presidential election next day. When the polls were closed
and the votes counted, it was found that in the 104th Abraham
Lincoln had received three hundred and thirt\- xotes. and (leneral
George B. McClellan, thirteen. Probablv more than half were
cast by men who had never voted before. That night we were
taken to Springhill, where we went into camj) in a fine open forest
of gigantic beech, elm and ash, the first of an\- of these trees that
we had seen south of the Ohio. On the thirteenth we mat ched to
Columbia, on the Duck river, thence by Linnville to Pulaski, near
the south line of the State, where we went into camp to be ready
to march in any direction in case Hood should crt)ss the Tennessee
for Nashville or Chattanooga. On the twentv-fourth we began to
fall back, going as far as Linn\ ille, where we remained until
morning, when we were called up before dav and started of in
quick time which we kept up to within two miles of Columbia,
when we were ordered to the double quick. The sound of heavy
cannonading to the north-west saluted our ears, and on emerging
from the woods, about a mile south of t<)\\n, we were amazed to
see Hood's armv oft' to the left not more than a mile, filing away
from the Mt. Pleasant road bv which thev had come and advan-
cing on the town, and on a strong earthwork, on which were
mounted about a dozen cannons with a light infantr\ support.
The earthwork overlooked the town from its situation on the
hi<^hest hill in the neighborhood. The "Johnnies" were charging
on this work when we came in sight. It was a desperate assault,
but the brave " Yanks" inside gave them such a warm reception
that they relinquished the attempt to take the fort and retired to
the cover of a low ridge.
Now thev began to move on the town, and it became a race
for life with us to get there and into position before them. We
succeeded, and soon had our line stretched from the river to the
woods, covering the road on which our trains were following us
in. Here we stood in line of battle, with the looth Ohio to the
front as skirmishers, till night, when our trains having come in.
we drew the left line back so as to enclose the city, and here
spent the night fortifying. Next morning the rebels extended
their line around us to the river, above where Lee's rebel corps
subsequentlv crossed, and marched north, one division going in
the direction of Springhill, on our line of retreat, the remainder
towards Murfreesboro. Early in the morning of the twenty-fifth,
the rebels made an attack on our skirmish line, but were repulsed.
Several similar attempts were made during the day, with like re-
sults. Their artillery plied us with shot and shell all day, but did
little damage. On the twenty-eighth at daylight, the 3d division
W'as withdrawn across the river, where we formed a new and
shorter line which we fortified with breastworks. Our brigade
was placed in the center of the line within range of the fort on
the hill, which had now fallen into the hands of the enemy.
This was on the twenty-eighth. Next morning the rebels began
to lay pontoons across the river in our front, and though several
times driven from their work by our skirmishers, finally laid it,
and a brigade crossed over. About the middle of the afternoon,
having been heavily reinforced, the}^ advanced in line of battle on
the west side of the road, made an assault on the line of our bri-
gade, but were repulsed with heavy loss. Our loss was compara-
tively light, the 104th losing five killed and seven wounded.
Just at dusk the i6th Kentucky was sent out to make a feint on
the enemy, which was effectual in driving in the enemy's pickets
and inducing the belief that we were getting ready to fight them
there. This gallant charge of the i6th resulted in considerable
loss to the regiment, including their intrepid Colonel, S. D.
White, who was wounded in the face. Leaving our campfires
brighth burning, we filed oft' through the woods and were soon
10 If TH REGIMEN T. cq
following the rciiiaiiulcr of the army in full ictrcat towards Nash-
ville. After a rapid march of fourteen miles, we were halted in
the woods, when aides-de-camp came along witli orders that we
should transfer our canteens to the other side from our havonets.
that not a word should he spoken al)o\ e a whis])er, and that in
marching we should mo\e as carefulK and noiselessly as if our
li\es depended on the utmost silence. We soon found that such
was the case. On emerging into the clearings, scnith of Sjiring-
liill, we were astonished to tind ourselves inarching right past an
immense cam]), while the road we were traveling was in utter
darkness, crowded with our trains, aiul held hy a handful of
skirmishers and a few ])ieces of artiller\' against the forces camped
on the ridge, less than a cjuarter of a mile to the east, whom we
had taken to be our own men, till undeceived by our fellows hold-
ing the road. I'hese proved to be battery A ist O. \ . L. A., sup-
ported bv a small detachment including our 103d. Thev had
been attacked by Lee's men about noon of the dav before, and
liad held their ground so stubbornly that the rebels had left them
in possession of the road, on which the very troops the rebels
were sent there to intercept, were now stealing by in their mid-
night retreat from Columbia. The wind was in our favor, so that
. they never heard us as we passed by, or itever suspected that we
' were escaping out of the lion's mouth by crossing in front of his
very nose. Eighteen miles more brought us to Franklin, where
we^filed oft' east of the road to a large, old fashioned cotton gin.
Each man loaded himself with raw cotton on which he slept until
the autumn sun aroused us to scenes of labor and carnage such as
we had never seen.
Bright and beautiful rose the sun on that last clay of November,
1864, and found the boys sleeping heavily, from the exhausting
vigils of a sleepless week, and the hard marching of the night be-
fore. We were aroused from our slumbers soon after sunrise, and
after snatching a hasty breakfast, we took a position a little to the
rear and began to fortify. Our mainline formed one end and one
side of an irregular triangle, enclosing the town of Franklin on the
west and south, and reaching the Harpeth river above and l^elow.
West of town, the right of the line was held by the ist division of
f^e 4th Corps, while the 23d occupied the center and left on the
southwest and south. The extreme left from the river, west
across the Lewisburg pike, was held by Casement's 2d brigade.
Next came our brigade extending west to the Columbia pike and
centering around the old cotton gin. West of the Columbia pike
the center was held by our 2d division. South of this line the
ground sloped awav gradually southward for, perhaps, half a
mile, then, with slight undulations, rose to a low lidge, covered
with timber, some two miles off. A quarter of a mile in our front
lav the 2d and 3d brigades of Waggoner's division of the 4th
Corps, most of whom were new recruits, never before under rtre^
while Colonel Opdyke, with his famous Ohio brigade, was placed
in reserve behind the center. As the rifled guns of battery D and the
15th independent battery unfitted them for work at close quarters,
thev were retired to the heights north of the river, and their places
in the 3d division were filled by Bradley's 6th Ohio and the ist
Kentucky batteries, the latter on the Columbia pike, the Buckeyes
at intervals along the line, east of the cotton gin, occupied by the
We to(jk all the rails we could find and with them built a low-
post and rail fence, <nitside of which we threw up an eml)ank-
ment deep and strong enough to protect us from the rebel shot
and shell, with salient angles for cross firing and embrasures for
the artillerv. This was finished by two o'clock in the afternoon,
when the boys, too tired to get dinner, lay down behind their
new" made works and lunched on crackers and raw bacon. For
half an hour we rested, when brisk firing in front admonished us
that we were not alone; and soon pell mell back the cavalry came,
past the outer line, past the main line, through town, across the
river. Through the woods came the rebel column, and filing oft"
to the right and left in plain view they presented one of the
grandest pageants we had ever beheld as regiments, brigades
and divisions marched out and formed in line, with colors flying,
to the blare of trumpet and the rattle of drum, with all the pomp
and circumstance of glorious war. Meanwhile a continual rattle
of inusketry was kept up from our skirmish line, while ever and
anon a shell from battery D, on the hill noi^th of us, whizzed over
our heads past our skirmishers into the forming rebel lines, wherein
great gaps were opened by the death dealing fragments of burst-
ing shell, but which were promptly closed. For an hour the ever
increasing rebel host filed ofl' from the road east and west till by
three o'clock their line, in three solid columns, backed by numer-
ous strong batteries, reached from the Lewisburg pike, for a mile or
more, to the woods west of the Columbia pike. Now their artil-
lery opened all along the line, and for a few minutes a perfect hail
of shells stormed arouiul us in our breastworks and shrieked over
our heatls into the town, resultinjjf, however, in hut little 1<jss of
life. At half past three the entire rehel infantry advanced down
the slope to the char<i^e. Our skirmishers held uu till ohlii^ed to
fall back, when they forme<l in line with Wa<;<;oner"s outlvin*'- di-
vision, who stood l)ra\ely at hay till overwhelmed In" superior
luimhers. when the\' heat a hasty retreat, with the rehel column
howling at their heels. How grandly, how swiftlv, thev swept
up that beautiful slope, after tlM3 flying fugitives in their break-
neck race, and so close upon their heels, that bv the time our bovs
were climbing the breastworks of our main line, manv of the
••Johnnies" were there with them. All this time not a gun had
been fired from oiu" line, but now, as soon as our bovs had o-ained
the cover of the works, we opened all along the line of attack
with the shock of an eartluiuake. As our outK ing di\ision came
over the works our oihcers ordered them to fall back and form
in the rear.
Some of our men of the looth and 104th who were between
the cotton gin and the Columbia pike, mistaking this order,
fell back a few rods, but turned again and tlrove the rebels back,
capturing over ele\ en huntlred of the rebel front line prisoners.
Farther to the right, on the pike, the Kentucky battery abandoned
its guns, which fell into the hands of the enemy, who pushed on
through the gap thus formed and began rolling back the brigade
in confusion, when the opportune arrival of Colonel Opdyke's
brigade, in their famous counter charge, saved the day on that
part of the line. Of the 104th only four companies had left the
line under the mistaken order, and on these fell most of our loss,
except on the skirmish line. The old cotton gin formed the
salient point, which the rebels put forth every effort to capture.
To the right of this lay the looth, supported bv the 8th Tennessee,
to the left the 104th, with the two Kentucky regiments supporting.
The center and the left of the 104th opened Hre on the rebels
while they were still several rods in front, and here the rebel line
was already badly cut up before thev reached the works. The
rebel front line, led by General, Adams, charged up to and began
to climb the breastwork, only to be literally mowed down by the
terrific fire from our infantr\- and the gallant 6th Ohio batterv.
Brigade after brigade followed, till in less time than it takes to
tell it, the six divisions of Stewarts and Lees rebel corps had
become enmassed in our front. onl\ to be torn and mansiled bv
the incessant and merciless storm of balls and canister that we
poured into their entangled and helpless ranks. General Adams,
at the head of his brave Tennesseeans and Alabamans, rode up on
the works in front of Company C, when he was shot off from his
horse, which fell on him in the ditch in front. A few rods in
front of our line General Pat Cleburne fell, pierced by seventeen
rifle balls. Finding that they could not take our line, thev lay
down in the ditch in front, where some of them crawled to the
embrasures and began to shoot down the gunners. Noticing this,
John Hunt, of Company D, crawled under one of the guns, from
whence he picked them oft' as soon as they showed their heads in
the embrasure. Lieutenant Wm. F. Kemble, of Company C, was
conspicuous for his bravery, throwing axes, hatchets andanvthing
that came to hand into the seething ma'ss of rebels in front, till a
rebel bullet laid him cold in death. "Remember Utoy Creek" was
our battle cry on that eventful day, and well did the men of the ist
brigade avenge themselves on their enemies. For half an hour
we kept up this terrible ftre, much of the time amid smoke so
dense that we could distinguish nothing at the distance of a rod.
Finally came the order to cease firing, and down the line
came Colonel Sterl, in an ecstacy of delight, in his hands
a rebel division flag with which he mopped the muddy
ground in his excitement, crving out, ''We've whipped 'em,
hurrah, we've whipped 'em." The smoke had lifted but
little when we could see rags stuck upon bayonets from
the ditch in front, and could hear them calling out, "For God's
sake, don't shoot, and we'll give up and come in." Of these over
a thousand were captured by our brigade, of whom two hun-
dred survivors of the i6th Alabama, and as many more of other
commands, fell into the hands of the 104th, as well as eleven rebel
battle flags. But it was not b}- any means a bloodless victory for
us. The 104th had sixty killed and wounded, besides, perhaps,
a dozen of our skirmishers taken prisoners. Captain D. D.
Bard, of Company I, in charge of the skirmish line, was mortally
wounded, and fell into the rebels' hands, where he died four days
later. Orderly Sergeant I. Zeigler, and Sergeants John Evans and
Wallace were killed while defending the works, and also Lieu-
tenant Coughlin, of General Cox's staft', while Captain Tracy,
Lieutenant S. S. Cope, and Sergeant Major Ellison were wound-
ed. The total loss to the imion forces amounted to about six
hundred, while more than six thousand of the flower of the rebel
army lay dead and dying in our front. Just at dusk the 104th was
ordered to make a reconnoisance in front of the lines. Clamher-
nig over the works we formed in line outside and moved on our
slow and tedious way along the ground over which the rebels
came in their headlong charge. The sights and sounds which
greeted us as we grouped along were enough to shock a heart of
stone. Along the front of our line the dead and dying la\- piled
up promiscuously in the ditch, sometimes eight feet deep, while as
we passed over the ground we were often obligetl to pick our
way most carefully along, to avoid tramping on the bodies with
which the grOund was strewn. On every hand the wounded
men would cry for merc\': "O, for (jod's sake, give me water."
"Don't kill me for Gods sake," as though thev thought we might
lie brutal enough to harm a dying man. We found no enemv in
front except these fallen ones, so we returned to our place on the
line. Shortly after this the roar of artillery and the rattle of
musketry oil' to the right showed that the rebels still meant fight,
and between dark and ten o'clock that night they made three
separate assaults on (Jcneral Nathan Kimball's division of the 4th
Corps, l)ut were repulsed each time with considerable loss. Each
charge became weaker than the one before, till after their third
attempt, they ^-axq up their eflbrts to take our line. By this time
our trains were all safely across the river, so now we began to
withdraw across the bridge, which Reillv s brigade accomplished
about eleven o'clock. Here we found a battery posted readv to
sweep the bridge with canister while our own Batterv D was
posted so as' to shell the bridge and the street beyond. Here we
lay till past midnight. The last of our forces crossed over, then
the skirmishers, who were followed closely by the rebel skirmish
line till a few shells admonished them to halt. Setting fire to the
bridge, we waited till it l)urned so as to be useless, then withdraw-
ing, in the midnight gloom, we left the lion-hearted rebel chieftain
with his dead. Few battles have been fought, in either ancient or
modern times, between forces of such unequal numbers; and none
in which the weaker partv have held their ground with more de-
termined braxery or more complete success. Nearly the whole of
Hood's more than fift\ thousand veterans, were brought into action,
and here in the midst of their homes and firesides, hoping to rid
the country of their foes, those Kentuckians, Tennessecans, Mis-
sourians, and Alabamans fought with a desperation that bordered
i>n despair. No less desperate was the defense bv Schofield's
little handful of less than seven thousand, who, with the excep-
tion of the Kentucky Battery, fought as though their lives de-
pended upon it. Yet, in all this tremendous and heroic work by all
engaged, the laurel crown of success can never be taken from
Reillv's Brigade of Cox's Division, who, in that terrible half
hour, laid out over three thousand of the enemy, dead and wound-
ed, and captured over eleven hundred prisoners, with twenty-two
of the enemy's flags. Of these one was captured by the ii3th
Illinois; the 8th Tennessee also took one; the i3th and i6th Ken-
tucky each two; the looth Ohio five; the 104th Ohio eleven, a
number which has never been exceeded in one day by any single
rco'iment in the historv of wars.
ID.'iTH RE<,lMi:.\ r
First Lieutenant, Com f any C. Kilted at Fianklin. Tenn.. No'^\ jo. 1864
^Vl the chiwn of cl;i\' on Dcccinl)cr first. \vc ani\c(l at tlic little
hamlet of Urcntwood. where we took breakfast, then sought such
rest as couUl he found by sitting- down on the wet ground and
leaning back on our knapsacks. Thus we rested for an hour or
two for the wagon trains to get on out of our wa\ , then went on
our slow and tedious way to Nashville, where we arrived about
noon. First canie the 104th, preceded by the eleven rebel flags
captured bv them the day before. Then the io6th, with her prize
of five rebel flags. Then the eleven hundred prisoners which the
1st brigade had taken, in charge of the 112th Illinois as guards,
the Kentuckv and Tennessee regiments bringing up the rear, each
headed b\ their captured flags. We made the wintry air ring
again with (un^ cheers and shouts of triumph. Ha\ing disposed
of our captiA es at the prisons in the city, we again marched out
and occupied a line of breastwork s extending eastward from Fort
Neglev to Fort Eustis and bevond. Fort Eusti's being occupied
bv Battery D with the 104th in support. Towards evening the
rebels advanced to within about two miles of our front and drew
up in line of battle, but made no attack, thus losing their oppor-
tunitv to crush our little army before the arrival of reinforcements.
That evening the fleet arrived from St. Louis, bearing General
Andrew J. Smith and the thirteen thousand veterans of his
i6th arm\- corps, who were all disembarked and placed in our rear
to be used whenever needed. During the next two days the boys
were kept busv strengthening the works and erecting an al)attis
along our front, (poles sharpened to points and planted to point
outward at an angle of fortv-fi\ c degrees, to resist an assault b\-
either infantr\' or cavalr}. ) On the 3d, Hood :ulvanced. his line
half a mile and began to f()rtit\'. Our batteries, however, annoved
him greath b\' an incessant cannonading which continued almost
constantlv da\' and night. The rebels extended their line to the
river below the cit\ and cut otV and captured a part of our 33d
lO.'t TH R E GIMEN T. 6-
Corps, which w ere coiniiii^ up from West Tennessee. All this
time General Thomas was callin<^ in his scattered detachments
from the roads leading; to Cliattanoo<;^a and to the north of the river.
till liy the eighth, he had in the cit\ a foi^ce nearh e(|ual to that
w ith which Hood was la\ in_Lj sie_<i[e to the citv on the south. All
this time the weather iiad heen chilly and disajijreeahle, until the
sixth, when ithegan to rain. The next day the rain changed to sleet,
and for two days and nisj^hts a perfect hurricane from the north-
west swept over the country, and grew colder and colder with its
ever present complement of rain, sleet and snow, until hv the
tenth, the ground was co\ ered a foot deep \\ ith a solid coverin""
of ice. (jetting ahout was impossi])le for an\ thing hut cavalry,
and hard enough for them. However, (ieneral Forrest, at the
head of the rebel cavalry, crossed the river to make a de^
structi\e raid into ls.entuck\, and now was our opp(Mlunit\' as
soon as the weather should moderate. By the thirteenth the
weather began to get warmer, and by the afternoon of the four-
teenth the snow had softened suificiently to make mo\ ing about
possible. ^Mong to\yard sundown an unusual commotion among
the coloied troops to the left of our line showed that somethino-
Avas to be done. From our ele\ated ])osition at Fort Eustis, we
coidd see all that transpired to our left for miles. Forming in line
of battle. General Steedman advanced slowly and cautiously for-
ward till he became quite hotly engaged, then withdrew slowly
bark to his own line, closely pursued by the rebels, who took the
bait and charged up to the works now manned by the retreatin<»'
darkies, and Cruft's division of the 20th Corps with a strong force
of artillery. The "Johnnies'" dashed up in gallent style, but re-
ceixing a terrific storm of bullets and canister, broke and fled pre-
cipitatel}- back to their own lines. In their attack, such of the
wounded colored men as fell into their hands were murdered in
cold blood, the rebels ]:)lunging their baxonets through all who
came in their wa}-. This little p; eliminary side show had its
desired eflect. That night Hood strengthened his right in
Steedman's tVont, thus weakening his left and center, where
Wood and Smith, with their 4th and i6th corps, \yere
to open the ball in the morning. I5\- this time Thomas" army
had been increased to not far from forty-five thousand men.
including Wilsons cavalry division, five thousand strong, while
Hood had lost about ten thousand in battle, and Forrest with five
thousand was north of the ri\ er, reduciuir his ertective force to
thirtv-five thousand, who were stretched in a hne seven miles
longr from the river ahove the city to the river below. That night
the 1 6th Corps marched to the front, forming iipcMi the right of
the 4th, which moved to the left enough to till up the gap in our
front, leaving the 23d Ccn'ps in the rear of the main line.
In tlic morning an almost impenetralile fog hung like a pall
over the contending hosts, covering all our movements as com-
pletelv as though it were midnight, while the soft south wind w'as
fast converting the ice and snow into slush and the earth into
mud, which, with the help of the rain in the evening, became
almost a quagmire before night. Soon after da}' heavy cannon-
ading could be heard down the river below towMi, where the gun-
boats were shelling the rebel left out of position. Then came the
advance of the 4th Corps on the center, closely followed bv the
i6th Corps and the cavalry on the right pushing the rebel left
wing out of their works and back to the line of hills south of the
Hardin pike. About half-past six in the morning we left Fort
Eustis, and. with the rest of the corps, went back through the citv
and took the road down the river for a couple of miles, then off
through the ''deep tangled wildwood" by a circuitous route to the
left of and across the Hardin to the Hillsboro pike, where, about
four o'clock in the afternoon, we got into position to the right and
south of the i6th Corps and well towards the rear of the rebel
left. We no sooner got into position than we charged the lightly
held position, capturing it with scarcely a show of resistance, and
pushed on across a broad valley to the foot of the Granny White
Hills, the crest of which was covered by the rebel main line, and
here we lay all night under a heavy, pelting rain, until the dawn
of the sixteenth ushered in another day of carnage and crushing
defeat to the now disheartened but still desperate rebels. Before
day we were up and hard at work building a line of works about
one-third wav up the hill, and not over a hundred yards from the
line, where two batteries of brass field pieces, eight guns in all,
kept up all dav a perfect hailstorm of shell and canister, which,
however, did us little if any harm. Meantime, our Battery D,
nearly a mile in our rear, firing right over our heads, did terrible
execution, planting shell after shell right where it was most
needed, until by eleven o'clock, the rebel batteries in our front
were effectually silenced. All day long off to the north and
north-east we could see the clouds of smoke and hear the roar of
the terrible strife that was going on in front of our left and center
in their desperate endeavor to capture the Oxcrton Hill, until
half-past three, when simultaneously came the sound of Wilsou's
men away off to the rear of the rehel line. charjj;in<^ and yellino-
like demons, and the signal guns at Thomas' headquarters which
started all our artillery to work throwiug siiot and shell, and the
infantry to tiieir feet and in line. The relieis had all dav hccn
strengthening the force in our front, who at that \ er\ instant
were formed in line outside of their wf)rks tor a charge (jn us.
Imagine their surprise, then, just as the order to ad\ ance was hcin"-
given, to discover the 3d division sweeping up the hill like a
whirlwind, with a long, wild shout of \ictorv, as we dashed after
and over the works with them, capturing works, guns, and part
of the defenders; then turning the captured guns on the fugitives,
gave them a dose of canister of their own loading. Then the
chase liegan. and soon the rehels were overtaken, Hounderin"-
through the mud which lay knee deep over a two hundred acre
cornheld, where, before darkness set in, the ist brigade captured
over thi-ee hundred prisoners. In this last, crusliing charge the
whole army was engaged from the 104th, on the extreme right of
the infantry line, on through our brigade. di\ision, corps, through
the i6th Corps, the 4th, and Steedman to Cruft, on the extreme left,
while the cavalry were hammering away at the rear of the rebel
line. Of the fifty-three pieces of artiller\- taken in this charge,
seventeen were captured by the 23d Corps. Of these thirteen
were taken by Cox, with the 3d division, eight by the ist brigade,
commanded in General Reilly's absence bv Colonel Doolittle. of
the iSth Michigan. Besides the eight cannons, our brigade cap-
tured seven rebel flags and about six hundred prisoners. The
prizes of the 104th were two flags, a batterx of four guns
and nearlv two hundred prisoners. vSuch was the crowning vic-
tory of our military life obtained at a loss of scarcelv a dozen
men in the brigade, of whom the 104th lost bareh' three wounded.
Pursuit was made as vigorously as the mirv roads would permit,
and by the night of the eighteenth of December we had almost
completely annihilated Hood's armv, wliich found cover behind
the Tennessee river in scattered detachments, aggregating not
more than eighteen thousand men and four guns out of the rtftv-
five thousand lira\ e soldiers and eighty-five guns with which
they had entered the State barely six weeks before.
Earlv on the dav after the great battle we were on the (irannv
White pike, following the defeated and demoralized rebels. It
was still raining hard, the mud was half-knee deep, and the pike
worn into ruts and holes, in which the hoys would unconsciously
step and it often happened that some luckless wij^ht had to be
helped up from one of these mortar pits by his companions, to be
joked and jeered at until another pitched headlono^ into the semi-
fluid mass.
The "^^d division was detailed to guard and assist the wagons
on their wa\ after the remainder of the pursuing troops, who l)y
night were scattered all along the roads south of Brentwood to
Columbia. There our cavalry overtook the letrcating rebels and
captured some thousands of prisoners and nearly all of their re-
maining artillerv. That night we camped on the north bank of
the Harpeth at Franklin, having come seven miles in one of the
most. tiresome marches we ever made. A large number of our
boys crossed over and \isited the battle field in search of the
graves of our dead comrades. They were found at last, and such
graves! Here had been dug trenches six feet wide, from a foot to
twenty inches deep, and long enough to hold all of our dead found
near by. The bodies had been stripped of hats, coats, shoes, and
sometimes even of their pants and shirts, and had been dumped
into the pit like so manv logs in a corduroy road. The little
earth which had been thrown from the pit was placed Ixick
on the bodies so carelessiv that in most cases the heads and feet
had been uncovered bv the rain, while only too many lay entirely
uncovered in all their ghasth- nakedness. They were n(jw re-
moved and given a decent. Christian burial, and,sofaras the bodies
could be identified, provided vvith headboards bearing the name,
company- and regiment. A few of our wounded, too far gone for
removal, had thus escaped incarceration in the prison pen at
Andersonville swamp. Among these the case of Colonel Jim
Brownlow, of the ist Tennessee cavalry, savored of romance.
He had received two terrible wounds from fragments of a rebel
shell as his troopers came clattering on their retreat into town.
He had lain till the tight was over, when, with several others, all
rebels, he was taken by a kind hearted rebel mother and daughter
to their home, where they gave him as tender care as if he had
been their rebel son and brother. The gallant Colonel recovered,
and, after the '"cruel war was over," he became captive to the
"little dark-eved rebel." and spent the remainder of his days in
that Christian home where he had been nursed back to life.
We went on t<j Cohunbia, where we halted a few davs to rest.
iDVni REfWMENT. 71
Here Colonel Doolittlc left us and our Colonel Sttil took com-
mand of the ist brij^ade. (ieneral Seiiotleld was now transferred
to the conunand of the new depaitinent of North Carolina, ami
General Reillw havin<^ retuined tVom his northern visit. to(jk
command of the 3d division, (ieneial Co\ ha\inLC heen ])romoted
to Schoheld's place as cor])s comm;'.n(ler. Thus we were situated
on the new year, 1865, which fell on Sunday. W'c had dress ])a-
rade. our chaplain, Mr. Whitney. ])reached ou the issues of the war,
and most of the ho\ s indulged in chicken ■•li\ins.'" ICarly next
morning- we broke camp and started on a march to the Tennessee,
which we reached on the evenint^ of the sixth at Clifton, after a
four davs" march of si\t\- miles, via .Mt. Pleasant and Waynesboro.
Most of this journcN was o\ ei' a wild, rou^h re*^ion of gravelly
hills, timbered with scrub oak and mountain jiine. We forded
Beaver Creek thirteen times and HuHalo Ki\eronce. The route
was infested b\ guerrillas, Iw w hom some '>f the woin (nit strag-
glers \\ere murdered in cold blood, some of them having their
throats cut fiom ear to ear after ha\ing surrendei'ed as priso-
On the tenth a detail of twtMity-li\e men of the i()4th. uiuler
Captain Hobart Ford were sent out about seven miles to a log
back-woods chapel, where DeXW-ese. and another of Company K,
were hidden from the guerrillas by tiie \ enerable pastor. Father
Taylor. On the wa\ out, close by the home of the guerrilla chief,
Rhinehart. at a short turn in the road, we suddenly came upon a
solitary horseman, who wheeled and tired, the Indl passing through
Dennis Long's hat, making a slight scalp wound and throwing
him prostrate to the ground. The cavalier was soon out ot sight,
and within ten minutes we could hear the long drawn blasts of a
tin horn resounding along a road leading otV among the hills t(j
the left. We passed on and secured our comrades at the chapel,
then started on our return. When we arri\ed at the Rhinehart
mansion, a half dozen of the bo\ s charged upon a flock ol geese,
w-ith intent to ha\e a feast, when bang, whi/.z came a volley from
the bushes on the crest of a high blutV near by. -'Charge 'em,
boys,^' shouted Captain Ford, and we w cut pell mell over logs,
through brush, across the creek, and up tlie blutl's to find them
thirtv strong, thundering down the road to the I'ord of Beech
Creek, where \ve were obliged to cross. .\l the ford we had a
sharp skirmish with them, then ciossed in safety, w ith two ot the
bovs sli<>-htl\ womided. In an lioui' more we were in l^arlville.
73 HIST our OF THE
the home of sex cral of the men wliose acciuaintance we had )ust
Proceeding acct)i"(Hn^- to the ^ood old Democratic maxim, "To
the victors belong the spoils," we loaded ourselves with chickens,
dead hog, etc., and fixing bayonets adorned them with our plunder
and reported to General Cox at Clifton. Just at night a half dozen
butternut clad fellows came in and complained to the General that
some of his men had been stealing their property. A sergeant
from his body guard was sent with them, who incjuired at each
tent in turn for the stolen property all through the camp and re-
ceiving only negati\ e replies, reported to the General that he
could find nothing. (General Cox then dismissed them with the
consoling remark, "Mv bovs don't steal."
On the sixteenth of Januar\- the 23d Corps embarked on trans-
ports, then steamed dowMi the river, imder the escort of the gun-
boat fleet, passed bv Fort Henrv. into the Ohio. The 104th and
i6th Kentucky were on the Swallow, one of the largest boats on
the river. A great thaw had resulted in a general breakup, and
the ice in huge cakes, twentv inches thick, crashed and ground
along the sides of the boat, threatening to sink it at anv moment.
However, we got to Cincinnati in safctv and disembarked at two
in the afternoon of the twenty-thirtl, then marched to the freight
depot of the C. C. & C. R. R., and passed via Columbus, Bellaire,
Cumberland and Harper's Ferrx'. over the snow clad hills of West
Virginia, and down the banks of the Iteautiful Potomac to Wash-
ington, where we \vent into camp on the capitol grounds on the
twenty-eighth at one o'clock in the afternoon. Here some of the
boys took the opportunitv to look over the Capitol building, even
in its unfinished state, one of the grandest monuments of archi-
tectural skill in the world. That evening we were cjuartered in
Stoneman's barracks, where we la\' until the thirt\-first. The
garrison at Washington at that tinie consisted of General Han-
cock's hew veteran corps of new regiments, recruited from old
soldiers, whose terms of service had expired. Clad in brand new
uniforms, and glittering with lirass ornaments, these "brave men,"
with their noses elevated in disgust, afiected to despise the soiled
and ragged "Georgia woodticks" as they deigned to call us. This
only lasted until the Hoosiers and mountain boomers, taking in
the situation, gave some of them a few lessons. On February
second, the captors of the rebel flags taken during the Nashville
campaign, took their prizes to present them to the President. We
removed aUoiit this time to Alexandria, \\ here we hi\ in <;()\ em-
inent stables in lieu of barracks. Here we remained until the
evening of the third, when w e endiarked on transj^orts. and that
night slept on the bosom of the historic Potomac.
A dense fog lay o\ er the river and its borders until late in the
morning, so that this city and shore and also the numerous craft
on the stream wxmc entirely hidden from view. The looth and
104th Ohio and the i6th Kentucky occupied the "Star of the
South," one of the staunchest steam frigates that had e\ er i^loughed
the brin}- ocean. An occasional shot could be heard through the
fog as some careless fellow discharged his gun into the water be-
low. Some of the looth boys were still slce))ingon the forecastle,
when one of those stray balls glanced up and jjassed through the
head of one of them, killing him instantly. Thus it was all through
the history of that brave, but unfortunate regiment. In all our
camping, whenever overtaken by ill-luck and disaster, the ic)oth
had been almost in\ariablv the principal sufferer.
The fog lifted sufficiently for us to see the shore, so we set sail
and were soon moving down the ri\ er, slowlv though, on account
of the immense cakes of ice wdiich impeded our progress. The
attention of the bo\s was called to the points of historic interest
passed on the wa}-, Mt. Vernon. St. Marys, first settlement f)f
Maryland, Washington's birth place, and Point Lookout, famous
in the annals of Captain John vSmith's adventures, now the site of
hea\ y fortifications. At the last named jDlace we la\- until nujrn-
ing. when we resumed the journev down the Chesapeake to
Hampton Roads at the mouth of the James, where we anchored
for the night within a stone's thro\v of the Rip Raps, and almost
on the ver\' waters where, in "61, the giant iron clad \'irginia had
sunk the Cimiberland and destroved the I'nion fieet. and where,
a few days later, the rebel monster had herself been brought to
grief bv Ericson's little moniter. Before da\-break next da\ we
again set sail, and at six o'clock in the morning we passed the
capes of \'irginia, from the green waters of the Chesapeake to the
deep and dark blue of the ocean. This proved a novel trip for the
bovs. few of whom had ever seen the sea. We watched with in-
tense interest the distant banks of pure white sand which stretched
along the North Carolina shore, a desert waste, devoid of tree,
shrub. Rower, grass or an\' li\ing thing, save the mvriads of gulls,
which Hew screaming overhead, and the lizards which made their
home (,)n this otherwise dead and drearv waste. Still more inter-
esting were the various forms of marine life, the variety of gaudy
fishes, fat vellow crabs, star fish, great sea tortoise, and the antics
of a hirge school of fat, sleek pc^rpoises, whicii came tumbling and
sporting in our wake.
Just before night we passed Cape Ilatteras. For two hours
the sky had been overcast, the wind came moaning through the
rigging, from which, before night, all sail had been furled, and
now we were to be treated with a first-class ocean storm. The
timbers groaned and creaked under the pressure of the wind
above, and the pounding of the waves beneath which dashed
against, and sometimes broke over the bows and swept the deck.
It was a night of intense suflTering among the boys who, all unac-
customed to "a life on the ocean wave," were experiencing sea
sickness to a great degree. Judson Smith came near dying, and
had not entirely recovered from its cfiects when we mustered out
five months afterwards. Next morning the wind continued as
severe as ever, but had veered to the west, so the fleet made all
haste to the shore, under the lee (^f which we sailed along south-
westward until at three o'clock in the afternoon we dropped an-
chor opposite Battery Buchanan at the entrance to Cape Fear
river. Here we lay until the morning of the ninth of February,
when we landed near Battery Buchanan and marched half a mile
north and camped in the rear of Fort Fisher. This powerful fort
had been captured bv General Terry with about seven thousand
troops, assisted bv Admiral Porter's fleet.on the fifteenth of January,
1S65. With it were captured one hundred and sixty-eight pieces
of artillery, over two thousand stand of arms, and an abundance
(jf ammunition and military stores. Among the trophies wei-e two
immense Armstrong guns, each finished in the highest style, and
adorned with a silver plate bearing the inscription, "This piece
was built at Armstrong's Armory at Woolwich, and presented to
his excellencv, Jefierson Davis, President of the Confederate
States of America," with a list of the donors, among which were
10/tTH REdlMENT. y^
the iKiincs of mam ot" the most prominent men in Oieat l^ritain.
Ahoiit tour miles up the peninsuhi, (ieneral Terry, with his 24th
Corps, liekl a Hue reaciiin^^ across from the river to Myrtle souml.
The rebel arm\ , under ( ieiietal Hoke, held a parallel line perhajjs
a mile farther nortii. ()nthe nij^ht of the twelfth of Februar\-,
we were niaiehed up the coast twelve miles alon<; tliis narrow
strip \\ ith the ocean on oui" rit^ht and Myrtle sound on our left,
often not more than a dozen lods apart. About eleven o'clock at
ni<);ht we arri\ed at the narrow strait connectinj^ Myrtle and
Masonl)or() sounds. We halted to allow the enj^ineers to Hnish
a pontoon biid^e acioss the strait, just then a hi<jh north-east
wind spruni;- up and increased to a j^ale. w hich threatened to
swamp the boats. vSo, loosin<;^ them from their moorin<^, they
were swimi;- around to the beach, loaded on the w a'^ons, and we
marched back to camp, where we arri\ ed just before day. The
nii^ht of the fourteenth we tried it a^ain. but this time we w ere
discovered b\- the rebels, who hastilly put up a battery and
opened hre as soon as our ])()ntoons w ere placed. The project
was attain abandoned and we returned to camp. Early on the
sixteenth we were in motion, this lime towards Battery Buchanan,
w here we embarked on the lij^ht steamer Wilderness, and were
transported south ei<<ht miles to vSmithville, wiiere we landed.
During the dav we were followed by the remainder of our divi-
sion and the Z(\ di\ision also, commanded by General Couch, from
the Potomac arm\ . Next da\- we marched about twelve miles,
skirmishino- most of the way with rebel caNalry. who impeded
our way In- throwing trees across the road and in \arious other
On the eighteenth the 2d division moved north up the river
towards Fort Anderson, where they became engaged in the after-
noon. The 3d division filed off on a by-road towards the road
from Onslow Court House to Wilmington. About two in the after-
noon, a shot from a battery across a cypress swamp, through
which we had to pass, brought us to a sudden halt. The 104th
being in advance, companies A, D, I and E were detailed for
skirmishers. The swamp was in many places impassable, so we
made slow and tedious progress in crossing, but we did it in the
face of two pieces of artillery and a battalion of cavalry who kept
up a galling fire until we came to the open ground when they
took to their heels and retreated towards Wilmington. In this
charge across the cvpress swamp, we had killed Jno. Hammond.
of Company E; wounded, Lieutenant Horace Reed. Orderly Ser
geant C. E. Whitney, and Adam Weaver, of Company I, and Ser
geant F. M. Martin, of Company A. While waiting for the re
mainder of the hovs to cross the corduroy causeway across th
swam}), we noticed quite a force coming up the road to the south,
which we took to he rehels, and formed a skirmish line to receive
them. They also formed in line of hattle, and sending their skir-
mishers forward, advanced to the attack, and we would prohahly
have heen hoth engaged in a few minutes had not some of our
men discovered that thev bore the Union flag and wore the blue.
A small detail carried to them tidings of who we were. It was an
escape from what might have proved a fearfully fatal mistake.
They proved to be a part of Terry's force who had been sent here
speciallv to flank the "Johnnies'" out of their position, so that we
might get across without a fight, but they arrived too late. That
evening we got into position in the rear of Fort Anderson, and
spent most of the night fortifying our position. Next morning
we were in line early, and soon the cheers of the 2d division were
wafted to our ears as they charged up to and over the fort, only
to find it deserted by its garrison, who, taking fright, had skipped
up the river during the night, leaving the- fort with ten heavy
guns and considerable ordnance stores. Ames, with his division,
now crossed back to their comrades east of the river,while Cox with
Couch's and Reillv's divisions moved north up the west side of the
river. On the twentieth, about noon, we came to Town Creek,
one of the many deep, sluggish streams common to the country,
and bordered on either bank for considerable distance by exten-
sive rice swamps, with immense stacks of snowy grain still un-
threshed. Several scows were moored in the stream, of which
we secured a couple, and were soon ferried across, in the face of
a strong skirmish line. Our skirmishers were soon in line and in
motion, and after advancing in line of battle down toward the
river, some three miles, we found the enemy strongly posted be-
hind breastworks at the crest of a long slope in open pine woods.
Our brigade, in command of Colonel Sterl, advanced to the charge,
and in five minutes Haygood's brigade of seven hundred South
Carolinains, with a battery of four guns, was in our hands. The
104th captured on this occasion two brass howitzers, three battle
flags and over two hundred prisoners, including a brigadier gen-
eral and two colonels. We lost in this engagement Albert
Schultz, of Companv H, killed, and seven wounded, with seven
wouiuled from Company C, and C C Cross, of Company K, and
three from Company (j. Next day we were detained several
liours to build a bridj^e: still we reached a point two miles west
of Wilmington where we went into camp on a <^reat rice phmta-
tion. Here we had ample opportunity to l)ehold the effects of
the "barbarism of slavery" in its most loathsome toiin. Some
two hundred colored brothers and sisters were stowed away in a
half dozen little lo^- cabins, many of the half-^rown children as
naked as when thev were born, and all dressed in the filthiest of
cotton raus. Great scars, many inches lonj^, across the backs of
tJiese poor. despitefull\-used people showed where the plantation
whip had cut deep into the c|ui\ erinti; tlesh. \'()un<^ <^iants of men
hobbled about, suflering intensel} from wcjunds where they had
been mangled and torn by the fierce blood-hounds, and hacked,
cut and beaten. b\ fiends of hell in the form of men. Le^jree, the
monster of "Uncle Tom"s Cabin, "" could never have used any
more fiendish methods of torture than had evidently been in con-
stant use on that })lantation. According; to all the testimony that
we could get, this place and its master were a worthy type of
most of the plantations and masters throughout the rice fields of
the Carolinas and Gecjrgia.
On the twentv-first. Fort French, just below Wilmington, east
of the river, was captured by the combined eftorts of the fleet antl
Terry's men, and at dayhght the next morning, as the fleet was
delivering the national salute, slowly steaming up to the city, we
marched across the long causeway through the great swamp west
of town, and across the bridge into Wilmington, where we found
an immense amount of public property on fire. Terry's soldiers,
who came in it the same time from the east, helped us extinguish
it. after which soldiers and citizens, white and colored, all turned
in and celebrated Washington's birthday, and the capture of the
last seaport of the Confederacy.
We had been in town only an hour or two when the 104th, in
company with the i6th Kentucky, were detailed as provost
guards, with our Lieutenant Colonel Jordan as provost marshal.
Colonel Sterl became post commander, with the remainder of the
brio-ade as garrison. Next morning, the remainder of the army
passed up the country in pursuit of Bragg's army, which was re-
treating to Fayetteville. Sherman's victorious legions were at the
time spreading dismay and consternation throughout the Caro-
linas. As his victorious legions came sweeping northward on
their triuniphant march from Savannah, and the rebels were nearly
wild with despair, the Union prisoners in their hands had been
shipped from Florence, S. C, and other rebel prisons, and had
reached Wilmington, when our successes obliged Bragg's army to
retreat, and either leave these prisoners, to be rescued by us, or
take them along with them on their rcticat. These poor prisoners
had alread\' suflered from starvation and exposure to the cold, till
most of them were emaciated into li\ing skeletons, and there were
many with toes, and even whole feet and hands sloughed oft'. Of
these some four hundred were tumbled into wagons, without
l^lankets or even straw to lie on. Thus they were driven out of
town, on the worst of corduroy roads, and galloped oft' to get them
out of the reach of rescue. The citizens who had remained in
town, both black and white, averred that more than eighty of the
most hopelessly desperate cases, who were unable to be moved,
had been carried into a large wooden building, which, by General
Bragg's order, was deliberately fired, and with its living inmates,
burned to the ground. This fiendish act of cruelty was consum-
mated for no other purpose than to co\er up and hide from view
such incontestible evidence of the inhumanity of their hellisli
prison system. Many of our boys were shown the ashes, and
smouldering embers, filled with charred and blackened bones, and
two of these bodies, only partially consumed, gave only too posi-
tive evidence of the character of the lemains. Our men pressed
the rebels so closely on their retreat, that, within the' next two
days, more than six hundred of our poor fellows had to be aband-
oned, and thus fell into our hands. They had not received a
mouthful of food since leaving Wilmington, and man}' of them
had found relief in death. Of the more than four hundred who
had been carried oft' in wagons, over one hundred had died l^efore
our forces had reached them. As many more dietl before the end
of the month, notwithstanding they received the very best care
which it was possible to bestow. Here we realized, as we looked
upon these poor emaciated men, that there were things connected
with war far more revolting than the horrors of the most desper-
ate battle field. General Cox was now sent to Beaufort, to take
command of the troops who had disembarked there, consisting of
our ist division, General Ruger and part of the loth Corps.
They were to march up the country by Newburn and Kinston
to Goldsboro. Soon after the first of March we heard that they
were on the way, and on the fifth. General Couch, with the 3d,
and ReilK witli the ^d, staitc-d on a marcli of one hundred miles
to Kinston, to form a junction tliere with Cox. I^)r many months
it had been the common ])ractice tor one di\ ision to trtke the ad-
vance one da\ . then tall in the rear of all the others, and sf) on,
till each in its turn had passed tVoni iVont to rear. On this oc-
casion, the ^d di\ ision had the ad\ance. During- the first (lav's
march a lew of oui' h()\ s luul captured supplies, such as chickens,
hacon, and sweet potatoes. About midni<;'ht we were roused
from our shunbers to listen to (ieiieral Couch's special order, to
CTovern the command through the remainiler of the march. Couch,
as senior officer, had command of the force. The order read to
the etVect that throuuhout the march, the y\ di\ ision should march
in advance, and that the advance i^uard of the 2d di\ ision
(Couch's) should '-shoot down like a do.u" any soldier of the 3d
di^ision found stragglinoj. Reilly had us up and on the road be-
fore da\ . and ridin;^ alon<;- the line, told us that he expected us to
march like h — 1. and he would see that no stra<j,i;lers tell into
General Couch's hands. \\'e were miles on the load bet'ore
Couch j^ot started, and b\ ele\ en o'clock had marched fifteen
miles, when we halted and tiled into a lar<2,-e field, with a house
and well-filled barn and smoke-house. A detail of three men
from each companx xvent to assist the commissaries di\ide and
distribute over three hundred bushels of sweet potatoes, and ei_ii;ht
or nine thousand pounds of tine hams and bacon, besides all the
chickens, geese, and hogs, which were soon either in our kettles
or frving pans, or snuglv stowed awa\' in our ha\ ersacks. We
rested a couple of hours, then started on, the 104th bringing up
the rear. Just as \Ye were fairly on the road, the 2d division ad-
vance came in sight, but as we mo\ ed briskly on, they were soon
lost to view, antl we saw no more of them till we had been in
Cox's camp UKue than half a daw On the tenth we reached
Trent river, which was full from the rain which had kept us wet
most of the waw We could distincth hear hea\ y cannonading
to the n()rth. The river had been bridged, but the water ran
waist deep above the bridge, and the men w ere crossing, in single
file, on the plank walk, which lay abo\ e the water, along the east
side of the bridge. The Kentuckians had passed, and w hen the
104th came up Colonel Sterl halted the column and had the
planks thro\vn into the river, then orderetl us to ad\ ance. Com-
panv E, his own neighbors from Massillon. w ere in the lead and
thev remained unmo\ed. He f'umed. and threatened, and stormed
to no purpose. The sturdy Massillonians stocxl still, and so did
each of the other companies, in turn, when ordered to advance.
We never' knew how it would have turned out, for just in the
nick of time Captain Copeland, of (General Cox's start', came
down from the north and crossed o\er to us. Then he made a
stirring little speech: "Men of the 104th Ohio, General Cox is
fighting, at Kinston, against overwhelming odds, and is in great
danger of heing captured. Follow me." Dismounting, he plunged
into the turhid waters. Not a word was spoken, but without
further orders, the boys waded in and across, and pressed eagerlv
on towards the increasing roar of the conflict.
We soon found ourselves face to face with a great forest fire,
which went roaring and surging across our line of march, in the
great pine woods, with a heat so intense that a man could not face
it and live a moment. We made a long detour to the W'est till
W' e came to where the ground-fire had passed on before, when wx
plunged into the burning woods cner ground still smoking, among
trees on fire from the ground up to the top, from the burning
turpentine with which their trunks were loaded, onward through
lilinding smoke and stifling heat for nine wearv miles. T.hat night
we reached the battle field, but the fighting was over, and the
rebels in full retreat toward Goldsboro. Next morning we
marched int<j Kinston, where we remained and worked at getting
out ties and re-laving the old railroad, destroyed by General Burn-
side's men in 1862. This lasted till March twentieth when we
broke camp and started west, reaching Goldsboro on the evening
of the twentv-first. Here we formed a junction with Kilpat-
rick's cavalr\-, in adxance of Sherman's arm\-, who were on their
way to Fayetteville, and who had only recently whipped the
rebels under General Johnston at A^•erysboro and Benton\ille.
We marched out south of town and worked nearly all night
building a strong line of fortifications. On the twenty-third
General Sherman came in at the head of the 14th Corps, which
passed in review before him and the generals of the 33d and loth
corps, then took a position on the line and the 23d and loth were
reviewed. March twentA-fourth was spent by Sherman review-
ing the 15th, 17th, and 20th corps, as the foot-sore tatterdemalions
came in from their five hundred mile march through the swamps
and pine woods of Carolina. We were well pleased to again see
the grim, old face of General .Sherman. For a few days we en-
joyed the pleasure of visiting among our friends, the heroes of the
most wonderful inarch of the nineteenth centur\. Hampton's
rebel cavalry were encamped about a mile out across a cypress
swamp. Company D was detailed to ii^uard a liridge across this,
where we w ere for a few days ])ermitted to enjoy the companion-
ship of the musical alli<^ator. and the painstal<in<( and incUistrious
mosquito. I lere one da\'. Comrades I'enn and Sweet, while out
i^atherint.;' turnips. \\ eie dashed upon b\ a s(|uad of Hampton's
cavalry, and only escaj^ed by a wonderful display of le<^ power.
Thev left their plunder in the hands of the enemy, (ieneral
Reillv, havin<;' Iteconie tired of soldieriui;-, resi<^ned about the first
of April, and (jeneral Samuel V. Cartel", of Tennessee, took his
phice in command ot" the yl di\ ision.
April tenth the army started out on the roads up the Neuse
toward .Smithlield. The 104111 did not j^et on to the road till
afternoon ot the next da\ , when we started, in eharj^e of the
wai^on trains of the ij^A and loth corps. Our progress was slow
and tedious in the extreme on account of l)ad roads. On the
fourteenth a scpiad of guerrillas captured an officer oi' the i6th
Kentuckx', in cliar^e of part of the train. They made him put on
the <i;^ra\-. and then a man of much the same ap])earance donned
his clothes and passed back ahuii;- our part of the line. I^\ his
orders a dozen or fifteen of the teams were switched off" the road
and ])arked, as he said, for dinner. As soon as the teams were
unhitched, a compaiu' of rebels surrounded the little camp and
took guards, teamsters, and mules, then cutting the spokes of the
wagons, set them on fire, and with their prisoners and boot}', es-
caped before thev were discovered. The 104th lost about a dozen
men b\ this little piece of strategy, one of whoni was killed, and
three wounded. Three of the guerillas were afterward captured
b\ us in an attack which they made one night, and the house
where thev made their headc[uarters was burned. At another
place thev had. through some of their women, induced our
officers to leave a safe-guard of two men, whom the guerrillas
took, as soon as the army was fairlv out of sight, tied them with
arms l)eliind them to a tree, cut their tongues from their mouths,
and nailed them to a tree beside their owners. The i6th got some
of these fellows of whom the\' made short shrift, hanging them
to the first tree they came to.
On the thirteenth we received the glad tidings that Lee's
rebel armv had been captured entire, and that Richmond
and Petersbur<jf were both in our hands. As the courier
came along- the line with the ^iloiious news, the men
cheered, and danced, and siionted. and lau*j;hed. and sang as
the\ liad never done before. At noon on the titteenth, we ar-
rived at the rebel works, jnst abandoned, a short mile east of
Ralei<jh. Our ist dixision was doing- duty in town as provost
guards. \\'hilc- taking dinner, we were startled and shocked bv
the ari\ al of a courier \vith the terrible news that our beloved
President Lincoln had been assassinated in Washington, just on
the e\ e of a most glorious peace. Then, from e\ery regiment
alcmg the line, went up a cry for \cngeance. ''Burn the city. burn,
burn, and spare nothing." went up. antl was carried along the line
with lightning speed. It was a time for ]:)rompt action on the
part of (General Sherman, and soon out came a courier with orders
from (ieneral Cox for the 104th to march into tow n immediatelw
When we arrived there a special t)rder was read to us. stating that
a large majoritv of the citizens of Raleigh had all along been
lo\al. and were now. and that the 104th was exjiected to do its
dut\ in suppressing riots, and assist the provost guard in guarding
and protecting the lives and property of citizens. We were
scattered in detachments through the cit\ . and ke])t a vigilant
watch all night. Though we had no Hghting, we had the jail
prettv well tilled bv morning with men who had been taken up
tor attempts to set fire to buildings. In the morning the bo}s were
cooled down, and most of the prisoners were released after a good,
fathcrlv reprimand froni General Sherman, who took occasion to
compliment the 104th for faithful discharge of duty during the
night. Within a da\- or two more,.Wm. W. Holden. a worthy-
citizen of Raleigh, a L'nion man who had come w ith iis back to
his nativ e heath, was appointed go\ ernor of North Carolina, and
in a \ erv few davs the wheels of government were again in
motion anion<>- the denizens of the land of tar.
lo.'i TH R E C; I MEN T. 83
KN 11 OF' 'IIIK \\\I<.
I^:ilciu,"Ii \\ c round t<> be ;i \ ci\ pretty and pleasant city, situated on
hit^h, r()llin<;\!j,round. with wide, clean streets, completely shaded by
rows of beautiful dark-j^reen oaks. The principal street ran south
from the i^rounds of the State deaf and dunil) asylum to those of
the lunatic asylum, w ith the .State capitol half wa\- l)et\\een on
the west side of the street. This street was completely arched
over with the branches of splendid trees, so closely interwoven
that hardl\- a sin<2^1e rav of sunlight found its way throuj^h to the
dri\ewa\ or sidewalks lielow . The public "^rounds at the capitol
and other State institutions were also completely shaded by these
sturdy giants of the forest, so that, though lacking in architectural
wealth and displax. ''The City of Oaks"' was perha]:)s the pleas-
antest town we e\ er saw. We enjoyed our stay in camp on the
grounds of the as\lum for the deaf, dumb and blind.
April nineteenth, an armistice was agreed to between (ienerals
Sherman and J'^bi^^ton. On the twenty-ninth Generals Grant
and Meade, with their res])ecti\ e staHs, arrived from Newbern,
and the next dav the loth Corps, under General Terry, and the
2^d, under (ieneral Cox. passed in review before the assembled
<lignitaries present in the capitol. The State-house grounds were
filled to o\ erflowing w ith military men and the chief citizens of
North Carolina and Raleigli. Centrally, in the front rank of
spectators, sttxxl the shoit. sturd\- commander of our armies, with
his tall and stalwart Lieutenants, Sherman and Meade, to the
right and left, while around them were grouped (ienerals Howard,
Slocum. Logan. Scliotield. Davis. Williams. Hazen, Kilpatrick,
and a host of other bright stars in the galaxy of victorious generals,
with stafl" officers and aides-de-camp, "like the sands on the sea-
shore for multitude." The several di\ isions and brigades were
formed on the \ arious east and w est streets in the north of town,
with their lu'ads of column ready to file into the main tiioroughtarc.
The loth Corps took the lead and made a \ cry creilitable display.
Our ist division, mostly of new regiments, as they passed by out
of time and in uneven and wavering lines, put the name and fame
of the 23d Corps in jeopardy by their miserable marching and
lack of discipline. General Cox rode at the head of the column
till the capitol grounds were reached, when he turned in and said
to General Grant, "This division consists of raw levies ; we \v\\\
show you some soldiers bye and bye/'
When General Couch appeared at the head of the 2d division,
the steady tramp and soldierly carriage of the iiith and iiSth
and 4Sth Ohio, the 107th Illinois, and other troops in that splen-
did division, lirought manv favorable comments from the assem-
bled generals, to which General Cox replied that it was very
good but he expected to show them that which was , still better.
As soon as the road was clear, General Carter filed the brigades
of the 3d out on to the main street, then started forward in the fol-
lowing order: First, General Carter, commanding the 3d divis-
ion and staft'; second. Colonel Sterl, commanding the ist brigade,
followed by the I3th and i6th Kentucky and 8th Tennessee; then
the 104th cornet band to play for the whole brigade; the 104th,
looth and 177th Ohio bringing up the rear. After us came the 2d,
Casement's old brigade, in command of Colonel Stiles, of the 63d
Indiana, marching to the music of their famous brigade band.
This brigade consisted of the 103d Ohio, 34th Kentucky, 63d and
65th Indiana, and 65th Illinois, all veterans of three years' honora-
ble sei-vice. Third and last came Colonel Henderson with the 3d
brigade, consisting of several Tennessee and a couple of Michigan
regiments and his own, ii3th Illinois. They marched to the
music of the 112th Illinois band. We marched by column of bat-
talion, viz.: each regiment was divided into battalions of two
companies each. These in the 104th consisted of about eighty
men to the battalion, which, in two ranks, reached nearly across
the street, giving us plenty of marching room. When the order
to go forward was given, the band struck up on a quick step and
every man started oft' in perfect time. As we swept past the re-
viewing ofiicers, with arms at the shoulder, with not a man of the
four hundred out of step or out of line, every gun and every hand
in place, we could notice the complacent smile on General Cox's
face as he turned to his chief with a look which said as plainly as
language could express it, "Beat that if you can." It was plainly
evident from the pleased looks of all present, that they were satis-
fied with the performance. The day's review was witnessed by
ni;in\' thousand \ ctcraii soldiers, all of whom praised the pcrfonii-
ance of the 104th in particular, of a division which all acknowl-
ed<^ed to have done exceedingly well. At that evening's dress
jiarade (General Cox presented Lieutenant Colonel Jordan with
the congratulations of Generals Grant, Sherman and Schofield. for
the disphu' of excellence in drill, marching and soldierly bearing
which none of them in all tlieir \aiicd experience had ever seen
excelled even by regulars.
It is doubtful if an\- member of the regiment in line tiiat day
ever felt a prouder moment than when marching i:)ast the capitol
of North Carolina on that beautiful afternoon of April ::i. 1S65.
Next dav the "Army of Georgia," General II. W. Slocum, was
re\ie\ved, and on the twenty-fourth the"Army of the Tennessee,"
(icneral (). Howard, and also Kilpatrick's Cavalry. On the
twentv-fifth the armistice was terminated by General .Sherman,
and the 20th Corps and cavalry started for Hillsboro in search of
rebels, while all the other troops, except the loth Corps, received
orders to be prepared to march at a moment's notice.
Next day, April 26, 1865, the rebel commander, (ieneral Joe
E. Johnston, signed articles of capitulation in which he agreed to
surrender his army on the same terms accorded by General
(jrant to General Lee. However the armies remained where
thev were except that all the forces of rebels under Johnston
were to concentrate at Greensboro, to turn over all their arms and
militarv stores and to sign paroles agreeing to not take up arms
against the United States until properly exchanged. By May
Hrst thev were ready and (General Schofield, commander of the
department of North Carolina, took a train to (jreensboro, accom-
panied by General Cox and the 104th Ohio, which General Cox had
selected as the soberest and best disciplined regiment in his corps.
These were to take charge of, and guard the rebel war material
which \\as to be turned over. We started on the second and at
three p. m. we landed right in the midst of twenty thousand rebel
soldiers. They immediately marched to a large field east of the city
where thev stacked arms and parked their wagons and artillery,
and the switches and sidings of the railroads were packed with
locomotives and cars. The 104th was then divided into three re-
liefs and put on guard, some over the railroad property and the
remainder over the war material. They turned over one hundred
and fortv-six pieces of artillery, over three hundred wagons, forty-
one thousand stand of small arms, oxer two hundred stands of
colors, two hundred and fortv-rivc locomotives, and more than
one thousand cars, with an immense amount of commissary and
t)i-dnance stores. It was a time for the exercise of both firmness
andjud^-ment on our part. The rebel commander could turn over
his war material, but as to the soldiers, it \\ as another matter.
Feelin*^ themselves no longer under the restraint of military dis-
cipline, thousands of them had hid their weapons and were now
"raishig Cain" in town and in their camps, some of them less than
half a mile away.
All night the\' made the region about us resountl with their
drimken brawls, and the vicinity extremely dangerous with their
wild and reckless firing, as they sauntered through town and
country, committing crimes and ravages of the most horrible na-
ture. Piobabh twenty per cent, of those thirty thousand or more
men marched or rode off into the country in liands of from fi\e to
fifty, committing robberies, murders, arson, and e\ ery crime
known. For several weeks the helpless inhabitants of central
and western Carolina lived under a perfect reign of terror. The
guard lines were made as strong as possible \\ith so few men,
vet scattered as we were obliged to be, we would have been un-
able to stand before an attack by these forces, such as might ha\ e
been precipitated b\ an\ talse or unwise step on (jur part. Hap-
pily, all such trouble was averted by our ])atience and forebear-
ance under the most tr^•ing insults, threats, taunts and insinuations
from the drunken and desperate characters by which we were
surrountled. In the morning most of our officers were put to
work at the duties of preparing the rolls and administering the
oath to the rebels, and furnishing transportati(jn and subsistence
for their journey to their homes in Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and
other jDarts of the South. The afternoon train brought the 9th
New Jersey regiment, who relieved us of part of our burden, and
we spent a more comfortable night than the one before. On the
fifth the remainder of the brigade arrived, and the 2d also, and by
the seventh the ist division had passed through toward Charlotte
and the 2d division to Danville, \^irginia. Meantime Kilpatrick,
with his cavalry, was scouring the country, picking up the roving
bands of freebooters scattered abroad in the country, who were
placed in jail to await trial l^y the ci\ il authorities.
Such was tJK' cntl of the rebellion in the Carcjlinas. Our
com ades brought us the news that peace had been declared and
that (Jeneral Sherman had started with the 14th, 15th, 17th and
20th corps for a marcli to W'asliiiiLj'ton Id he- imistcrcd out ot" the
Bv Ma\ tcMitli. the. rebels had all heeii ^fut dt their homes and
now our duties were li^ht and i)leasant lor a few short weeks
more. A little incident occulted. iiowe\er. on the tentli of June.
which hroki' in on the monoton\ ot camp life and aKo showed a
little of the spirit that pie\ ailed in our l)ri<_^ade. The lo^th were
acting' as |)ro\()st ^^iiads in tow n. and were encamped just north
of' the cit\- limits, while Colonel Steil. with the remaindi'r ot" the
hrit^'ade. was encamped halt' a mile west.
I'he di\ ision head(|uarters la\ just across the road adioinin^
oui" cam]i on the east. ( ieneral L.irler had yone to another counts
on some luisiness, and lelt his chief of staf1, .Major (irat/. in charj^e
at headipuiiters. A teamster in the dixision train cameoxerto
our camp considerahh undei' the influence ot' litpior. Next came
Lieutenant I)enn\, one of" Carter's aids, undei' orders t'rom Major
"(iiat/. to arrest the teamster. The teamster was pla\ inj^ euchre
with some of" our ho\s wlien he was put under arrest, and seemed
more inclined to talk to his chums in the ijame than to march to the
hcacKiuarters. Lieutenant l)enn\ u;re\\ impatient, seized a 14 un
from one of" the guards and plunged the lia\onet throu^di the le^"
of" the uiduckx wi^hl. In his tent, close li\. la\ a I)i<j. hroad-
shouldeied ^iant ot'al>o\, the first letters of" whose name were
Williard iKincrot't, of Company I). He Liol up. x\alked la/ily out
to the scene of conflict, and without an\ a})))arent effort [)lanted
liis hon\- Hst stpiare between the exes of the dou^htx' lieutenant.
The lieutenant t'ell as though he had lieen struck_bx lij^htninii^.
The box s natuiallx had a heartx laiit;h at his expense', but the
lieutenant \x as not throuL;'h x et. (iointi" t^" Lieutenant Colonel
Jordan, he complained that he had been struck like a doj^- b\ one
of his men. and demanded that the otVender should be punished as
prescribed in the rej^ulations for such an otlense. The ex'er care-
ful Jordan x\ ent to Companx I), and. upon in([uir\, soon came to
the conclusion that Lieutenant Dennx had receixed onlx what he
deserxed, told him so, and refused to do anxthing about it. Next
came an ordei' from Major (jratz, in (reneral Carter's name, that
Colonel [ordan and the lo^th regiment should consider them-
selxes under arrest for breach of discipline, and to stack their
arms, and the 9th Ne\x- Jersex' and 17th Massachusetts xxould re-
liex e them from dutx in toxxn. and mount a i^uard aiounil the
i()|^th. Tlu> box s did not stack arms worth a cent, but xxlien the
gallant Jcrscymcn were preparing to place a guard around us, the
boys skipped out of camp and formed a skirmish line, ready for
business. By this time hundreds of our old comrades of the ist
brigade had joined the impromptu skirmish line. Happily for all
concerned, General Carter arrived just as things were getting in-
teresting, and wanted to know what in creation was going on.
After listening to the story of his staff officers, he exclaimed,
"Fools, do you want to see those men butchered! All the eastern
troops in North Carolina couldn't put a guard of strangers over
any of these regiments. They've been together too long to allow
that. Send them to their quarters immediatelv. "
This was the first and last time the 104th was evei" under ;ir-
rest. Shortly before this occurrence we held a convention in the
104th to select delegates to the Ohio State Linion con\ention, to
be held a few days after. We selected Q. M. Schaffer and J. L.
Clark, of Company F, as delegates, with Captain R. C. Taggart,
and one other, as alternates, with instruction to support General J.
D. Cox for Governor. About this time Captain H. H. Eberhard
returned from a furlough home, bringing with him a beautiful
new silk flag, bearing the names of our principal battles and cam-
paigns, Cumberland Gap, Knoxville, East Tennessee, Resaca,
Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Utoy Creek. Atlanta, Columbia,
Franklin, Nashville. Old Town Creek, and VVilmmgton, em-
blazoned thereon in gold letters. It was presented bv the ladies
of Massillon as a token of their esteem.
June sixteenth, the 104th was relieved from pro^ ost dutv bv the
17th Massachusetts, and the next dav we were reviewed, with the
whole division, by Generals vSchofield, Cox, and Carter. That
night saw us ready for our journey home. On the eighteenth,
after listening to Chaplain Whitney's farewell address, we
marched to the Piedmont railroad depot and took passage in
freight cars for a journey to "God's countrv." We arrived at
City Point at eight o'clock on Mondav evening, and embarked on
the steamer Columbia. We stopped over Tuesday night in the
mouth of York river on account of a storm, and Wednesdav
night at nine o'clock we reached Baltimore, where we lay until
Thursday noon. Thence by freight cars on the Pennsylvania
railroad via York, Harrisburg, and Altoona to Pittsburg, where
we arrived at five o'clock on the evening of the twenty-third. In
coming up the Allegheny mountains, the night before, a man was
thrown from the top of a car, where he was sleeping, and instantly
killed. The train alicad of us was w reeked near the same ])laee,
rcsultin«^ in the death of perhaps a dozen men of the 103d Ohio,
and twiee as many more were severely hurt. At Pittshur*/- a
committee of citizens met us and conducted us to a ^reat hanciuet
hall, where day and night they furnished the homeward hound
soldiers with a good, substantial meal. We had a most excellent
supper, to which we did ample justice, then spent an hour most
pleasantly listening to patriotic songs hy a glee club of more than
a hundred ladies and gentlemen. We stopped o\er at W'ellsville
until morning, when (Jeneral Reilly joined us and on we came
past our "own dear native home," in the beautiful land. Ohio. At
every station we w ere met by pai'ents, sisters, brothers, wives, and
sweethearts, who w ere ■"waiting ami watching" for some one on
the train. From houses and fields the waving hats and handker-
chiefs cheered us on our way. We reached Cleveland on lune
tw-enty-f(nirth, at ele\ en o'clock in the morning, and there ended
our journeying as a regiment. In the two years and ten months
of our service, we had soldiered in H\e of the rebel States, had
participated in the annihilation of one great rebel arm\-. and had
received the surrender of another: had fought in thirteen battles
in which we had captured more than one thousaiul rebel prisoners,
eight pieces of artillery, and fifteen stand of colors. We had
marched more than three thousand and four hundred miles, had
rode nearly three thousand by rail and one thousantl and three
hundred by water, had uncomplainingly endured many hardships
of hunger and thirst, cold and heat, disease and wounds, and had
laid hundreds of our comrades in the silent tomb.
We took dinner under an immense bower surrounding Perr\"s
monument, then marched to Camp Tax lor w lu-re we remained
over Sunday. On Monday we received our discharge pajjcrs and
held our last dress parade. That evening we were joined bv our
old faithful icx)th Ohio. On Wednesday after dinner. June ^8,
1865, we were paid in full. Then, w ith handshakings and heartv
good-byes, the boys abantloned their last camp, and durin*'- the
night and next day w ent home. Having laid aside the imple-
ments of war. we spent the jolly I'^ourth of ]ul\ as citi/ens of the
Republic we had helj^ed tosa\e.
Cixptiiin, Coinpany f. Killed at Franklin, Tcnn., Noz>. so iSb^.
Captain, Company K, 1SO2: Lieittenani-Colonel, 104th Regiment, 1804 Died at Nei>
Lisbon, Ohio, February, /SSd.
loyrii uH(,/.u/-:.\T.
W'lu-n tlif ••ltucI w ;ii" \\ as ii\ cr." tlic-rc were- Imt \ lt\ tVw iittliL-
sur\ Ivors who thought tlic\ \\ ould t\ er a<:^ain want to sec or licar
of unythinjj^ iniHtary. Xot one in a thousand had any just con-
ception of the ini])ortanee of the part he had taken in niakiuL;- the
history of his time, or of the magnitude of the contiiet. "tlie jj^reat-
est, amon^J; men. in the tide of time." r>ut as the \ ears passed on,
and the "ho\s"" lieeame scattered abroad. liie\ Iie^an to t'eel a
Ncarniny" for the old associations, and for si^^ht ol tiie old famihar
faces. Tliis feeling grew and expantled till it •"lirought lorth
fruit" in the formation of an endless \ ariet\ of associations or so-
cieties, of which the most popular and profitable were tiie numer-
ous regimental associations whose annual reunions ha\ e been the
most enjo\able occasions in the li\ es of those fortunate enougli t(j
be able to partici])ate in them. .^o. to be in the fashion, a number
of the members of the lojth (). \'. I. met in the hall ot"I'(ist Xo.
27, (j. A. R., in Alliance. Ohio, at one o'clock, v. m.. Xox ember 12.
1868. General J. W. Reillv was called to the chair, and Adjutant
Walter McChmonds u as elected secretar\ .
It was resolved to hold the first reunion al Alliance. ()hio. on
the thirtieth of Novembei-, 1868, the anni\ ersar\ of the battle of
Franklin. It was decided that the next reunion be held at Mas-
sillon, Ohio, August J9, iS6(i. but. for some reason, this was
changed, and the second annual reunion was held at ^Vkron. Ohio.
Consequentlv the record of annual reunions of the association runs
as follows:
jF'/V.sV. Alliance. O.. Xo\ ember 30. 1868.
Scco/ni. Akron, ().. September 10, 1869. Deaths of mem-
bers reported for the past \ear: K. (i. I'liomas. M. I).
Theodore, .\. Ricks, lliram Reinols. H. II. SlaidNcr.
Third. Salem, O., Scptemlier 8, 1870. No deaths reported.
Fourth. Massillon, O., Septembers, 187 1. No deaths reported.
Fifth. Wellsville, O., October i, 1873. Deaths tor the year:
Manuel Barth, Company G; Jerome Graville, Company A;
George F. Graham, Company K; B. L. Dewees, Company
E; James H. McKinnel, Compan}' F.
Sixth. Alliance, ()., October 3, 1873. Deaths for the year:
Joseph Anderson, Company A; Phillip Triem, Company
B;John Shanefelt, Company B; George Painton, Com-
pany H; James L. Smith, Company K.
Seventh. Alliance, O., October i, 1874. Deaths for the year:
Charles W. Bernower, Company A; John Barr, Company F.
Eighth. Ravenna, O., September i, 1875. No deaths reported-
Ninth. New Lisbon, O., September I3, 1877. Deaths for the
year: Amos Hower, Company E; Rev. Buel Whitney,
Regimental Chaplain: John Kelher, Company F: K. M.
Garside, Company K.
y\'//th. vSalem, O., September 19, 1878. Deaths for the year:
John Porter, Company A; \Vm. B. Taylor, Company B;
Latham Crawford, Company C; Paul vS. Wiley, Company
H; M. M. Ladu, Company \: W. C. Hamilton, Company K.
Eleventh. Canton, O., vSeptember i, 1880. Deaths for the year:
David E. Spencer, Company D;*John Pemberthy, Com-
panvE;John Howard, Compan}- E; J. C. Baker, Com-
pany G; Abram Paulus, Company H.
T-.velfth. Akron O., September 31, 1881. Deaths reported:
Wm. Taylor, Compan^ B; Frank A. Day, Company F;
John Blythe, Company G; James D. Crozier. Company H.
Thirteenth. Salem, ()., November i, 1882.
Fourteenth. Canton, O., October 3, 1883. Death: DennisJ. Long,
Company H.
Fifteenth. Alliance, O., October 3, 1884. Deaths reported:
Joseph Urban, Compan\- A; James A. Crawford, Com-
pan\ C; James Sidebotham, Company L Richard Davis,
Company \: Thomas W. Whitacre, Company Y.
Sixteenth. Congress Lake, Stark County, O., August c, 6 and 7,
1885. This was a genuine old fashioned camp in the woods,
in which the "boys," with their families and friends,
gathered around the camp fires, as of old; slept on the
ground, and took all the enjoyment possible in renewing
old acquaintances and foiniin<,r new ones. At the l)usincss
meeting on the sixth it was decided to liold the next reun-
ion at Myers' Lake, near Canton, ()., l)v going into camp
on the second Wednesday and Thursday of August, i8S6.
There were reported deaths of members of the regiment as
follows: Wm. Fram, Company D; George lieittle, Com-
pany E; Captain John W. Fawcett. Company G; Captain
llobart Ford, Company II; J. C. Russell, Company I: anrl
the regimental ([uartermaster, Jacob Schafler.
Time which "waits for no man," has been l)us\ anu^ncj- the
"boys who wore the blue, and tiie 104th has suflered its full share
of those who have answered to the final roll call above. Among
those whose names have been reported to the writer, are Colonel
Wm. J. Jordan, of New Lisbon, Columbiana Countv, O.. who. in
the prime of life and in the midst of an honorable and prosperous
career, quietly passed away, at his home, on February 26, 1S86.
Colonel Jordan was a man who carried his conscience into every
step throughout a busy and eventful life, and whether iraining
laurels on the battle field, or before the bar of justice, (U- in his re-
ligious duties, he was ever the same cpiiet, dignified, firm and con-
sistent Christian gentleman.
Near the first of July, 1886, Fred Allen, of Kent, ().. formerly
of Company F. died of consumption, after an illness of several
Undoubtedly there have been many of the 104th who have
"climljed the golden stairs," whose names have never been re-
ported at the reunions of the regiment. Among them. Captain
Edward E. Tracy, who, many years ago, died of \vounds receiveil
at Cedar Mountain, while a member of the 7th (). \". L.aiul others
received at Utoy Creek and Franklin.
The "boys" are growing old; the erect and stalwart forms are
becoming decrepit and rheumatic, and all too soon the places
which knew us will know us no more forever. W^e must give
way to a younger, more vigorous generation, whose duty it will
be to perpetuate those free institutions which have been gained
and preserved at an expense of countless millions of treasure, antl
what is infinitely greater, a sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of
precious lives. Hoping that what he has written mav serve to
help establish in the hearts of those who will come after us. a just
appreciation of the priceless value of our country's institutions.
the writer will now t;ike liis lea\ c and liid the patient reader a
heartfelt adieu.
ll will he noticed In' the reader that the rosters of companies
E and (J contain no record of men wounded while in service,
antl are, therefore, so far incomplete; ;i fact which no one regrets
more than myself, and the reason wherefjf T will try to explain to
the satisfaction of all concerned. In compiling' the various rosters
of companies 1 ha\ e depended on memhers of each companv to
furnish a record of each company's service, and was thus cnahled
to compile rosters more or less complete of se\en ct)mpanies, as
puhlished in this w'ork. Much time and lahor had heen spent in
the attempt to get rosters of the other three, hut without avail.
So, as the time approached when it hecame necessar\- to put the
work into the hands of the printer, I went to the office of the
Adjutant (jcneral at Columhus. where 1 had full access to the
rect)rds. ami enjoN ed the courtesv and assistance of the Adjutant
General and his assistants, so 1 got the three remaining rosters,
hut found the records of se\ eral of the companies, including E
and (j. had made no mention of wounds received. After my ar-
rival home 1 wrote again to memhers of those companies for lists
of the wountletl in each, hut ha\e as yet recei^■ed no answer.
Now. with the t\ pe nearly all set up, and the work ready to go to
press. I am unable to supply the deficiency, which I deeply regret,
but with no means at hand of rectifying. Deeming this explana-
tion due to members of those two companies, and still more so as
an excuse for m\ self. I subscribe myself yours in F. C. and L..
Whuihaui. ().. J/i/y .',U ISStj.
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C apt at) I.
Stcrl, Oscar W., pruiiioted to major, Fel)riiar\. 1863: lieuten-
ant colonel, iVugust, 1863; colonel, Auy^ust 14, 1864. Mus-
tered out with regiment.
First Lieutenant.
Kelley, George V^., promoted to captain, February, 1863; cap-
tured rebel battle flag at Franklin, Tenn., November 30,
Second Licjitcnant.
Johnson, William, M., resigned, P^ebruary, 1863.
First Sergeant.
Vanderhoof, Orson G., promoted to second lieutenant, April,
1863; first lieutenant, August, 1863; captain, company B,
August, 1864.
Second Sergeant.
Si ess, Josiah B. D., promoted to first sergeant. May, 1863;
second lieutenant, August, 1S63: first lieutenant, August,
Third Sergeant.
Perkey, Charles, promoted to first sergeant, August, 1863:
second lieutenant, August, 1864.
Fourth Sergeant.
Bleaks, William, killed near Fort Mitchell, Ky., September 6,
Fifth Sergeant.
Sager, Benjamin F., promoted through each ' grade to sec-
ond sergeant.
1. Hanks, George W., promoted to third sergeant; died in
Cleveland, Tenn., May 10, 1864.
2. Porter, John N., promoted through each grade to second
Corporals. — Contiiuicd.
3. Tritehart. Jacol). promoted throiifjii each tirade to first
4. Siuxlj^rass. William, promoted to corporal. Aii<^iist, 1863;
dischai(;c'd. .\ii<;ust. 186.4.
V Dice, William 1).. detailed in ciiL(ineer I)attalit)ii, zy\ army
corps, Au^^ust, 1863.
6. Urban, Jacol) M., promoted throuj^h each grade to third
7. Shcaffer, Israel J., detailed in cornet hand.
8. Zehring, Augustus, transferred to veteran reserve corps.
June 3, 1863.
Koonse, ]^enjamin F., detailetl headcjuarters cook. Company A.
Musser, Jerome J., detailed cook for Lieutenant Colonel Jordan.
Beard. Otho II.
^Vdams, I)a\id.
Allen, James, discharged August, 1863.
Anderson, Joseph F.
Ax, Isaac.
Bash, Jacol) F. ^
Becker, Lewis F., stunned by explosion of a shell at
Columbia, Tenn., November 39, 1864.
Bender, Wm. H., captured at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6. 1864;
released May, 1865.
liender, John L.
liernower, Charles W.
iieard, Adam A., company headquarters cook.
Bliler, Charles W., left sick at Knoxville, Tenn., ALirch, 1864.
fiowers, Isaac, detailed as teamster, September, 1862.
Bulger, Samuel, captured near Danville, Ky., 1863; paroled;
promoted to corporal, 1865.
lirunibaugh, Samuel, discharged August, 1863.
Jirown. William, deserted in May, 1863, while home on
Clapper, Theodore P., stunned by exploding shell at Columbia,
, Tenn., November 29, 1864; captured near Smithville, N. C,
May. 1865.
Cole. Howard L.. detailed as rcijimental teamster.
Privates. — Contimicil.
Collar, James.
Coil, Rcnjaniin F.
Cook. Oscar, ilischarged Aujijust. 1S63.
Deatcr, Samuel, promoted to corporal March. 1863; wounded at
Dallas; Ga., May 2^, 1864.
Denious, George, died in Frankfort, Kv., ^larch 4, 1863.
Dod, John, detailed as teamster December, 1863.
Edgington, Isaac.
Edward, John, discharged June. 1863.
Evans, llenrx D., killed at Columbia, Tenn.. November 29,
■ Fogel. George, detailetl engineer battalion. 23d armv corps.
Foster, William \V.. promoted to corporal. August, 1863; re-
iluced Xt)vember, 1863.
Gannanne. John A., detailed orderly to Colonel Reilly.
Garman, William, detailed in engineer battalion, J3d army
Gramer. Charles, tletailed provisional orderlv. Washington, D.C.
Grable, Jerome, detailed mail carrier. May. 1865.
Harry. Silas C.
Havs, James, detailed in engineer battalion. 23d army corps;
died at Decatur, Ga., September, 1864.
Hausberger, Isaiah, promoted to corporal. January. 1864: ser-
geant, ^lav, i86v
Hipshur, Massam.
Houser, David, died at Mt. Vernon, Ky., June 4, 1863.
Houser, George, killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30,
Hughes, John J., detailed brigade provost guard, March,
1S65. ' ' ^
Kahler. Jonas, detailed cook for Colonel Sterl; captured and re-
leased September, 1864.
Kanagv. Joseph, promoted to corporal, September, 1864;
wounded at Franklin, Tenn., November 30. 1S64.
Klenfelter. William, discharged June, 1863.
Krug, Daniel, promoted to corporal, September, 1864.
Lamberson. Daniel, killed November 29, 1S64, at Columbia,
Linn, David, promoted to corporal. October. 1863: wounded
near Kingston, (ia.. June. 1864.
III.',/// Jil-y./MEXT. lO-^
Privates. — Continued.
La\vrcnce. Jacob, hu^kr. (k-lailcd in ccjrnct band.
Malonc, John II.. wounded at Dallas, (ja.. Ma\- 28. 1864:
died February 4. 1865.
Maitin. Francis M.. prcjinoled to corporal, Auj^usl, 1863:
woundetl near I't. Anderson, X. C., February 18, 1865.
Manderbur<^b, Henry.
McClure, fames, (liscbarL^ed December, 1862.
Men den ball, Henderson.
()r\vi<;, Jesse, deserted December. 1862. at (ieorL(eto\vn. K\ .
Perbamus, Stepben H.
Pontias, Isaac, transferred to \ eteran reserve corps, July, 186-^.
Porter, fosiab, discbari^x'd. l"ebruar\', 186:;, died soon after-
Rbodcs, George \\'.. discbarged. May 1863,
Rusb. Jacob, captured and j^aroled, Marcb, 1864. and attain.
May, 1865.
Rutter, Hugh, died April 12, 1863.
Seiler Cvrus. detailed quarter-master clerk, ist brigade, 3d di-
\ ision, 23d armv corps.
Seiler. William, promoted to corporal. August, 1863: wounded
June 14, 1864; died August. 1864. near Kingston, Ga.
Sbank. Win. C, wounded at Franklin, Tenn., November. 30.
Sbantz, George, killed at L tov Creek, Ga., .Vugust 6. 1864.
v*^bull. Hiram H.. promoted to corporal, September, 1864; stunned
h\ exploding sbell at Columbia, Tenn.. November 29, 1S64.
Smith, Christian.
Smith, Eli.
Solan, John L., killed at Columbia, Tenn., November 29, 1S64.
Starer, Simon S.. detailed company cook, 1862, teamster,
June, 1863.
Steese, Samuel, detailed hospital nurse, February 1863.
Stonebrook, Alexander.
Sw'an, Lilburn D., detailed on special service, November. 1862.
Urban, Jonas, detailed in ambulance corps.
Lrban, Joseph, detailed teamster. November, 1862.
Weil, Adam, died at Frankfort. Ky.. March 28, 1863.
Weinshimer, Henry, woimded at Columbia, Tenn., Novem-
ber 29, 1864.
Weston. ,\.dam .\.
Pi-'ivates. — Continued.
Whetstone, Allen iS., commissioned captain of Kentucky bat-
Wise, Emanuel, promoted to corporal, June, 1864.
Wolfsberger, George H.
Yant, I^eander B.
Yerick, Jefterson, died at Danville, Ky.. February 28, 1863.
Yerick. I^evvis.
Bchimer, Freeman, transferred from i6th Kentucky to 104th O.
V. I., January, 1864.
Touslev, Joseph C, transferred from 2d O. \'. C. to 104th O.
V. I., January, 1864.
Sprinkle. Conrad, died on the way to join the regiment.
Dagv, Calvin, deserted.
Raft', Eldwin, wounded at Columbia, Tenn, November 38, 1864.
Bender, Hiram.
Fording, Miller.
Fraise, J'^cob.
Baker, Philip.
Henry, John.
Raft; Benton.
Shadley. John.
Yant, Lewis.
Company A was raised in the vicinity of Massillon, Ohio, with
Oscar W. Sterl as captain, who rose to be colonel of the regiment.
Company A was with the regiment and took an honorable and
important part in all the marches, battles, sufterings and triumphs
of the regiment throughout the war, and was mustered out at
Greensboro. North Carolina, June 17. 1865.
W^ Til RE G I MEN T.
ROSTKR Ol'^ CO. li.
Coatcs, [esse K.. i"csi<>;ne(l on jiccoiiiit of disalnlitx. Xovcniher
17, 1862.
I^i rst I^ieiitouDit.
Perdue, Franklin A., detailed in ordnance dej)artinent. .Sep-
tember 25, 1862; promoted to captain, November 17. 1862;
reported to regiment for duty, September 12, 1864; trans-
ferred to ordnance department army of the Ohio, at Camp
Nelson, Ky., September 13, 1864.
Second Lieutenant.
So'uthworth, Andrew J., promoted to captain, January 9. 1864;
accidently killed by fallin;^- tree, near East Point, (ia.. Auj^ust
16, 1864.
1. Nelson, William J., promoted to second lieutenant. Novem-
ber 17, 1862; detailed in division ammunition train,
April, 1864.
2. Chesholm, Robert J., reduced tf) ranks for cowardice. June
6, 1864.
3. Triem, Philip, jiromoted to first seroeant. Se])tember 8,
4. Coatcs, ()li\er R., died of erysipelas, at Lexington. Kv.,
April 5, 1S63.
3. Baber, Thomas J.
1. Stackhouse. Owen, promoted to sergeant. April ^ '8^.^;
slightly wounded at Franklin, Tenn.. November 30,
18c 4.
2. vSpangler. John L., detailed companv clerk, December. 1863;
l^romoted to sergeant. June 6, 1864.
3. Gaskill, Thomas B., reduced to ranks, Jamiarv 1, 1864.
4. Haw le\, Ciceio. promoted to sergeant. September 8. 1864.
io6 i/ IS TOR}- OF THE
Corporals. — C on ti n ucd .
V CorrcU, Thomas H. B.. commissioned first lieutenant, tirst
U. S. C. II. A., March 23, 1864.
6. Bixler, Benjamin W., detailcil in enoincer liattalimi. j ulv
17, 1S63.
7. \'ick, Henry, promoted to first sergeant, November 1 7, iS^j ;
promoted to second Heutenant, September 7. iSh^. and
assigned to Compan\ I); promoted to tirst lieutenant.
February, 1865; and returned to Company B.
8. Beight, Isaac N.
Acker, Frankhn.
Adams, Thomas R., capturetl and paroled near Lancaster,
Ky., March z^, 1863; detailed clerk at regimental head-
quarters, ^lay, 1864; detailed clerk department head-
quarters, armv of North Carolina, March 5. 186^
Acker, Jacob, captured and paroled near Lancaster. Ky..
March, 1863.
Barker, William H., captured and paroled near Lancaster.
Ky., March 25. 1863.
Barnett, John.
Bates, David.
Barnes, Thomas \., promoted to corporal. November. 17.
Beltz, David, detailed teamster, 23d Corps headtjuarters. March.
Betzenhouser, Westlw recruit, joined the company March,
Bender, Thomas F., recruit, joined the company April. 1864.
Clemens, Alfred, detailed as guard at 3d division ammunition
train, April 22, 1865.
Clark, Elias J., died at Knoxville, Tenn.. of chronic diarrhea.
January 16, 1864.
Conrad, Simon P., detailed guard, 3d division ammunition
train, March 13, 1864.
Coy, George W., recruit, joined the company February 27,
1864, at Knoxville, Tenn.
Davis, Albert W., recruit, joined the company April 21, 1864,
at Bull's Gap, Tenn.
Denious, Oliver R., detailed company bugler. April. 1863; bri-
gade bugler, May 9, 1S64.
ui'iTii ]iE<,i.\rExr. u)~
Privates. — Continued.
Dennis, l^riah, wounded ne;n" Kenesaw Mountain, (ja.. June
iS, iSf).^: died tVoni his wound. J une iS, iS6.|.
I)()U<2,lieitv, William T.. reeruit. joined tiie eonipan\ .\pril z\,
1S64. at Bull's (iap. Tenn.
I'rance, Daniel. detaile<l as hlaeksmitli in en<^ineer liattalioii.
23d ainn' corps. April 4, 1S64.
I'owler. Thomas C., promoted to coiiJoial. September S. iS6j:
detailed at brigade heathpiarters. March 7, 1S64.
(Jaskill, Joseph (?.. ])romoted to corporal, January i. 1S64.
(ioro-as, Nathaniel J., promoted to corporal. July 13. 1864.
(jushard, Tobias.
I laafj, Ilaag.
Haag, Jones.
Haag, Samuel, died while at home on sick furloui^h. December
13, 1864.
Haines, Elias, accidentally shot olV a linger at Fort Mitchell.
K\-., September 11. i86j: deserted from Lexington. K\..
December 2c), 1862.
Ilalebaugli, Joseph, died at Lexington. Ky.. of apo))lex\. Xo-
\ ember 38, 1862.
llaxinan, Creorge. killed at I-"ranklin. Tenn.. Xo\eml»er 30,
1 864.
Havman. Thomas, promoted to corporal al Chattahoochee
River. July 13, 1864.
Ilavman, William.
Heacock. John F.. slightlv wounded at Fort Mitchell. K\..
September ii, 1862.
lIooNcr. Abraham, died ot" chronic diarrhea at Knox\ille,
Tenn.. April 3, 1864.
Iloo\er. Philip.
Ilooxer. Samuel, deserted from Richmond. Ky.. I^ecember 29.
Hostetter. Ephraim, slightlv w oundeil al Franklin. Tenn.. X^o-
vember 30, 1864.
Hurford, Xicholas.
Jackson. John H.
Jannett, vStephen.
Johnson, Johnson, died of t\ phoid fever at Mt. \'ernon, Ky..
June 8, 1863.
Koiiler. William IL
Privates. — Continued.
Kuntz. Wibur F.. promoted to corporal at ]\It. \'ernon. K\.,
June 6, 1883.
Kensla, Patrick, recruit for one year; joined the company at
Alexandria, Va., February 3, 1865.
Lantz, George W.
Leapard, George W.
Little, William.
Markel, John, discharged for disabilit\' at T^ancaster, Ky.,
April 9, 1863.
Martin, David, deserted from Richmond, Ky., December 29,
Mason, Richard, discharged at Lexington, K} ., April 13, 1863.
Minnier, Joseph, died of erysipelas, at Frankfort, Ky., March
9, 1863.
Munk, Henry, recruit for one year; joined the company at
Raleigh, N. C, April 35, 1865.
Myers, John O., recruit for one year; joined the company at
Goldsboro, N. C, April 4, 1865.
Myers, William O., recruit for one year; joined the company
at Goldsboro, N. C, April 4, 1865.
. Nelson, George B., recruit for three years; joined the company
at Bull's Gap, Tenn., April, 1864.
Nevvhouse, David B., promoted to corporal December 34,
1863; wounded in head at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 186;;.
Sandals, Asher, detailed teamster, 33d armv corps head-
quarters, March i, 1864.
Schooley, George W.
Seely, Levi.
Slack, Lewis B.
Snider, John, deserted from Richmond. Ky., December 39,
Snider, William, discharged at Richmond, Ky., January 16,1863.
Seacrist, Peter, died at Lexington, Ky.. December 19. 1863, of
Shanefelt, John.
Smith, William, transferred to invalid corps, January 15, 1864,
at Camp Nelson, Ky.
Smith, William W., wounded in arm at Dallas, Ga., May 31,
1864; captured at Franklin, Tenn.. November 30, 1864.
Southworth, Mortimer M.
lO.'iTIl RECIMENT. 109
Privates. — Continued.
Spantjlcr, |oseph. disch;ir<4L'(l tor disability at I>L'\in<^ton. K\ .,
December 19, 1862.
Stanibau<jb, Albert W.
Stewart, Josepb (i.
Stahl. John L., captured on skinnish line at I'ranklin. Tenn.,
November 30, 1864.
Stephenson, jobn W.
Stratton, (jeor<:je W.
Spellman, William O., transfeired to invalid corps at Cam))
Nelson, Ky.. January 32, 1864.
Tao-crart, John, discharged tor disability at Lexinj^ton. Ky.,
January 15, 1863.
Taylor, William, severely wounded through the bowels at
Fort Mitchell, Ky., September 11, 1862; discharged at Cin-
cinnati, O., March 16, 1863.
VVaker, Hiram.
Walker, Walter R.. wound in right hand at I'ranklin. Tenn..
November 30, 1864.
Walker, William, wounded in thigh at Utoy Creek. Ga.,
August 6, 1864.
Warner, Frederick.
Warner, George.
Wearstler, Jonas.
Whitaker, Robert B.
Whitmire, Monroe, wounded in hand at Franklin. Tenn.. No-
vember 30, 1864.
Zentz, Adam, transferred to invalid corps at Cincinnati. ().,
Zentz, George W.
Company B was raised principally in the portions of Stark
and Columbiana counties in the vicinity of AUiance. Notw^ithstand-
ino- its havino- furnished more deserters than anv other companv
in the regiment. Company B was ever one of the foremost tor
duty, and served Avith distinction throughout all the l)attles and
campaigns in w^hich the regiment was engaged, and was always
conspicuous for the fine appearance, good discipline, and soldierly
bearing of officers and men.
Sturgeon, 1 luji'h, resigned , Fcl)niary lo. 1S64. at Knoxvillc,
First Liciitciiani.
Tap;<^art, Robert C, promoted to captain. I^\'l)ruary 12, 1864.
Second I^iciitcimiit.
Kenibie, William F.. promoted to First Lieutenant, January 13,
1864: promoted to captain. Se])tember 8, 1S64; killed at
battle of l^'ranklin, Tenn.. No\ember 30, 1864.
First Sergeant.
Tui^i^art. Tiiines C. promoted to second lieutenant, Alarch 9,
1S64; promoted to first lieutenant. November 30, 1864;
sligbth wounded at Franklin, Tenn.. November 30, 1864.
Second Sergeant.
(rilbert, James M., wounded in rio'bt arm, September 25, 1862;
discbar<>-ed December 11, 1862, at Cincinnati, O.
Zeigler, Isaac, promoted to first sergeant, Marcb 9, 1864;
killed at battle of Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Lewis, Stephen, taken prisoner near Marietta, Ga., June,
1864, init esca]5ed; severel\- wounded at Franklin. Tenn.,
November 30, 1864.
Orr, Matthew T., wounded near Atlanta, Ca., August 7.
1864; wounded at battle of Old Town Creek. N.C., Febru-
ar\ 20, 1864.
1. Barton, l)enjamin M.. taken pris<Mier at Danville. Ky.,
Alarch 24, 1862, and parceled and exchanged; wounded
at battle of Old Town Creek, N. C. February 20, 1865.
2. Morris, Henry C.
3. Neville. Levi, transferred to \eteran reser\ e corps. January
15. 1S65.
4. Early, John M., discharged. Jan. 14, 1863, at Richmond, Ky.
lui 77/ A' /-; (; nriiNT. 1 1 1
Corporals. — Ci)ntiinu'(l.
:;. J hut. W'ancn. died at Frankfort. Ky.. March 6. iN6r^.
6. (iaston. \\ illiani II., severely wounded at liattle ot" Old
Tow n Creek, X. C. I'\d)riiary 20, 186:^.
7. McCo\'. Alexander, promoted to ser<i;eant, Fel)niarv 28,
1S63: promoted to first ser<>^eant, November 30. 1864.
.S. MeCaminoii. [ohn A., severeh wounded at k'tanklin.
Tenn.. .\o\ ember 30, 1S64.
I'.arK. Samuel, transt'enx'd to \eteran rescrx e corj^s.
Martin. Alexander R.. discharj^ed at Louis\ille. K\.. Stptc-m-
l)er i(). 1S64.
Alhrij^ht. l-'iiinan S.. ]:)romote<l to corporal, .Vu^ust 31. 1S64.
.\/dell. Andrew II.. died at Camp Dennison. C)., AuLjust 9,
1 863.
Azdell, ]ames. wounded near Dallas, Cja., Mxiy 28, 1864. and
le;^ amputated. Discharged .August 20, at Camp Denni-
son. ().
.V/.dcU. ]ohn Al.. ])romoted to corporal. .Ma\' 18. 1865.
Allen. Cvrus. discharged AIa\ 19, i86-;. at Camp Denni>on. ().
.Vlcorn, \\ llliam ( i.
.Vrmstrong, C. B., detailed as teamster.
Haker. I'red (J., captured at Danville, K\.. March 24, 1863;
paroled and exchanged.
IJarnes, George, died September 12, 1864.
Bennett, Bronson.
Boozle, John A., promoted to corporal June 6, 1863; severelv
wounded at Frankhn. Tenn.. November 30. 1864; discharg-
ed May 17, 186:5.
Burlingame. Henry.
Coie. Samuel, severeh' woinuled in siege of Knox\ ille. Tenn..
November 29, 1863; died in Ohio, March, i86^.
Connell. William A. .died at Crab Orchard. Ky.. August 27. 1863.
Court, Frederick.
Crawford, Charles B.
Crawford. James A., captured near .Vtlanta. (ia., August. 1864;
sent to Andersonville, Ga., prison.
Crawford, John M., promoted to corporal, September 30, 1863;
wounded at battle of Franklin. Tenn.. November 30. 1864:
wounded at Old 'I'own Creek. N. C Februarv 20. 186:;.
Privates. — Continued.
Crawford, Latham. discliarLi'cd at Knoxville. Tcnn.
Creighton, James II.
Crum, Jacob, promoted to corporal, January 28, 1S63, ser-
geant, Fcl)ruary 28, 1863.
Davidson, James H., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
I)a\ is, Henderson.
Davis, Joseph, promoted to corporal, March 9, 1864: woiuuled
at Old Town Creek, N. C, February 30, 1865.
Dickey, C. B., wounded near Marietta, Ga., June, 1864; left
arm amputated; discharged April, 4, 1865.
Eakin, Samuel, transferred to veteran reserve corps.
i'^aulk, Peter R., died at Knoxville, Tenn., Januar}' 1, 1864.
Fowler, M. V. B., promoted to corporal, May 1, 1865.
(iaston, James, died at Mt. Vernon, Ky., July 4, 1863.
(jearv, Thomas M-, died at Lexington, Ky., March 37, 1S63.
Greenamyer, Eli.
Halleck, Henry W., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
Hawkins, John, died at Frankfort, Ky., February 3, 1863.
Hindman, J. L. T., died at Lexington, Ky., December 24, 1863.
HolHnger, Henry J., died at Knoxville,Tenn., November 26,1863.
Huston, Harvey, discharged at Richmond, Kv., January 14.
1863. ^ _
Jamison, Cornelius, transferred to veteran reserve corps.
Keener, William C, died at Frankfort, Ky., January 37, 1863.
Kinney, James M., wounded at Lexington, Ky., 1S63; dis-
charged at Knoxville, Tenn., February 39, 1864.
King, Albert.
Little, George.
Lyon, Jacob J., discharged at Richmond, Ky., January 14, 1863.
March, Henry.
Martin, Emery.
Martin, William H. H., killed at battle of Franklin, Tenn., No-
vember 30, 1864.
Mead, Heman D., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
Meek, James, wounded at battle of Old Town Creek, N. C,
February 30, 186":^: died of his wounds at Baltimore, Md.,
March 16, 1865.
Meek, Seth, severely wounded at battle of Franklin, Tenn..
November 30, 1S64; discharged at Camp Dennison, O,,
May 19, 1865.
104 TH RE GIMEN T. 1 1 ^
Privates. — Continued.
Mitchell, William W.. womulcd at battle of Franklin. Tenn.,
November 30, 1864.
Moon, Geor<i^e R.
Moon, Ilarvew
Morris, Samuel, promoted to corporal, March 13, 1S63.
Moon. Andrew J., wounded at battle of Old Town Creek, X.
C, February 20, 1865; discharj^eil at Baltimore, Md., Mav
8, 1865.
Musser, Wilson S.
McCalla, John R., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
McCormick, James C, wounded at battle of OUl Town Creek,
N. C, Februarv 20, 186^
McCoy, Alexander C, promoted to corporal, April 9, 1864.
McCoy, Aaron, severely wounded at Old Town Creek, X. C,
Febi uar\- 30, i86v
McCoy, Iluj^h, wounded near Lost Mountain, Ga.. June 17,
1S641 severely woimded at Old Town Creek, X. C, Feb-
ruary 20. 1865; discharg-ed at Alexander, Va., June 3, 1863.
McDevitt, Austin, severely wounded at Old Town Creek, X.
C Februay\- 20. 1865.
McKnit^ht, Joseph.
]SIcLauohlin, Joseph, \\ounded in rii^ht hand at vSnow Pond.
Ky., 1863; discharged at Cincinnati, O., January 23, 1863.
Owens, William H.
Faxon, Luther A.
Piper, Thomas.
Routson, John vS., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
Scroggs, Joseph J., mustered out to accept commission in col-
ored regiment.
Sebring, John.
Sebring, Thomas.
Spahr, William H.
Stooksbury. William C, promoted to corporal, January 34,
1863; sergeant, November 30, 1864; wounded at Old Town
Creek, X. C, February 20, 1865.
Stough, Charles, promoted to corporal, Xovember 30, 1864.
Taggart, John, promoted to corporal, January 7, 1863; sergeant,
March 9, 1864.
Thorn, John, captured at Danville, Ky., ^Lu•ch 24, 1863; pa-
roled; died at Columbus, O., April 9, 1803.
Ills TORI OF 711 E
Privates. — Continued.
Trippcv. Saniucl.
N'anfussan. .\ustiii.
Wallace. Thomas, promoted to corporal. January 39, 1S63;
sergeant, August 31, 1864; killed at battle of Franklin. Tenn.,
No\eniber 30, 1S64.
Walters, David Y., died at Knoxville, Tenn.. November 36, 1863.
Whitworth. John, wounded at battle of Old Town Creek, N.
C, FelM-uar\- 30. 186:^; discharged at l>aUimore, Md.. Alav
9. 1S65.
Williams. I'riah, captured at Danville. K\'.. Tvlarch 24. 1863;
paroled and exchanged.
W\mer, Ilenrv. captured near Marietta, (ja., lune. 1864; died
in Antlersonville prison.
Wymer, John, died at Lexington, Kv.. March 30, 1863.
Yagala, jVdam.
Thomas. I'riah. transferred to 183d regiment, O. ^^ I., June 17,
Coolv, Finle\', transferred to r83d regiment, O. ^'. I.. June 17,
Latham, James !NL, transferred to 183d regiment. (). W L.June
17, 1865.
Henrv, John, transferreil to 183d regiment. O. \". L, June 17,
Flowers, David, transferred to 183d regiment. O. A'. L.June
17, 1865.
Frazier, James G., transferred to 183d regiment, (). \^. L. June
17, 1865.
Morris, .Solon S., transferred to 183d I'egiment, (). \'. L.June
17, 1865.
Lnderwood, Jesse, wounded at battle of Franklin. Tenn.. Xo-
veniber30, 1S64.
L^nderwood, Nathan, tlied at Kingston, (ja.. June 4. 1 S64.
\^'alters, Daniel, died at Na.->hville, Tenn.. ALiy 37, 18 ')4.
jetLrexs, John, discharged at Camp Dennison, C).. ALiy 19,
'1865. ■ ' ^
Note. — ^Januarv 7, 1864, members of the 44th O. V. L. who did
not re-enlist as \ eterans, were assigned to Company C and
served as f()llo\\s:
104 TH R E aiMEX T. 1 1 c
Pirst Serjeant.
Tate. William II.. returned to Stli (). \'. \'. Ca\alr\-. Aui^ust
12. 1S64.
Benson E. M.. returned to Sth O. ^'. \'. Ca\alr\. August u.
. 1S64.
Olwine, John, returned to Sth O. \'. \'. Ca\alr\-. August 12.
1S64. '
Parker, William A., returned to 8tli (). \ . \ . Ca\ ali\ , Au^^-ust
12, 1864.
Crai^, I'rancis M.. died at Knoxville, Tenn.. March 27. 1864.
Company C was raised in the extreme eastern portion of
Columliiana county, adjoining; the hamlet of East Palestine. The
company contained a large proportion of Scottish descent. W^as
the first companx in the regiment both in the average size of the
men and in mmierical strength, and was also conspicuous for the
good discipline and soldierly hearing of officers and men.
Horton, Marcus C, killed at Dallas, Ga., May 28, 1S64.
Everhard, Henry H., transferred from Company E, Alay 28,
1S64; returned to Company E, August i, 1864.
Vanderhoff, Orson G., promoted from Company A, August i,
1864; transferred to Company — , September i, 1864.
Kimball William F., promoted from Company C, September 8,
1S64; killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Knapp, Shepherd M., promoted from Company E, January 6,
1865; mustered out with regiment.
/-It'st Lieutenant.
Booth, Louis D., honorably discharged, February 22, 1863.
Second Lieutenant.
Tracy, Edward E., promoted to first lieutenant, February 27,
1864; wounded in chest at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1S64;
promoted captain Company I, January 4, 1S65; detailed aid-
de-camp to General Cox.
Vick, Henry, promoted from Company B, August 19, 1S64;
promoted to first lieutenant, and returned to Company B,
May 6, 1865.
First Sergeant.
Getter, Aurea F., discharged, May 30, 1863.
Second Sergeant.
Adams, Origin, promoted to first sergeant, May 30, 1863; killed
at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864.
Third Sergeant.
Messenger, John D., promoted to second sergeant, Ma}'' 30,
1863; first sergeant July 20, 1864; reduced to second ser-
geant, and detailed clerk at headquarters, 3d division, 23d
army corps, January, 1865.
Fourth Sergeant.
Reynolds, Linus T., died at Lexington, Ky., April 19, 1S63.
lO.'f Til ]i E a I MEN T. I I -
T'iftJi Scriicaiit.
Whitinorc, William F.. rcduLcd to the rauk'~ for straj^<i;lin<^
Au_<;-ust 13. K^^>3-
1. La/.anis, Caleb, died, 1864.
2. Wilson. Isaac G., promoted to sergeant. iSr)-^; detailed in
color (i^uard, January. 1S64: wounded in heel. May 14.
1864, at Resaca, Ga.
-5. Mills, Albert W., transt'ei'ved to cornet band. l'"ebruary,
4. Elliot, Lvman L., dischart^ed, July 27. 1863.
5. Thompson, William M., promoted to sergeant. January.
6. vSpenccr, Edgar D.. promoted to sergeant. April. 1864.
7. Harrington. Edgar O.. transferred to color guard. Novem-
ber. 1863.
8. I'aine. Otis B.
Shepard, Elihu X.. Hfer, discharged. June 22. 1863.
Phillips, William L., drummer.
Severance, William, drummer, transferred to cornet band.
August I, 1863.
Foster, Artemas ]>.. bugler, transferred to cornet band. August
' I, 1863.
.Vrbuckle. William, died, December 20. 1863. at Knowille.
Ball, Charles II., detailed teamster. 3ddi\ision. 23(1 army corps.
Bancroft. Willard.
Barton, ^\^arren D.. detailed in engineer battalion. iy\ army
Beardsley. Edmund T.
Brock, John A.
Button, Alfred H., detailed teamster. 3d di\ision. iT^d arm\
layers, Joseph, died in Atwater. O., spring of 1863.
Camp. Charles C. discharged, spring of 1863.
Carrol. Richard, detailed headcjuarters clerk. 3d di\ ision. 23d
arm\- corps.
Chandler. Adolphus X.
Chapman. Ilenrw died at Lexington. Ky.. April 5. 1863.
Privates. — Continued.
Chapniiin, Th(jnias C.
Clark, Edward P., promoted to sergeant, 1S63: first sergeant,
Clark, [ohn F., died at Lexington, Ky., April ^, 1S63.
Cline, William.
Cox, Luinan C, died at Knoxville, Tenn., January 15, 1864.
Craig, William, died at Lexington, Ky., January 3i, 1863.
Crubaugh, Zephaniah, slightly wounded near Marietta, Ga.,
June 19, 1S64.
Earl, Albert J., discharged, March 35, 1864.
Entrikin, Brintin, discharged, November 8, 1862.
Evans, John, died at Knoxville, Tenn., January 4, 1864.
Fenn, Richard B.
Fitzpatrick, James, killed near Dallas, Ga., May 28, 1864.
Fitzpatrick, William, promoted to corporal, June, 1863; ser-
geant, August, 1863; reduced to ranks for insubordination,
December, 1863.
Fram, William.
Gano, Miles O., discharged, October 5, 1863.
Green, Henry J.
Griffith, John, promoted to corporal, December, 1863; sergeant.
May, 1S64.
Hiltabidel, George A., died, 1863.
Hindman, Jerome B., detailed wagon-master, 23d army corps,
Holcomb, LaFayette, discharged, March, 1864.
Hoskin, George A., died, October 12, 1864.
Hudson, Henry C, discharged, April i, 1864.
Hunt, John.
Johnson, Alfred A., discharged, January 10, 1863.
Johnson, Levi O., discharged, February, 1864.
Jones, Benjamin, killed at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1864.
Kelly, John A., discharged, September 19, 1S64.
Kirkbride, Ferdinand, promoted to corporal, April, 1S64.
Lewis, W^illiam H.
Lyon, Thomas, J., discharged, January 10, 1863.
Miller, John.
Milligan, Aaron J., died, April 1=^, 1863.
Mills, Augustus R., promoted to captain in colored regiment,
Privates. — L'ontiniK'd.
Mills, Fraiil<lin R.. promoted to corporal. April. 1S64: scrjijcant,
February, 1865.
Mitchell, Joseph, deserted tVoni i^ieliinoiid, K\.. December 29,
1S62: returned under President's proclamation. 1S64: cap-
tured at I'^ranklin. Tenn.. Novembei" 30. 1S64.
Mowen, Iliiam H.. died at K now ille, Tenn.. Aujj^ust 6, 1864.
Mowen, Oliver 1*., dischar^-ed, No\ember 8, 1862.
Porham, Albion, mortally wounded at I'toy Creek, (ia.,
August 6. 1864; died, August 7, 1864.
Pettit, William M., detailed in ent^-ineer Itattalion. lyX ai'my
Phi]li])s. William 1>.. wounded in liand at Lancaster, Ky., April
3d, 1863.
Pinnev, Nelson A., wounded in shoulder at I to\ Creek, (ja.,
August, 6. 1864.
Pinnev, Smith, wounded in wrist at Franklin, Tenn.. \o\ em-
ber 30, 1864.
Reagan, Allen, captured at Utoy Creek, (ja., August 6, 1864;
died of starvation in Andersonville prison.
Roes, Thomas, died at Kingston, Tenn., February 20, 1864.
Rees, William, died at Co\ ington, Ky.. April 26, 1863.
Reeves, Charles C.
Rice, Lane, transferred to in\alid corps, 1864.
Rickseckcr, John 11.. captured flag of i6th Alabama at Frank-
lin, Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Roberts, John R., struck by piece of shell at Resaca. (ia.. May
14, 1864.
Roberts, John \V\, slighth wounded near Dallas, (ia.. May 27,
1864; shot through bo^vels, near Eastpoint, Ga.. August 18,
Rogers, Clement L.
Ryan, Michael.
Supp, John F., discharged about November 1, 1864.
Seamans, Oscar B.
Selby, Hiram B., died at Windham, O., November, 7. 1864.
Shaw, Jonathan T., discharged, February 20, 1S64.
Smith. Judson, promoted to C()rpt)ral. April, 1864.
Sparry, William L.. promoted to corporal. January. 1S64; ser-
geant, iS6i^.
Spencer, Samuel, died at Knowille. Tenn.. January 9, 1864.
Privates. — Continued.
Stocum. Benjamin F.
Sitlli\an, janies M., deserted from Richmond. K\., Decefnbei'
39. 1864.
Sweet. Milton C.
Tupper. James A., (.lischarged, June 22, 1863.
Walton. Jonathan, dischars^ed, July 31, 1863.
White. David, Jr.
Williams, Shadrach, died at Covington. Ky.. April 30, 1863.
Withers. George, died at Nelson, O., about Xo\ember, 1863.
Wolcott. Frederic.
^'eaglev. Henrv, died at Knoxville, Tenn.. Februar\' 3i, 1S64.
Cliaffee. Nelson, wounded in lungs at Little Kenesaw, Ga., June
19. 1864.
Payne, James.
Daniels, Henry ISL, attached to cornet band.
'I'ompkins. Alatthias.
Compan\- D was raised in the northern and eastern portions
of Portage countv, served with great credit throughout all the
campaigns and battles in which the regiment was engaged. Com-
pany D was particularly remarkable in the large fatality among
the officers. Captain M. C. Ilorton was the first officer in the
regiment killed in battle. A commission as second lieutenant had
arrived for the excellent orderly sergeant, Origin Adams, but he
never lived to see it. Heroic William F. Kimball, who fell so bravely
at the head of Companv C, had just been commissioned captain
of Compan\- D, and Lieutenant E. E. Tracy, twice wounded, was
also of Compan^■ D.
r()stp:r oi' CO. k
Captain .
I)aliiic'\. Andrew J., di^char^c-d, Xox cmhci" 3, 1^(^)3. to accept
pioinolion as Coluncl of the 2(1 X. L". Int'antrx.
Kverhai'd. Ilcnrv H., promoted Hrst lieutenant, Ajjril 7. 1S64:
captain. vSepteniber 14. 1864.
First Lieittcnaitt.
Ricks, Au<i"ustus J., promoted to caj^tain and assigned to Com-
pany F. April iS, 1864.
Knapp, Shepherd M., promoted to captain and assigned to
Company D, Fel)ruarv 10, i86v
Cope, Samuel S., promoted from Compain V to Hrst lieutenant
Compan\- E, Febrnarv 23, 186^
Second I^iciitciiant.
Perkey. Charles A., promoted from Com])an\- .V to 2d lieuten-
ant Company E. September 8, 1S64.
First Sergeant.
Martin, \ . Deming, mustered out with company.
Seco n d Se rgca u /,
Bahhey, Isaac S.. mustered out witli com])an\ .
Third Sergeant.
Hicks, Joseph, mustered out with conipaiu'.
Fonrth Sergeant.
Bomberger, Adam, mustered out w ith com])an\ .
Fifth Sergeant.
Peters. Samuel R.. mustered out \yith compan\ .
1. Lind. James W'.. mustered out with com])an\ .
2. Higginbotham, Charles, nuistered'out with comi^anv .
3. Reinohl. Hiram, mustered out with compan\ .
4. McLain. Charles L., mustered out with compan\.
V Borner John, mustered out with compaiu .
Corporals. — Continued.
6. Lcrch, Thomas, nnistcrcd out at McDouj^all ^x-ncral hos-
pital, June I, 1S65.
7. Coons, WiUiani. mustered in as sergeant, rechiced to cor-
8. Devies, Ik'niwell. mustered out \vith company.
Ricks, Theodore, mustered out w itli company.
Flyherger, jVnthon\', mustered out with company.
Downer. )onathan, mustered <jut with company.
Hear, John, mustered out with company.
Beittle, George, mustered out at Knoxville, Tenn.. June 20, 1S65.
Bowen, Jeremiah, mustered out with company.
Boneberger, Cyrus, mustered out with company.
Burnett, Giles, mustered out with company.
Crass, Freeman, mustered out with company.
Eisenzimer, John, mustered out with company.
Garver, Charles, mustered out with company.
Gephart, George, mustered out with company.
Gottshall, David, mustered out with company.
Herring, Jacob, mustered out as corporal.
Hackman, Horace, mustered out with com])any.
Hackman, George, mustered out with company.
Hewpexlv, David, mustered out with company.
Hershey, Joseph, mustered out with company.
Hitz, Jacob, mustered out at Philadelphia. Pa., June 22, 1S65.
Higerd, Jacob, mustered out with company.
Hissner, Adam J., mustered out with company.
Hoover, Amos, mustered out with company.
Kessal, Andrew, mustered out with company.
Kaoutz. Jacob, mustered out with company.
Levers, Isaac, mustered out with company.
Lind, John H., mustered out with company.
McKee, William, mustered out at Columbus O., June 19, 1S65.
Mell, George M., mustered out with company.
Pemberthy, John, mustered out at Beaufort, N. C. June 5, 1S65.
Phillips, Henry E., mustered out with regiment.
Race, George C, mustered out with company.
Ralston, William R., mustered out with company.
lO.'iTII REdlMEXT. I20
/';'/:v)'A'.v.— ContinuLHl.
Reel, John, mustered out with companv.
Reinohl. John W ., mustered out at Columbus, ().. June 19, 1865.
Reynolds, Ransom, mustered out with com])anv.
Rickart, Philip, mustered out with companv.
Rohcr, Frederick, mustered out with company.
Rutlner, Samuel, mustered out with company.
Shaler, Peter, mustered out \\itli comj^anv.
Schlotte. Samuel, mustered out at Louisville. K\.,June 28, 186:;.
Schant/.. I'rias, mustered out with companv.
Shick, .\dam, mustered out with company.
Slanker. Henrv II., mustered out with companv.
Snvder, Jacob, mustered out with companw
.Sweeter, Nicholas, mustered out with company.
Turner, James, mustered out at Knowille, Tenn.,June 10. 186^^.
Wagoner, Christian, mustered out with company.
\\'alker, Marshall, mustered out with compan\-.
Waltner, John B., mustered out at Da\ ids Island, X. ^^, June
13, 1865.
Walter, John L., mustered out with company
Wearstler, Aaron, mustered out with company.
Wearstler, Christian, mustered out with company.
Wertzell, Joseph, mustered out with company.
Witmer, Phares, mustered out \^ith company.
Yost, William, mustered out at Cle\eland, O., June i, i86v
Young, George, mustered out with company.
Bonner, John, from Camp .Snow Pond, Ky., September 2:;.
Weynser, William .S., from (jeorgetown, Ky., October 20, 1862.
Bowman, Adam, in Andersonville, Ga., prison, August 17, 1864.
Blacher, Henrv D., supposed to have died September, 1864,
while prisoner of war.
Euches, Jesse L., of chronic diarrhea at Atlanta, Ga.. October
22, 1864.
Grossman, Frank, at Lexington, Ky., of pneumonia, April 5,
Hammond. John, dangeroush- wounded near Ft. , Anderson, X.
C, Februar\ 19, 186^
Pi'ivatcs. — Continued.
HollandcM-. Matthias, of typhoid fever, at New Berne, N. C,
March 21. 1865.
Hudson. W'iUiam, supposed to have (Ued at Andersonville. Ga.,
August. 1864.
Kile, Hiram, of disease, at Kinston. N. C, April 21. 1865.
LaClair, Daniel, niortalh' wounded at Franklin, Tenn.. Novem-
ber 30, 1864, and left on the field.
Lesh, Da\id. of pneumonia, at Lexint^ton. Ky., No\emher 21,
Locher. Gottlieb, of disease, at Kinston. N. C.
Ri.S^gle. James, of pneumonia, at Lexinii,"ton. Ky., December i.
" 1862.'
Roger. Leon, at Knoxville, Tenn.. July 9 1864. of wounds re-
ceived in action.
Ryder. Henr\- L., of pneumonia, at Richmond. Ky., January
4. 1863.
Turner. ^Villiam, of chronic diarrhea, at Nashville, Tenn.,
September 9, 1S64.
Tweedw John, killed at L'toy Creek. Ga.. August 6, 1864.
Walker. James A., of pneumonia, at Lexington, Ky., Novem-
ber 19, 1863.
Weygandt. Joseph, of tvphoid pneumonia, at Williamstown,
K} ., October 16, 1S62. *
Banz, Peter, to 183d O. \. L.June 15. 186.
Bausher. William, to 183d O. V. L.June 15. 1S65.
Brown. Cassius iVL, to iS3d O. V. L.June 15, 1865.
Boirgegrain, Peter J., to 183d O. \. L, June 15. 1865.
Davenport. Eugene, to iS3d O. V. L, June 15, 1865. ^
Fritzer, Peter, to 183d O. ^". L. June 15. 1865.
Gill, George W.. to 183d O. \'. L.June 15, 1865.
Morgan. Jameson, to 183d O. \. L. June 15, 1865.
Tweedy. William, to 183d O. \'. L. June 15. 1865.
Race, Joseph, to 183d O. V. L, June 15. 1865.
Morganthaler. Peter, promoted to sergeant and detailed N. C.
S., August 30, 1862.
^^'ikadol. William A., promoted to sergeant and detailed (^.
M. S., August 30. 1S62.
Riddle Joseph P., promoted to niiijor of legiinent, Aiic^ust 2^,
Pirst Licniciiai/f.
Whitacre, Thomas \\'.. resi<j^ned, Novemher 27, 1S62.
Second Licutoiaiit.
WllHamson, James E., (hed near Camj) Nelson, K\-., Aiuj-ust 8,
First Sergeant.
StearnsT^iiiiit-'l ^i-- prt)moted to second lieutenant, December 2,
1S62; first lieutenant. May 9, 1864; captain, February 24,
Second Sergeant.
Cope, Samuel S., promoted to second lieutenant, February 27,
1S64; first lieutenant, January 6, 1865; wounded at battle of
Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Third Sergeant.
Dannals, Jared F., killed at battle of Franklin, Tenn.. Novem-
ber 30, 1864.
Fourth Sergeant.
Day, Francis A., jjromotcd to first sergeant, .Vpril 6. 1864.
Fifth Sergeant.
Keith, James.
Ball, Henr\- R.. promoted to sergeant, November 27, 1862.
McKinnell, James II., promoted to sergeant; wounded at Utov
Creek, Ga.. August 6. 1864.
Boyce, Samuel F., promoted to sergeant; woumled at Frank-
lin, Tenn.. November 30, 1864; discharged, March 20, 1S6:;.
Evans, John, promoted to sergeant; killed at Franklin, Tenn..
November 30, 1864.
Peden, Hezekiah.
Corporals. — Continued.
Ridinficr. Nathaniel, tletailed in eny;ineer battalion. 23d army
corps. April 6, 1864.
Batchelor, William H., promoted to sergeant. May 30, 1S65.
Dval, Harrison, killed at battle of Franklin, Tenn., November
30, 1864.
Barr, James H.
Springer, Matthias R.. detailed in cornet band.
Burbick. Thomas C detailed in it^(\ army corps wagon train.
Bunn, Stephen, ambulance dri\ er, regimental and 3d division
Adams, Thomas.
Allen, Frederic B.
Anderson Andrew, transferred to in\ alid corps.
Arkwright, Joseph.
Arnold, Wilbert 13., discharged, December 8, 1S62.
Atchison, John.
Bailey. Laughlin, died at Knoxville, Tenn., Feliruary 13,
Bails, Robert S., died at Frankfort Ky.. January 30, 1863.
Barr, John W., discharged, December 31, 1862.
Barto, Samuel H., discharged, December 31, 1S62.
Belles, William, died at Liverpool, O., ]March 11, 1864.
Boyce, Harrison, transferred to invalid corps. May 12, 1863.
Bottenberg, Jacob H., detailed in cornet liand.
Brannan, James Y., detailed in engineer battali(ni, 23(1 army
corps, August 10, 1863.
Brezette, Shuman, discharged. August, 14. 1862.
Bright, Emmit S.
Brooks, John R., transferred to inxalid corps, July, 1863.
Burnett, Wilson S., promoted to corporal: wounded at Little
Kenesaw, Ga., June 19, 1864.
Burbick, Arthur, transferred to gunboat service. May 12, 1863.
Butler, Thomas W .
Cartv, Robert, deserted near Danville, Ky., January 5, 1863.
Campbell, William S.. taken prisoner near Atlanta, Ga., August
19, 1864: exchanged.
Chiesman, Alfred.
P rivatcs. — Continued.
Clark. John L.. capluicd near Camp Dick Rol)ins(in. K\..
March 25, 1S63; paroled.
Council. \Villiam B.. captured near Cam]! Dick Robinson.
K\.. March .25. iSt'^; ])aroled.
Crawford. Daniel. die<l at Know ille. Tenn.. \o\eniher z\,
Daniels. ilenr\ C promoted to corporal. March 20, 186:^.
[)a\ idson. .Mexander. wounded at Rock\- Face Ridjj^c, (ia..
May 9. 1864.
Dawson. Samuel, discharged. Se])temher. 14. 186^.
Dennis. William II.. killed at I'toy Creek, (ia., Auijust 6. 1864.
Elliot. Charles I',.
l'\irmer. Clement \'.
Finlev, Richard, promoted to corporal, Ma\ i. 1864.
Forbes. Alexander.
Ford, William.
Frascr. William, wounded at Knoxville, Tenn.. Xovemher 30.
1863: killed at l-^anklin. Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Fuller. Frank C.
Gould, Georjj^e R.. discharged, December 8, 1862.
Hamilton, Daniel, promoted to hospital steward, March 1. 1864.
IIenr\', Daniel, wounded near Rock\ Face Ridi^^e. (ia.. Mav 9.
James, William M.. captured at Little Kenesaw. (ja.. June 19,
1864: exchan^•ed.
Kelcher. John.
Love, Absalom, died at Knox\ ille, Tenn., October 7. 1864.
Love, John, wounded near Dallas, Ga.. Ma\ 31. 1864.
Marsh, Sidne^■. promoted to corporal.
McBane, Daniel, died at Knox\ ille. Tenn.. March 9, 1864.
McHcan. Ilu.oh M.
McKenzie, ]*hilipj., ilied at Mt. \'einon. K\.. June^. 1863.
Miner, Harrison, killed at battle of Franklin. Tenn.. November
30, 1 864.
Monagan, William, promoted to corporal; wounded at Frank-
lin. Tenn.. Xo\ ember 36. 1864.
Myers, George H.
Noble, John, discharged. December 31, 1862.
Ogilvie, William J., discharged, January 9. 1863.
01i\er. William, discharged. December, ^i. 1862.
Privates. — Continued.
Patterson, David H.
Patterson, Joshua S., captured at Franklin, Tcnn., November
30, 1864; exclianged.
Patterson, Samuel C, died at Lexin^rton, Ky.; Ma\ 13, 1S63.
Pearson, William.
Peden, James.
Peden, William.
Peeples, Matthew, died at Knoxville, Tenn., January i, 1864.
Qiiinlan, ISIichael, promoted to corporal, February 15, 1863.
Randolph, John G., wounded near Fort Mitchell, Kv., vSeptem-
l^er II. 1863; transferred to invalid corps.
Rice, George, wounded near Atlanta, Ga.. Julv 16. 1864.
Ridinger, Samuel, detailed as teamster in 23d army corps
wagon train.
Robinson, Albert, died at Knoxville, Tenn., March 26, 1864.
Rose, Daniel.
Shepherd, Asa B., promoted to corporal, April 12, 1863.
Shirk, Richard.
Sinram, William
Shoemaker, David, transferred to invalid corps, December 7,
vSmith, Daniel, transferred to invalid corps; discharged.
Smith, Daniel J.
Smith, Philip J., died at Lexington, Ky., April 3, 1863.
Stillwell, Samuel.
Taylor, Thomas, died at Frankfort, Ky., February 23, 1863.
Totten, Samuel F., promoted to Corporal; killed at Dallas, Ga.,
Mav 31, 1864.
Van Tyne, George, detailed in cornet band.
Weare, William J.
Weldon, William, promoted to corporal.
W^elsh, John G., died at Danville, Ky., Januar}- 9, 1863.
Bone, Robert W., transferred to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Bowles, Daniel, transferred to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Brooks, John B., wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, (ia., Ma\ 9,
Campbell, James, discharged, January 10, 1865.
Durbin, John P., wounded at Utoy Creek, Ga., .Vugust 6, 1864.
104 TH REGIMEN T. 129
Hooper. IClisIia C, died I)ccciiil)cr 2S, 1864, of wounds ix'-
ccivcd at l)attlc of l^ranklin, Tenn., Xu\ cinlicr 30, 1864.
Jones, I^enjaniin (J.
Johnson, Samuel, deserted, January 24, 1895.
Leonard, Charles, transferred to uS^d (). \'. T.. }\\\\c 15, 1865.
AleCjee, )aines II., Iransfeired to 183d ( ). \'. I.. June 15, 1865.
McMasters. Albert V .. transferred to 183d (). \'. I.. June 15.
Rosenbeauni, (ieor<;e \\'., transferred to 183d O.W I..Ji:ne 15,
• 1865.
Smith, Joseph, killed near Dallas, Ga., May 31. 1864.
vStitt, Elias, transferred to 183d O. V. I., June 15 1895.
Warden. John, transferred tf) 183d (). \'. I.. June 15. 1865.
C<)nipan\ V. or the "'R. R. Conii)any." was recruited from
Wellsville, and the towns adjacent, up and down the Ohio river, and
along the line of the C. & I*, railroad. With the disadvantage of
having within its ranks an undue proj^ortion ot "toughs ' and
"dead lieats." still Company F always held its own with any other
company in the regiment for efficiency and readiness for duty.
Companv F also rejoiced in the ownership of "the twa dogs,''
which became the pets of the regiment. "Old Harvey" had been
in service before; was wounded in Virginia and again at Resaca.
He was an aristocrat and wore a brass collar with the legend, "I
am Lieutenant D. M. Steam's dog; whose dog are you?" After
Lieutenant Williamson's death, "the blue pup" became a "child of
the regiment." By his antics, especially his tricks with fire, the
boys were often thrown into convulsions of laughter. Unluckily,
he tumbled off the train on which the regiment were going from
Cincinnati to Washington.
Coppock, Ezra, discharged at Lexing-ton, Kv., May 39, 1S63.
Favvcett, John W., promoted from first heutenant, August lo,
1S63. ^
Pirst /lieutenants.
Weaver, Stanton, promoted from first sergeant to first lieuten-
ant, August 17, 1863; transferred to colored troops, Feb-
ruary, 1 8 64.
Humason, Stanley D., mustered as sergeant of Company B,
August 6, 1S62; promoted to second sergeant major,
August 30, 1863; promoted and transferred to Company G,
Julv I, 1863; promoted to first lieutenant, September 14,
Second Lieutenant.
Somers, Lyman, discharged January 31, 1863, at LexingtoUi
First Sergeant.
Mell, Abraham C, mustered out with regiment.
Second Sergeajit.
Hall, Eli J., mustered out with regiment.
Third Sergeant.
Cook, Thomas J., mustered out with regiment.
Fourth Sergeant.
Thomas, Allen A., mustered out with regiment.
Fifth Sergeant.
Stratton, John R., mustered out with regiment.
I. Niblo, Alexander, mustered out with regiment.
3. Picket, David H., mustered out at Beaufort, N. C, June 3,
3. Kirkbride, Lewis H., mustered out with regiment.
4. Windle, Henry J., mustered out with regiment.
Roller, Samuel J., prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., mustered out
at Camp Chase, June 13, 1865.
McGaffick, Thomas J., mustered out with regiment.
Beck, Harmon, mustered out with regiment.
Bently, William G., mustered out with regiment.
Blythe, John W., mustered out with regiment.
Baker, John C, wounded in battle of Franklin, Tenn., No-
vember 30, 1S64; mustered out at Washington. D. C. June
19, 1S65.
Beucher, Napoleon, mustered out with regiment.
Barth, Manuel, mustered out with regiment.
Barnaby, Leander, mustered out with regiment.
Bury, Christian, mustered out at Smithville, N. C, June ib,
Dunn, Emanuel, mustered out with regiment.
Dubbs, William W., mustered out with regiment.
Dixon, William, mustered out with regiment.
Dickinson, Josiah V., transferred from hospital at New Berne,
N. C, to New York.
Deer, James W., mustered out with regiment.
Eldridge, Joseph, mustered out with regiment.
Estill, William G. C, mustered out with regiment.
Farran, Peter, mustered out with regiment.
• Greenawalt, Abraham, mustered out with regiment.
Griffith, John W., mustered out w- ith regiment.
Gaunt, John C, mustered out with regiment.
Hemsworth, John W., mustered out with regiment.
Harper, John, mustered out with regiment.
lleaton, Charles L., mustered out with regiment.
Ingledoe, Franklin, mustered out with regiment.
Kirk, Newton G., mustered out with regiment.
Kentner, Eli S., mustered out with regiment.
Moore, Ira, mustered out with regiment.
Moore, Joshua, mustered out with regiment.
Moore, Aaron, mustered out with regiment.
Moore, John, mustered out with regiment.
Munsell, Ephraim, wounded at Resaca, CJa., May 14. 1S64;
mustered out at Murfreesboro, Tenn.. July 4, 1863.
Matthews, John D., mustered out with regiment.
Privates. — Continued.
Matthews, Monroe B., mustered out \vith rej.'-imcnt.
Marshall, Johnson, mustered out with rej^iment.
Marshall, Ellis L., mustered out with regiment.
McCann, Thomas E., mustered out with regiment.
Mather, Joseph \V., mustered out with regiment.
Pippett, Heni'y R., mustered out with regiment.
Post, Joseph P., mustered out with regiment.
Post, James C, mustered out with regiment.
Redman, Francis M., musteretl out with regiment.
Russel, Wilmer W., on detached dutv; mustered out at Lexing-
ton, Ky., May 29, 1865.
Sharpnock, Francis A., mustered out with regiment.
Siple, David G., mustered out with regiment.
Somers, Andrew, Jr., taken prisoner.
Turner, William D., mustered out with regiment.
Whinnerv, Joshua, mustered out with regiment.
Widdoes, William, mustered out with regiment.
Whitacre, David, mustered out with regiment.
Vengling, David F., mustered out with regiment.
Young, Joseph E., mustered out with regiment.
French, Obediah C, to accept promotion, October i:;, 1S63.
Garwood, Joseph, at Knoxville, Tenn., May 12, 1S65.
Evans, James .S., at Cincinnati, O., September 23, 1S62.
Berkheimer, Frederick, at Knoxville, Tenn., May 15, 1S65.
Figlev, William F., at Covington, Ky., December 10, 1S62.
Gailv, Andrew, at Alexandria, Va., May 17, 186=;.
Haiflev, Aaron, at Cincinnati, O., December 19, 1S63.
Lowrv, Alexander, at Cincinnati, O., September 9, 1S62, on
account of wounds received near Covington, September
6, 1S63.
Mansill, jSJartin H., at Cincinnati, O., January 21, 1863.
Martin, Joshua R., at Cincinnati, O., January 22, 1S63.
Sidinger. Jacob S., at Knoxville, Tenn., May 22, 1S65.
Weaver, Darwin, at Columbus, O., December i^, 1863.
"^ 104 Til R EGIMEN T. 1 3-^
Privates. — Continued.
Gaunt, John, to veteran reserve corps, May 15, 1864.
Gangwer, Joseph C, to veteran reserve corps. May 15,
Harris, Franklin, to veteran reserve corps. May 15. iSh4.
Wisncr, Ilcnrv C, at Was]iin_ot,,n. X. C. Marcli 22, 1864.
Donaldson, John, at Knowille. Tenn.. July 21, 1864.
Houtwcll. David C. at (iicensboro, N. C. May 30. 1865.
Angleniver. Joseph II., at Mt. Vernon, Ky., May 8, 1863.
Baldwin, Merrick L., at Mt. Vernon, Ky., May 30, 1863.
Crazen, Leman H., at Cincinnati, O., July 11. 1863.
Christie, Robert A., at Knowille, Tenn.. December 26.
Cook, Theophilus, at Frankfort, Ky., March 12, 1863.
Davis, William R., at Beaufort, Ky., April 4, 1S63.
Patterson John, at Danville. Ky., March 19, 1863.
Siple, William D., August 10. 1864, near Atlanta, Ga., of
wounds received at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1864.
Shous, William H., at Lexington, Ky., April 5. 1863.
Woodworth. Jeremiah L., at Danville, Ky.. January 14,
Ward, Walter H.. at Lexington, Ky., April 4. 1863.
Zimmerman, Martin, July 24. 1864, of wounds received near
Atlanta. Ga.
Kemp, John W., from near Frankfort, Ky.. January 27, 1863.
Kennedv, William L., from Cincinnati, ().. January zi,
Wilson, Daniel, from Bull's Gap, Tenn., April 20. 1864.
Dilliau, James, at Raleigh. X. C, May 2, 1865: mustered out
at David's Island, X. Y., July 6, 1865.
Elijah, Calls, from Knoxville, Tenn., February. 20, 1864.
Fisher, William, reported absent without leave.
Charleston, Frank, to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Christian, John, to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Fawcett, Harace L., to iS3d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Griswold, Alton J., to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Hall, Ira, to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Ray, Joseph, to 183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Elston, Wicklifte B., to N. C. S., May, 1865; promoted to
second lieutenant.
Scott, Walter B., died of disease at Cincinnati. ().. April 2^,
Ford, Hobart, mustered as Hrst lieutenant, ]\\\\ 24. 1862; pro-
moted to captain, March 27, 1863; wounded at Utoy Creek,
Auii^ust 6. 1864; detailed on General Cox's stafl', February
I, 1865; died 1884.
First Lieutenant.
Shaw, Samuel F., mustered in as second lieutenant, July 24,
1S62; promoted to first lieutenant. May 29, 1863; mustered
out on detached roll, June 30, 1865.
Second Lieutenants.
Robertson, Benjamin L., mustered in as first sergeant; pro-
moted to second lieutenant, June 10, 1863; first lieutenant
and assigned to company F, November 17, 1864; died at
Elkhart, Ind.
Paulus, Abraham, mustered in as sergeant: promoted to second
lieutenant, November 17, 1864.
First Sergeant.
Adair, Lyman J., mustered out with regiment.
Second Sergeant.
French, Adolphus B., mustered out with regiment.
Third Sergeant.
Stair, Louis, mustered out with regiment.
Fourth Sergeant.
Betts, George W., severely wounded at Columbia, Tenn.. Xo-
vember, 186:5; mustered out on detached roll.
Fifth Sergeant.
Wylie, Paul E.. detailed color sergeant; defended the colors
through Georgia and battle at Nashville; mustered out
with regiment; died at Copley, August 3, 1878.
Wellman, Icromc, inusteretl out with re,!.nincnt.
Paine. All)crtus L., iinistercd out with rcj^iment.
Jewett, Noble M., mustered out with reg^iment.
Walsh. Christopher C, mustered out with regiment.
Denaple, Jacob, mustered out with regiment.
Wilkinson, Henry L., mustered out with regiment.
Coon, Albert, mustered out with regiment.
Spiglemirc, John II., severely wounded at I toy Creek. Ga.,
August 6. 1864; mustered out \\\\\\ regiment.
Miisicia)! .
Robertson, Thomas E., mustered out witli regiment.
Adair, Andrew A., wounded at Cartersville, Ga., Ma}- 21. 1864;
mustered on detached roll at Cincinnati, ()., June S, 1865.
Adams, John A., mustered out with regiment.
Allen, Bvrt)n (j., mustered out with regiment.
Allen Daniel, mustered out with regiment.
Arnold, Charles F., mustered out with regiment.
Baily, Samuel, mustered out with regiment.
Babcock, Dennison, mustered out on detached roll at Wash-
ington, D. C, June 3i, 1S65.
Bliler, John 11., mustered out with regiment.
Billows, John, mustered out with regiment.
Bosworth, Willard, mustered out with regiment.
Bucher, Solomon, J., wounded at Columbia, Tenn., November
38, 1864; mustered out with regiment.
Brockwav, Rice W., mustered out on detached roll at Wash-
ington, D. C, June, 1S65.
Buchtel, Franklin, mustered out WMth regiment.
Buchtel, Urias, mustered out with regiment.
Cahill, Henry, wounded at Old Town Creek. N. C, February
30, 186^; mustered out with regiment.
Campbell, Alexander, mustered out with regiment.
Charlton, Thomas J., mustered out with regiment.
Cassid\-, James H., wounded at Old Town Creek, N. C, Feb-
ruarv 3o, 186=;.
Clough. Edwin, mustered out on detached roll at Knoxville,
Tenn., August 9, 1865.
Crosier, James D., mustered out with regiment; died at Akron,
O.. April 34, 1 88 1.
Privates. — Contiiiufd.
DcLou"-, Ell)ii(l^c t>.. imistcicd out with rc'<i;iinciit.
Fanner. Edwin .\., nuistcrcd out with rcf^inicnt.
I'^ifhl. Paul, niustcic-d out \\ ith rci^iuu'iit.
Foster, Frank, mustered out on detaciied roll at Kiiowille.
Tenn.. August 9, 1865.
(iin<^-er\-, Curtis, wounded at Old Town CreeU, X. C.. Fehni-
ary 20, 1865.
Hollinji^er, Jacob D.. mustered out on detached roll at Lexin;^-
ton. K\-.. Ma\ 30. 186:;.
Kleckner. John, wounded at Old Tow n Creek. \. C.. I'\'hru-
arv 20. 186:^.
Limber, Jesse, sick in hospital at Knoxville, Tenn.
Lepper, Albert F., on detaciied duty at I^ouisville. Ky.
Lile, Joseph, mustered out with re^i^iment.
Lon<;-, Dennis J., on detached duty at department headciuarters,
Dept. N. C.: died, 1882.
Mann, fohn, mustered out with re<^iment.
Marshal!, Perry (i., mustered out with company.
Marsh, David, mustered out with company.
IVlarsh. Ephraim, mustered out with rejjjiment.
McCoy, Burwell T., mustered out with company.
Painton, George \\ ., mustered out with company ; died Decem-
ber 21. 1872. at vStreetsborough, Ohio.
Piper, Samuel J., mustered out with regiment.
Pratt, Gardner G., mustered out on detached roll at Heaufort.
N. C, June 3, 1S65.
Price,Joseph D., mustered out w ith regiment.
Roadcs, Joseph, mustered out with regiment; died at
Akron,' O.
Ruckle, Clinton, mustered out with regiment.
Schroeder, William, wounded at I toy Creek, Ga., .\ugust 6.
1S64: lav three months in hospital; rejoined regiment at
Rome. Ga.
vScudder. Thurlow, mustered out with regiment.
Stearns, John C, Jr., mustered out with regiment.
Ta\"lor, \\'illiam, sick in hospital at New York harbor.
\'iers, (jcorge W., mustered out with regiment,
Washburn, Stephen I'., mustered out with regiment.
Weeks, Peter, sick in hospital at Louisville, Ky.
W'hittlesev. Joseph F.. mustered out w ith regiment.
Gillingham, James, December 25, 1S64.
Brown, Charles M., from general hospital, D. C, May 28, 1865.
Francisco, Alanson C. from Camp Dennison, O., June 28,
Gambee, Theodore W., at Knoxville, Tenn., October 24, 1863.
Folsom, George W., at St. Louis, Mo., January 19, 1863.
Wilcox, Milton C, appointed hospital steward, August 20,
1862; discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., February 20, 1864.
Boardman, James E., at Lexington, Ky., December 9, 1862.
Burns, George W., at Cleveland, O., October 25, 1864.
Chapman, Frank C, April 13, 1863 by order of Colonel
Heath, Lewis., wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 31, 1864; dis-
charged at Camp Dennison, O., May 19, 1865.
Mills, Ithiel J., discharged at Lexington, Ky., January 13, 1863.
Payne, George H., discharged December 2, 1864, at Cleveland,
O., from wounds received at Cartersville, Ga., May 21,
Stearns, Theodore H., discharged at Cincinnati, O., October
16, 1862.
Shouler, Matthew, discharged from general hospital, New
York harbor, May 16, 186^.
Winkleman, John, taken prisoner at Franklin, Tenn., Novem-
ber 30, 1864; paroled; discharged at Camp Dennison, O.,
May 30, 1865.
Averill, Nathaniel, to V. R. C, January 22, 1864.
Arnold, Ransom J., to V. R. C, January 22, 1864.
Marshall, Franklin, to V. R. C, January 22, 1864.
Root, Erastus, N., to V. R. C, January 22, 1864.
Wayne, George O., to V. R. C, January 22, 1864.
Jackson, Oscar C, killed by accidental discharge of his gun
while advancing on the enemy at Peach Tree Creek. Ga.,
July 20, 1864.
Rhinehart, William, of disease at Willianitown, Kv., October
22, 1862.
Schultz, Albert, killed at battle of Old Town Creek, X. C,
February 20, iS6y
blocker, Eli, at Frankfort, Ky., of disease, March 4, 1863.
Bass, VVillard II., killed at battle of Utoy Creek, Ga., August
6, 1864.
Conrad, Daniel, killed at battle Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1864.
Hope, Eli, killed at battle of Frankfort, Ky., March 9, 1863.
Maranville, Jay, killed at battle of Strawberry Plains, Tenn.,
January 12, 1864.
Smith, Burtis W., killed at battle of Utoy Creek, Ga., August
6, 1864.
Koppleberger, Henrv, from camp at Mt. Vernon, Kv., June 7,
Osborn, Cyrus A., taken prisoner at Danville, Ky., March 24,
1863.; paroled; deserted from Columbus, O., July, 1S63,
w'hile being exchanged.
Stroker, John, taken prisoner at Danville, Ky., March 24, 1863;
paroled; deserted from Columbus, O., July, 1863, while
being exchanged.
Boyer, Daniel, enlisted Februarv 5, 1864; transferred to 183d
^O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Carnary, John, enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 183d
O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Dunn, William, enlisted August 5, 1S64; transferred to 183d
O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Haller, John H., enlisted January 5, 1864; transferred to 183d
O. V. I., June 15, 1S65.
Howald, James, enlisted February 29, 1864; transferred to 183d
» O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Rhinehard, Adam, enlisted February £5, 1864; transferred to
183d O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Sellers, Joshua, enlisted February i, 1864; transferred to 183d
O. V. I., June 15, 1865.
Viers, Daniel M., enlisted November 10, 1863; transferred to
183d O. V. I.. June 15, 1865.
Wells, John A., resif^ned, April, 1863.
First Lieutenant.
Bard, David D., promoted to captain, Mav 29, 1863: wounded
at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864; died of his wounds
December 3, 1864.
Jackson, Andrew, detailed ordnance sergeant, March 10, 1863-
France, Isaiah, discharged at Lexington, Kv., December, 1863.
Grinnel, William, piomoted to first sergeant, November, 1S62
second lieutenant ; first lieutenant, March 27, 1863
wounded in elbow at Knoxville, Tenn., November 29, 1863
resigned. May 28, 1864.
Hinman,' Lloyd, mustered out with regiment.
Reed, Horace L., promoted to first sergeant, 1863; second lieu-
tenant. May 29, 1863: first lieutenant, August 19, 1864;
wounded near Fort Anderson, N. C, Februar^• 18, i86v
discharged, May i^ i86v
Reed, Gustavus P., promoted to sergeant, December, 1862:
first sergeant, June i, 1863; second lieutenant, August 19.
1863; wounded near Lost Mountain, Ga., June 11, 1864, and
leg amputated.
Taylor, William R., transferred to veteran reserves, 1863.
Furry, John H., promoted to sergeant, Mav 29, 1863; mustered
out with regiment. ,
Hall, Newton H., wounded slightlv near Atlanta, Ga., August
5, 1864.
Bard, Rodolphus, discharged at Lexington, Kv., December.
Spelman, Asa ]\L, promoted to sergeant, October 26, 1864;
wounded slightly, August 5, 1864.
Corporals. — Continued.
WhitncN. Charles M.. promoted to seij^eant, Marcli 27, 1863;
first ser<i^eant, October 26. 1864: wounded near P'ort Ander-
son. X. C .. I'\'l)iuar\- iS, 1865.
Demini^. William J., transferred to \eteran reserves, 1864.
Barber, Grove IC.
Richardson, William W.
Anderson. John S.. died at I.exinLCton, K\., v\pril. i86':^.
Austin, Duane S..
Benton, John W., slit^htly wounded. Xo\eml)er 29, 1864;
transferred to \'. R. C, 1864.
Brown, John, deserted at Richmond, K\.. December 29, 1862.
Barclav. Georji^e I)., promoted to corporal. May 29, 1863;
woundetl in hand at l^esaca, (ia., Ma\' 14, 1864; dischar<;ed,
Campbell, Albert ( ).. wounded near Atlanta. Ga., Au^i^ust ^,
Campbell, John II., captured near Danvillle, Kv., March 25,
1863; exchanged, July 12, 1863.
Carrier, Darius, died at Knoxville, Tenn., 1864.
Champney, Wilber.
Chapman, Robert R.
Chittenden, Walter, wounded in arm near Atlanta, Ga., August
5, 1S64.
Churchill, William S.
Coe, Elvin H.
Coe, Henry B., detached as department clerk, 1863.
Colter, Robert.
Crovvl, Michael S., captured March 2^, 1863: exchanged, Julv,
1863; killed by falling from an omnibus, 1863.
Crocket, Joseph T., transferred to veteran reserve corps.
Davis, King S., woinided through lungs at Utoy Creek, Ga.,
August 6, 1S64.
Davis, Richard.
Daives, Lester.
Deming, Henry A., transferred to veteran reserves, 1861:;.
Dole, Martin V., wounded at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1S64.
Ellison Everett.
El me rick. ]ohn.
Privates. — Continued.
Enders, William.
Essicr, James, wounded in face at Knoxville, Tenn., November
29, 1S63.
Ensign, Lysander H.
Fitch, Philip.
Frank, George, discharged at Richmond, Ky., December,
Frank, John.
Force, David, killed at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 6, 1864.
Gillett, William J., died at Frankfort, Ky., February 3, 1863.
Grate, Curtis, promoted to corporal, 1864.
Hammond, Oscar E., discharged at Lexington, April, 1863.
Harter, George, promoted to corporal. May 29, 1863.
Hawlev, Frank J., discharged at Richmond, Ky., December,
Hennessy, Washington, arrested, November, 1862, at Lexing-
ton, Ky., as a deserter from 44th Ohio, and not heard from
Honeywell, Gilielmus.
Hulett, Albert R., shot in hip at Franklin, Tenn., November,
30, 1864; died December 8.
Hulett, George W., captured at Franklin, Tenn., November
30, 1864; exchanged and discharged. May 8, 1865; blown
up on steamer Sultana, but escaped.
Hull, Calvin E.
James, William H., captured, July, 1S64, while foraging; took
his captor prisoner and brought him into camp; next day
taken prisoner again; escaped from Andersonville and
recaptured twice; the second time at St. Marks, Fla.; es-
caped from a prison train near Savannah, in December,
1864, and joined the U. S. fleet, oft' mouth of Savannah
LaDu, Marcellus M., murdered in Mantua, Ohio, about 1S69.
Loomis, Stephen J., killed at Utoy Creek, Ga., August 8,
Logue, Joseph H.
Merriman, Verus.
Monroe, George, wounded at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864.
Moulton, Dallas, captured at Franklin, Tenn., November 30,
1864; blown up on steamer Sultana, but escaped.
in/tTH REGIMENT. j.^.
Privates. — Co n t i ii u e d .
McCullough, James.
Norton. Theodore D.
Ott, Lewis.
Pegg, Simeon, discharged in fall of 1862.
Rhodenbaugh, Lucius, wounded in foot at Resaca. C»a., Mav
28, 1S64.
Rhodenbaugh. Charles, captured near Sniithtield. N. C. Maw
Reinoehl, John vS.
Russel, J. Caleb, wounded in shoulder near Dallas, (ja.. Mav
!'$>, 1864.
Rogers, Volney.
Schultz. Adam, discharged at Camji Dennison, Ma\-, 186-5.
Sears, Andrew J.
Shriver, Charles L., slightly wounded at Resaca. Ga.. \Lav 28,
Sidebotham. James.
Snyder, Elias.
Spires, Emanuel.
Stilson, Emmer M.. died at Lexington, Kv., April, 186-5.
Swartwout, Adolph, died in hospital.
Thomas, Stephen S.
Ulm, Philip.
Udall, Samuel A.
Viers, William J.
Woolf, Martin.
Woolf, Philip.
Wise, Daniel.
Williston, John, promoted to corporal. May 29, 1S63; wounded
in leg at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864.
Whitney, Buel, commissioned chaplain, October 10, 1863; cap-
tured near Burnt Hickor\', Ga., Mav 26. 1864.
Wait, Demond W.
W^aldeon, Charles.
Weldon, Lewis, wounded near Pumpkin \'ine Creek. Ga.,
May 20, 1864.
Weaver. Adam, wounded near Fort Anderson. N. C, Feb-
ruary 18, 1865.
Weaver, Jonathan.
Wilco.x. James G.
Thompson, Andrew J., enlisted, October, 1863.
Haines, John C, enhsted, 1864; attached to cornet hand.
Michael, George, transferred from 44th (). \". I., January, 1864.
Ream, Samuel, transferred from 44th O. \ . I., January, 1864.
Boosinger, Augustus, transferred from 44th O. \". I.. January,
Company I was raised in the southern part of Portage count\ ,
Ohio; was mustered in with the regiment, August 29, 1862, and
served with the regiment in all its campaigns, with high honor, to
the end of the war; was mustered out at Greensboro, North- Car-
olina, June 17, 186^; discharged, June 28, 1865.
VUTH HE(;iME.\'r. i^e
Jordan. William j.. piomotcd to major. AuL,Mi>t. 1S6:;: lieuten-
ant colonel. Auy^ust i (. iS()_|..
First Licittviiaiit.
Morj^an. josiah \^., promoted to captain. Aui^nst. 186-^: re-
si»;netl, October, 1S63.
Sccoi/d Lieutenant.
Smith. James L., promoted to first lieutenant, August. iS6-^:
resi<rued, Xo\eml)er, 1863.
First Sergeajit.
Pettit. Stacy, promoted to second lieutenant, Au<4ust. 1S63;
first lieutenant, July, US64.
Second Serjeant.
Adams. Samuel K.. promoted to fli-st ser<reant. 1S64.
Fhird Seri^vant.
1 Iarbaui2,h. Jonathan, transferred to \eteran reserx e corps,
March, 1864.
Fourth Seri^eant.
Lodge. William, transferred to \ eteran reser\ e corps. |anuar\.
Fift/i Serj^'vant.
Walter, W. II., promoted to first sergeant, August. iSGt,: sec-
ond lieutenant. Septend)er, 1864.
1. Kerns, Richard, detached in engineei- battalion. 2^d armv
cor]:)s. July, 186^.
2. Ilillman. John (t., promoted to sergeant, March. 186^.
3. Atterholl. George W., died at Lexington. K\., A))ril 12,
4. (iarside. A. M., promoted to sergeant. )auuar\ 15. 1864.
5. Kenty, J. B.. promoted to sergeant. .August, 186-^.
Corpo)-a/s. — Contiiuicd.
6. Wood, Daniel B., died at Lexini^ton, Kv., November 3,
7. lohnson, ]ohn M., promoted to hert^-eant, Septemlier, 1S64.
S. Peppel, Daniel W.
McLain, Daniel 11, mustered out of service, May, 1S63.
Evans. Owen H.
Anderson, William E. IVl.
Barker. Frederic F.
Bahiiii^tou. lames A.
Beck, Charles W.
iiowers, John.
Bowman. "Alexander, discharged, Fehruarx', 1864.
Binns. James, wounded at Knoxville, Xcnemher 23, 1863; pro-
moted to corporal. May iS6c^.
Burson. William P.. promoted to corporal, fanuarw 1S64.
Jiricker. Nicholas v^.. promoted to corporal, No\ ember, 1862.
])rinker. Israel, died at Nashville, 'J'enn., November 23, 1864.
Clunk, Nicholas M., discharc^cd, June 4, 1863.
Clunk, Peter.
Corbett, tienrv C discharged b\' ortler of secretar\ of war,
May, 1865.
Cressinijer, Samuel J., died at Newbern, N. C March 22, 186^.
Cross, Clement M., wounded at Old Town Creek. N. C, Feb-
ruar\- 20, 1865.
Crosson. James M. .
Davis, Jonathan K.
Entrikin. B\ron C, captured at Little Kenesaw, Ga., June 20,
1864, and died at Andersonville.
Ehrhart, Jacob.
Farmer, George E.. disabled b\- falling tree near Chattahoochee
ri\ er, Julv 16, 1864.
Fisher, W'illiam H.. discharged, I3ecember, 1862.
Flick. William C.
Flugan, James (i.. promoted to corporal, .September. 1864.
Fox. Charles F.
I'rost, J^eonard C.
(iaskill. AJilenus B., died at I^exington, Kv., April. 1863.
( Jraham. George F.
Privates. — CDiitinucd.
(jroaner. Isaac. pioniotL-d to corijoial. April. I'^^W
(Jroonis. Francis M.
( irooins, ( i(.'<)r<;c \\ .
Halvcrstadt, Samuel S.
Hamilton. William C
Icssup. James F. 1 1.
)cssup. Thomas, died at Lexington. Ky.. A])ril i''). i'^''^^.
[ohnson. John W.
Johnson. Robert B.
Johnson. I)a\id W.. killed at Knoxvile, Tenn.. \o\emher 39,
Kin;4. Isaac T.. discharj^cd. February 2. 1863.
Kejiner. lesse. promote<l to corporal. April. 1863.
Kepner. )oseph. died at Mt. N'ernon. Ky.. June J5. i86-^.
Kenty, William I).
Keister. Henry.
Kelly. John L.. tianst'erred to \ etei'an reser\ e corp>. June. 1864.
Lee. .\l\in.
Mann. Samuel, detached in engineer liattaliou 23d army corps.
Marine. Jared P.
McDivett. Huo-h.
McKce. John W.. deserted. Januar\ 5. 1863.
McDonald. John 1)., promoted to corporal. .\])ril. 1863; died
at Lexinj^tou. Ky.. April 9. 1863.
Miller. Andrew.
More, Delorme 15.
More, (iideon R.. detailed as head butcher, first bri^-ade. 3d di-
vision arnn corps.
Morris, Albert.
Phillips, Samuel, died at Lexington. Ky.. March 21, 1863.
Parsons, William 1)., died at Lexini^ton. Ky.. December 31,
Peppel, Henry S.
Pike, Robert T.
Reed, George W.
Robinson, Nathan D.
Rosinberry, Henry.
Rudisil. William H. H.
Rhinehart. John J., dischar<i;ed. Jime 4. 1S63.
Schovillc. T>emuel.
Privates. — Continued.
Sherbine, William C, traasterred to veteran reserves, ^Vugust,,
Smith, David.
Stallcup, Benjamin F.
St<)cl<\vell, William J.. pronK^ted U) corporal.
Tanner, James P.
Thomas, Nathan J.
Tood, John A.
Trit, William M.
Trunick, Henry H.
VanFassan, John J.
Vogan, Wilson.
Walker, Joseph H.
Wellington, Jason, deserted, January ^. 1S63.
Willets, Benjamin F.
Woods, James D. L.
Woods, William A.
Zeppernick, Alpheus, wounded near Lost Mcjuntain. Ga.,*
June 10, 1864; died of his wounds at Nashville, Tenn., May
6, 1865.
Burson. James.
Greer, James S.
More, James.
Whiteleather, Joseph.
Companv K was raised in the A'icinitv of New Lisbun, C'olum-
biana county, Ohio, and was mustered into the service at Massillon,
Ohio, vSeptember 39, 1863, with William J. Jordan as captain, who
rose through the various grades to lieutenant colonel of the reg-
iment. Company K entered the service one hundred strong, a large
part of whom were '"Qiiaker boysf still they were as ready for duty
as those who had never been taught to "turn the left cheek,'' also.
Their moral and sober "bringing up" counted in their favor, in
showing the lightest mortality list of any company in the regi-
ment, although they had their full share of the hardships passed
throusfh bv the regiment.
OK the;
104th regiment,
O. IT. Z.
Prjntkd bv Werner & Lohmann.